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AF Daily - Monday February 22

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    AF Daily - Monday February 22

    Happy Monday AbLanders! Or what was that great term Marshy came up with the other day? Ab Fabbers? Fab Abbers? We are FABULOUS there is no doubt about THAT!

    Great to see everyone coming in to touch base with the Mother Ship! T2C it's great to see you. What a great experience for you and your son to both remember of parasailing together!

    Pamina, sounds like the flat mate situation is still a bit stressful...but DATING???!!!???? That is great news that you feel a spark of interest! If you decide to go, we want details. Don't forget that!!

    Chief, congrats on 50 days today! I'm still stuck home with this cold so am jealous of your trip to the gym. Sounds like you will have fun doing some runs this year.

    Lav I how much snow is left after some rain yesterday?

    Deter, I had no idea there were such interesting things for sale at gun shows! :egad:

    LVT, can't wait to hear what's new in Vegas for fun! Whatever it is, I'm betting it's HUGE.

    Greenie - Wow. Hang gliding. I want to do that. You are sure making the most of this doggy sitting adventure and that is awesome. I'm still re-training my brain to think of ACTION instead of sitting on my ass with a drink in my hand. How much longer will you be there?

    Hello to everyone else who is posting or lurking!!!!

    I'm still stuck in the house with this grunge. I posted a reading that hit home for me today in the AA thread from "Walk in Dry Places." It's about not getting upset over things that are really just minor turbulence in the grand scheme of life. I'm trying to keep that in mind for today rather than let these current limitations frustrate me! It could be much worse. I think I need to take this time to just appreciate the new life I have since getting sober.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Monday February 22

    Ab fabbers, sweetie. (Brit TV comedy - I was going to post a pic but as it was all about drinking and smoking it didn't seem very appropriate).

    Sorry you're stuck indoors, DG. Is there no ice-skating :bling on TV?

    There's a slight gap in the torrential rain here - going to make a dash for the bus and go to the gym. Oh, and I've totally blown the no-sugar Lent thing. Naughty Marshy.

    Have a good day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Monday February 22

      Good morning Abbers,

      Thanks for waking us up DG!
      Tons of snow still sitting here BUT the rain is supposed to move in tonight! I'm sick of looking at it, honestly. Tomorrow I'll be up to my ankles in mud, I'm sure

      Marshy, 'Absolutely Fabulous', I loved that show! Was Patsy ever sober???? She was hysterical..........glad we're not following in her footsteps though!!!

      Wishing an Ab Fab Monday for all of us

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Monday February 22

        Morning abbers!

        I think I know that comedy... those two women friends, right? If so, it really is about smoking and drinking, funny though.

        Marshy, DG TOLD you to eat your whole stash the night before!!!

        DG it's supposed to rain here the next couple days starting this afternoon and I'm really a little relieved. My legs have been asking for the couch. I hope to do some leelou-style quiet time. Possible thunderstorms.... Oh boy!!

        Pamina's ready to date, eh?? Well, my giving up celibacy for lent isn't going well so far. Maybe I should rent out a room when I get home. Perpetual interviews.....

        Big shout out to everyone. Gotta hit some trails bfore the rain! I still haven't been on the beach.

        Have a marvelous monday!

        Oh, Lav... about the chickens.. They still lay eggs right? How is a fertilized egg diff than a non? Other than the obvious. Taste? Cholesterol level? Anything? The county beside mine is going to allow chickens and my friends have attended the council hearings or whatever. They are interested in a coop and (get ready for this) they are going to get rescue chickens from the shelter. :H:H Which is good I guess, but who knew, right????
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Monday February 22

          OK...Ab Fabbers. I'm going to try to remember that! I didn't realize this came from Absolutely Fabulous. I haven't ever watched that show but heard it was funny. Figure skating is in full force which is certainly making my house bound condition more tolerable. Last night was the Original Dance where the Russian team did their Aboriginal Thing that has been the focus of so much controversy. They did not change much about their costumes or choreo despite the outrage. Here is a picture. Judges say 'nyet' to Aboriginal ice dance Said Mr. Doggy when he saw them last night "Is she wearing a salad?" :H I love this sport! :bling

          Lav we got a little more snow last night. It looks like Winter Wonderland today but the temps will be upper 30's so we are heading for mudsville also. 20 muddy paws. I can hardly wait.

          Greenie, Mr. Doggy and I talked about setting up a chicken coop but there is a lot more to it than we thought. So we decided not to do it at this time. Sadly (like doggies and kitties and everything else) I'm sure there are people who don't do enough research to understand what they are getting into, and then boom - want out of it. And maybe some of them are also vegetarians? Anyway, enjoy a couch day! Every vacation should have one. I will be really sad though if you don't get to the beach soon with Little Doggie!

          I just realized that today I am 21 months sober. Don't want a separate thread though until the 2 year anni coming up in May. It's funny how this goes over time. Early on, each day was marked in my brain Day 1,2,3,4,....69, etc. Then the months were really marked on my brain. I ALWAYS thought a few days ahead about upcoming monthly annis. Now they creep up on me without me realizing they are here. I think this is progress!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Monday February 22

            hey marshy I like ab fab too. Joanna is a goddess, imagine my joy when she came into my coffee shop last year.
            I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


              AF Daily - Monday February 22

              Hello friends,

              I'm a little behind on the current events here, but good job everyone--except Marshy--BAD MARSHY!!:H I bought a bag of tropical trail mix that is all dried fruit. I read the label after I ate half the bag and the dirty B@#T@#%S added sugar!! But, I'm not counting it because it is not really a sweet like cake or ice cream.

              LeeLou--I loved your description of quiet time. I agree that we all need some of that to quiet our souls. If I remember to take the time to do that when I'm feeling "stabby" it has saved me from some nasty arguments I'm sure!

              This weekend was spent at my young son's basketball trny, and by the time we left yesterday afternoon, my hubby was either pouting or not feeling right. He became very quiet and distant. Of course I automatically assume it is something I said or did. BUT, I kept quiet, because in the past if I ask him what is wrong, that really sets him off. I have to learn that he needs to tell me if I did something, or whatever is bothering him, and then I can own it or discuss it, whatever. Until he does that, I just do my own thing and try not to let it bother me. (which I decided is perfectly normal because I care about him/us) So, when we got home, I took my son to the fitness center and did some walking. Now this is when it gets a little weird! This woman, whom I've seen around town, but don't know her, started walking with me. Telling me she has these burdens and just needs to do this (walking??) and starts to cry! Yikes! What do I say??? She starts telling me about her alcoholic husband that just blew all their income tax refund on booze and then got busted and the fine was $950 and she just doesn't know what to do and on and on........I mostly listened and gave a little advice about taking care of herself and her kids first and told her a little about me. She talked for a mile, then gathered her son and left. I thought, how bizarre was that????? And what great timing. Who says there isn't a God?

              DG--Vegas was fun. We didn't have much free time. I would have loved to spend more time out lounging by the pool as it was 70 degrees out there. But we managed to eat some good food, saw Foreigner in concert (for free) and the highlight for me was going to see Criss Angel. That was entertaining, and he is pretty hot which doesn't hurt!:h
              My friend got a little tipsy one night, and we stopped by Starbucks since there wasn't a line 2 blocks long on the way to the concert so I felt like I was drinking a little something special. I hate to do any bashing, but I don't think we'll be flying Frontier again. Even though we had our tickets in advance, they overbook the flight, so we were on standby in Denver on the way out. We had to wait until they boarded everyone else, and fortunately someone either "sold" their seat or didn't show up. Then, when we tried to get our seat assignments on line in Vegas...not an option. So we went to the airport 3 hours early in order to insure seats. It was tempting to "sell" them, so we could spend another day compliments of Frontier airlines--but not worth the hassle.

              Ok, I have more to say, but also tons to do today, so I better get busy! Have a great week everyone!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - Monday February 22

                i do believe i would have bowed down and kissed jaonna lumley's feet if she walked into my (fantasy) coffee shop!
                my favorite quote from patsy...
                eddie- have you eaten?
                patsy- not since 1973

                ahhhh life...dg i'm reflectiing on not letting minor inconveniences get you down because i have to drive 50 miles each way to get my kid's cellphone hat she left at a coffee shop in a "neighboring" town. i'm just glad i'm not hungover, or i would probably put it off until tomorrow!

                i did drink last week and i am suffering for it. this obsession is makes me hurt and feel ill for days after, yet i crave it and do it anyway...sick sick cycle.

                i bought some new paints and lage canvases that i am excited about...also some organic seed and starter pots....i have spring fever so bad, and it is 4 degrees right now! i have plans for building 2 rectangular raised beds (1 for veg and one for herbs and edible flowers) and a nice evening garden on a patio that i made 2 years ago and have never really utilized....spring spring, i want ot hear the robins sing!

                lv was you son in the "traveling" bball team tourney? i had some neighbor kids who went to the t-ment in rapid city...sounds fun! ,my kid isn't into basketball.

                that reminds me of another reason i'm glad to be unhung; a kid who lived with her dad and is kind of alone alot came to my door this moring on her way to school to warm up, and i gave her a ride. if i had been hungover, i would have been PISSED (not to her, just internally) but today i was happy to do it and it made her day.

                well, i have rambled...greenie, it sounds like you are having a blast! i love those little moments of joy

                dg get well soon, hey?

                ps if i was religious, i would give up salt for lent...hell, maybe i'll do it anyway.



                  AF Daily - Monday February 22

                  Hey All,
                  My my, what a busy thread today. I'll be ages reading all the posts in detail.
                  Oh Marshy. I'm so glad you gave in to the sugar thing. Makes me feel human.
                  I've been BAD...BADBAD...BAD..BAD...Lady Gaga for cholcolate this week.
                  Can't seem to control the cravings.
                  What gives? Am I trading chocolcate for wine?
                  But at least I'm trying to walk off some of the damgge. :-)
                  Keep on keeping on


                    AF Daily - Monday February 22

                    Hello, Ab Fabbers!!

                    Yes, I am also under the weather today...arghhh! I have popped a bunch of vitamins and yes, doing the juice and tea routine....I have to go for physical therapy this afternoon....I think I will ask for a massage instead! Do you think it will work!!?? After that, I will put myself to bed early. Lucky for me, I have a light work day today and yes, I work from home!

                    DG...I am so over the moon about your two year anniversary coming up!! You have come so far and you are such an inspiration to so many, including me! We will be shooting off the fireworks for you!

                    LVT, sorry to hear that you had a rough time on Frontier....I fly Frontier all the time and they are my favorite airline! I always receive excellent treatment on Frontier....sorry your experience was less than par!

                    Well....thanks to all for sharing your thoughts and are the best!!

                    Don't forget to Carpe the Diem!! LOL
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      AF Daily - Monday February 22

                      Greenie, DG & all fresh brown egg lovers!

                      Hens do lay an egg every ~ 25 hrs. or so. No rooster needed for that function, Mother Nature takes care of that.
                      Even if an egg is fertilized, an embryo won't develop provided the eggs are refrigerated promptly. There's no difference in appearance or taste of fertilized eggs. Some people get into incubating & hatching eggs's a lot of work - I just buy day old hatchlings.

                      I got seriously tired of seeing my hens brutalized & bleeding after SOB (that was my rooster's name) was done with them........nothing romantic about that process - yuck! We were happy to see him go

                      Believe it or not - half of my hens right now are rescued hens!!!!
                      Mr Lav was offered 9 Rhode Island Reds - the owner no longer wanted them. They were small, underfed, kinda dirty looking....they had been 'debeaked' (gross). Anyway, we carefully introduced them to our flock of Buff Orpingtons & all turned out well. The rescues are happy & healthy now - one of them produces a 3.5 oz. every day - huge!!!

                      You don't have to be fancy or go overboad with a coop. We learned everything we know from Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens. They claim 4 sq. ft/chicken is rquired (half that if raising Bantams).
                      We purchased an Amish built shed & split it - half for storage & half for the chickens. We had the builder install a 'hatch door' so they could run straight out to their fenced yard for sunshine & exercise.
                      We built in 4 nest boxes & a roost ourselves. The book I mentioned has all the coop details you need & I've seen instructions available on line. It's a great hobby, kinda dirty at times but we have fresh brown eggs & fantastic fertilizer for the garden (tomato plants love it )

                      Now that you know so much about raising hens..........what do you think??
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Monday February 22

              ;810356 wrote: hey marshy I like ab fab too. Joanna is a goddess, imagine my joy when she came into my coffee shop last year.
                        peacenik;810360 wrote: i do believe i would have bowed down and kissed jaonna lumley's feet if she walked into my (fantasy) coffee shop!
                        Hey, since I brought this up, I'M first in the queue if there's any snogging of Joanna Lumley to be done, OK????
                        I just remembered that when Ab Fab was first on TV (early-mid 1990s) I was working at a small firm where everyone loved watching it and quoting the funny bits the next day. The day after it was on TV, I'd go to work and someone would say "Did you see Ab Fab last night? Wasn't it great when so-and-so and so-and-so?" And I could never remember coz I'd been drinking and had to pretend I hadn't seen that bit coz I'd gone to the loo or made a cup of tea at the crucial moment. They must have thought I was constantly in the loo or kitchen :H

                        greeneyes;810322 wrote:

                        Marshy, DG TOLD you to eat your whole stash the night before!!!
                        This might be a new stash. But I'm going to try the LVT method of just ignoring the sugar content! Didn't know it was in that toffee ice-cream, honest :H

                        Lav - a friend of mine is considering getting a couple of chickens. I'll mention that book to her.
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          AF Daily - Monday February 22

                          I'm thinking about getting some chickens, too....I have 2 books I bought on the subject. We already have an old tool shed I can convert half to a chicken house.....
                          How do they handle the winters here in Ohio???



                            AF Daily - Monday February 22

                            Marshy;810486 wrote: But I'm going to try the LVT method of just ignoring the sugar content! Didn't know it was in that toffee ice-cream, honest :H
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Monday February 22

                              Chief;810523 wrote: I'm thinking about getting some chickens, too....I have 2 books I bought on the subject. We already have an old tool shed I can convert half to a chicken house.....
                              How do they handle the winters here in Ohio???

                              The coop is like an igloo.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

