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FEB FAST ~ Week Four

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    FEB FAST ~ Week Four

    PS - Dill - thanks for all your thoughts, and for missing me!
    to the light


      FEB FAST ~ Week Four

      Evening everyone,

      Checking in for the eveining. Just another normal, af day. Nothing special about it and no "drama" what ever. I suppose some would call it boring. I call it wounderful, calm sobriety.

      Any March name is good with me. I am just so glad we are heading into March and out of winter. Actually, is it too soon to be thinking of names for April?!

      I hope everyone has had a good week end so far. And wishing all a peaceful, af night.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        FEB FAST ~ Week Four

        Lilmea - did you say "boring?!" I have copied and pasted this from a post i made earlier........

        Hey Guys - Just wanted to add that I was describing myself this morning to a good friend and said that probably i would appear boring now... we then looked up the definition of boring which was UNINTERESTING

        Im sure you will all agree that there is nothing more uninteresting that someone propping up the bar slurring and repeating themselves as they get louder and louder... How interesting is it to have long conversations which the next day we remember nothing of? How about the interesting way we behave that leaves us embarassed and mortified.

        Could it not be that now we can hold an intelligent conversation, be articulate, clear headed and focused that we might just be a bit more interesting?

        "NEW & IMPROVED" is the perfect description
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          FEB FAST ~ Week Four

          Well Chill,

          My 'New & Improved' self went to the feed store today to pick up supplies for my hens. It was boring but at least I was clear headed :H
          The sun was out for a few hours, that was a welcome sight!

          Sooty, I noticed you mentioned 'Chat' yesterday........ I'll jump on tomorrow at 3 pm my time that should be 8 pm your time - if that's OK. Anyone else interested??

          Putting my feet up to watch some uninteresting TV then call it a day!
          Wishing everyone a comfy AF night!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            FEB FAST ~ Week Four

            Good night, Lav et al. Lav - I'm so sorry about all the snow for you - I heard that wind gusts were up to 60 miles and hour - unbelievable! I hope there is more and more sun in the forecast for you...

            I'm off again tomorrow to drive to another city for work, so I'll miss chat yet again, but have fun those of you that hop on...

            Miss B - thanks for talking about your last month in earlier posts - sounds like you have come through a rough patch in great style...hope that Mr B has arrived home safely. Did the tsunami have any effects on you where you live?

            Wishing all a happy AF goodbye to February tomorrow - will try to check in late in the day. Sweet Dreams --
            to the light


              FEB FAST ~ Week Four

              The frame of being "new and improved" works for me, and I shall also gladly join in intentionally violating quite a bit of my conditioning. As I dug out the invasive vines from my garden today it was a good symbol of clearing and freeing my thoughts and emotions. Nothing bad happened. Gardening can be like that. It also can be funny as when I discovered Moses in a forgotten corner under a huge mound of vinca and ivy. He had lost his tablet and staff but he is a very nice piece of carved driftwood, perhaps two and a half feet tall. Lord Bird Heart will like him. Have a fine Sunday, the last day of the latest month on the sober bus. Let?s roll. Love and pink dreams, Ladybird.
              may we be well


                FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                Hello everyone, the rain hasn't arrived yet so I'm thinking I'll go out for some fresh air.
                Hope everyone's having a good weekend.
                Lav I visit an old lady tonight and don't get home till about 9 - 5ish your time - will that be too late for chat? I'll look for you and anyone else who's around then.
                Take care everybody


                  FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                  Walk In Dry Places

                  Seeking Excitement____ Seeking Serenity
                  "I haven't found anything to replace the excitement I felt while drinking," a member complained. "Sure, Im grateful to be sober. But sometimes it's so darned boring!
                  Let' talk about that need for excitement, or "high." For many of us, it was an important part of our drinking. At times, our drinking was exciting---it came with celebrations, graduations, marriage receptions, engagements, and just about anything else out of the ordinary. Along with it, we wanted other excitement: exciting love affairs, exciting experiences, exciting stories.
                  For us, however, excitement always ended with a crash, often a terrible one. Waking up after an exciting binge was a horrible moment. It stretched out to become horrible It never seemed to have a happy ending.
                  We can take this addiction to excitement in hand by recognizing it as a component of our alcoholism. We'll still be able to be excited at times, but it must be a type of excitement that brings neither crash nor hangover.
                  I will not let boredom push me into actions that I know will be destructive in the long run. I do not want thrills at the expense of my self-respect and sense of well-being. - Daily Recovery Readings

                  This one spoke to me today. It matches the message in Lil's post from yesterday.

                  LBH, I am envious of your gardening adventures. I'd actually be happy to just see
                  the ground at this point! Today I will spend a little time in our little greenhouse. Maybe that will help.

                  Sooty, Lav, I will try to pop my head into chat around 5 EST. Anybody else?

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                    Last day of February? GOOD!
                    I am always happy to see the end of this month..........

                    Cyn, safe travels today!

                    LBH, I am profoundly jealous of your gardening time this weekend! I would love to be able to do the same but, like Dill, I can't even find my gardens. We are expecting temps in the 40's today & rain so maybe so of this snow will disappear..........there's always hope

                    Sooty, Dill & anyone else available I will see you later in chat, 5 pm sounds good!

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                      Gardening. How wonderful. I am so sick of winter and really happy this is the last day of February. I could use some March. Have we decided on a name for our March yet? Is is March Mindfulness or Magical March or something else?

                      I will not be able to chat at five as my pork roast will be done at about that time. We are cooking this afternoon as usual. Chicken soup, pork roast, white chili. We will not have to cook till Thursday this time. But it is alot of work.

                      March is a big month for me. I turn 50!!! I am hoping my fifties will be better than my 40's.


                        FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                        Hi fab feb ones, I popped into chat but no-one was there. Never mind - I guess you've all got interesting things to do. see you all tomorrow in Magical March - or whatever the first person decides to call it!
                        I hope the weekend was peaceful and pleasant for us all.
                        love Sooty


                          FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                          YAY! made it 28 days without a drink! first time in 6 years. Congratulations to all us Feb Fasters!!!:goodjob:
                          Feeling great and looking forward to another AF month in March.
                          Magical March sounds good! I'm definatley in.
                          Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.


                            FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                            OVERIT - Well done! Great acheivement......
                            Here's to Marching our way AF through March
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                              I like either Magical March or March Mindfulness. I would be happy with either. I kind of like March March, too. Whoever starts the thread tomorrow can decide. Maybe even surprise us with something completely different!

                              Lav, LBH, Soots, chat was fun today. I'm glad you checked back, Soots! I was in sort of a down mood when I logged on, but after awhile in the chat room, my spirits were definitely lifted. It was fun chatting with the others, too.

                              Good job, Overit!

                              Wow, Red! The big 5-0H! What date? We'll have a virtual party for you!

                              Hey, Chill!

                              Kind of quiet here on our last day in Feb.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                                Evening friends,

                                Sorry I didn't stay on Chat longer - I wanted to but Mr Lav really, really pissed me off Grrrrr!
                                My daughter was here, I told her I had something to do, she was fine with that. I told Mr Lav I was going to be busy for a while.......after the 3rd time he interrupted me (for no reason) I signed off & then ripped his head off!!!! He has the complete inability to respect my space & privacy (a simple request). I've told him thousands of times that the world does not revolve around HIM - he will never learn. He will continue to frustrate me until I die. Sorry, my rant is over now

                                Red, turning 50, are you kidding? The rest of us are only 29!!!!!

                                Overit - a big congrats to you for your 28 AF days, Woo Hoo!!! Stick with us, we're moving forward

                                Greetings & Goodnight to all!
                                I've had it with this day!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

