Hi, everyone -
Glad you dropped in Kate! I'm always interested in what the successfully sober are doing to first, get that way, and second, stay that way. I was at a speaker meeting last week and this guy I'd seen before who is a real character and as well as great speaker said that even in AA follow those that are successful. Use their example, find out what they do, do what they do. That is true at MWO as well, and what I was doing before AA (it just made sense to me). So I'm always looking for any similarities anywhere, whether in AA, people who are not in the program but have a happy contented sobriety, and see what it is each is doing. I always want to be open to what works and be flexible if need be.
One thing I hear a lot in AA is how it is a process. That is one valuable lesson we get from the old timers. Being able to see them and hear their stories, as well as the hope I always get from them is priceless. Many refer to going back and redoing the steps at different points and how it is different at say 5 years versus 1 year. And that onion analogy is a common one, but such a great description. It keeps on being relevant.
I do love just listening at meetings though. Many times you will hear a great pearl of wisdom, sometimes from the mouth of someone who's not the most articulate person in the room. Sometimes from a very new person. I haven't been there all that long, but I get a kick out of seeing a new person come in, keep showing up, sometimes very fearful, and gradually seeing them open up, first maybe reading a paragraph in the BB, and eventually talking when they come to them. But what's best is seeing that positive change happening in their life. Just like here at MWO, except in 3-D.
I do enjoy everyone's posts here and look forward to them every day. There's so much good stuff here my mind is usually boggled at where to jump off at. This is such a wonderful thread - and it's what got me looking at AA! So thanks everybody! Have a great day! :h
I already finished this and saw DG posted. Yes, prayer is new for me too. If I'm really in a corner, I've found pull out the serenity prayer - it is so simple I can remember it, and it covers about anything in life - plus it works. I think it works even if you think of it as just plain old good advice, rather than a prayer (say for someone who may have issues with "prayers" or "God"). But I have been seeing a whole new perspective on the prayer and HP aspect, and it wasn't that I was 100% lacking before. It allows a real deepening of understanding I never knew was there - and I feel comfortable allowing it come to in as small of increments as I can handle - there is nothing force fed about it.