Suni, you are a very mean girl to tantalize us Sugar Free for Lenters with this exotic erotic description of your chocolate eating. Be careful because the Universe has a way of righting things, and you might get a bit zit or something.
Deter I hope your travels are not stressful this week!
Marshy, that seminar sounds wonderful. I love that "be yourself because everyone else is taken" line! :H That's a good one! I hope the sun is out and it's DRY for you today.
Hello to everyone else!!!
I'm feeling a bit better today. I think I must have had a fever and I think it broke. Still pretty stuffy but hopefully a corner has been turned. I'm going to venture out today for one business task and then hopefully do a mild version of "regular schedule" tomorrow which will also include an AA meeting and a trip to the gym. Time to get back to the land of the living!!!
I am incredibly grateful to be sober today. My greatest hope is that each and every newcomer who is here and posting and trying finds a way to reach the freedom from AL that is so worth working for. Be willing to go to any length to get sober. You will be so glad you did.
OK. Off :soapbox: