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AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

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    AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

    Good morning Ab Fabbers! Or afternoon or tomorrow or whatever time it is in your part of the universe!

    Suni, you are a very mean girl to tantalize us Sugar Free for Lenters with this exotic erotic description of your chocolate eating. Be careful because the Universe has a way of righting things, and you might get a bit zit or something.

    Deter I hope your travels are not stressful this week!

    Marshy, that seminar sounds wonderful. I love that "be yourself because everyone else is taken" line! :H That's a good one! I hope the sun is out and it's DRY for you today.

    Hello to everyone else!!!

    I'm feeling a bit better today. I think I must have had a fever and I think it broke. Still pretty stuffy but hopefully a corner has been turned. I'm going to venture out today for one business task and then hopefully do a mild version of "regular schedule" tomorrow which will also include an AA meeting and a trip to the gym. Time to get back to the land of the living!!!

    I am incredibly grateful to be sober today. My greatest hope is that each and every newcomer who is here and posting and trying finds a way to reach the freedom from AL that is so worth working for. Be willing to go to any length to get sober. You will be so glad you did.

    OK. Off :soapbox:

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

    Good morning DG & all Ab Fabbers!

    Happy Humpday (if you celebrate )

    Glad you are beginning to feel better DG, sucks being sick! I don't have much patience with it myself! I am with you in being grateful to be sober today, won't have it any other way!

    Sadly, we are preparing for more SNOW! It wasn't me but someone around here must have been really, really bad! This winterlong punishment is just ridiculous.......

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Wednesday! Need to get a little work done, get to the supermarket for a few necessities then be ready for my Wednesday afternoon babysitting marathon with my busy grandson

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

      Abbie Fabbies!!!

      I started off with a new find this AM! Mollie Katzen Online She is the author of that Moosewood Cookbook I like so much. I lurrrve her soups! I think cooking is a good way for newly AF folks to accomplish a couple things. I think many people neglected nutrition if not entire meals when busy maintaining that glass in hand. Cooking good things helps the body, gives you a means to kick up the quality of your food consumption and keeps said hand busy. Granted, efforts in the kitchen were often accompanied by glass in hand but glass can have AF contents and results (HAVING an actual result was an improvement for me) will be much improved.

      So, roasted squash soup will go in the crockpot and I think I am going to kayak today!! Supposed to rain this afternoon(lav gets snow, I get rain), so I need to go this morning but it is sort of windy and my skills are very minimal and that water sure is cold and what if...... Maybe I'll hike a trail.

      Proud to announce that I did take little doggie to the beach yesterday! True to doggie form she gnoshed down something she scavanged from the sand and did a good neck-first dive onto something else. Not bad considering she was on a leash.

      Husb #1 called last night. During the conversation he asked if I was still not drinking. (He obviously was - and I don't mean that in a judgemental way) It felt good to say yes, that is over for me. I am so much happier this way. We had an enjoyable nonversation. :H I bet he is mulling over the non-drinking concept today.

      HAVE a wunnerful wednesday!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

        Hello World...

        Hello Abber Fabbers...

        I wanted to post last night, and the night before... but either too tired.... too busy (good to keep AF) or just wanting to stay away from PC....

        DG, I'm fighting for it, and reaping the benefits!! Being AF helps me more than I put down in words.. but lately, I have to finish house renovations before I have family members come visit us in April ( they live 2000+k's away...) they are coming to celebrate my 40th (oops... I meant 29th!) and we want the house finished before they arrive! (5 Years renovations... minor things left!!!) It's just after midnight now, I had a crappy kind of day at work, and came home to finish painting my studio.... just finished... winding down... and realised I couldn't do that with AL!!

        Greeneyes, thanks for the letterbox info... oh the places I could hide things here in OZ!
        I also LOVE cooking... and focus on real food, slow food etc.. so I will look at Mollies link, thanks..

        Peacelink, your post the other day about Organic seeds... yep - right up my alley, and what paints are you using? After cleaning my studio out for re-painting, I found more canvas than I realised I had! Once I finish doing reno stuff... I'm back into my Art!!!!!!! Be creative..............let it all out!

        Lav, cant imagine snow on the radar!

        Hello to all to come...:l


          AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

          Originally Posted by LVT25 View Post
          Ok, for the record.....I do NOT ignore the sugar content. I simply observe what it is, and then make a rationalized decision whether I should eat it or not!!

          Coulda sworn you read the ingredients AFTER you ate half the trail mix!

          Damn! Greenie--you are good! But.....Ummmm......I was referring to the second half of the bag!! :H:H:H
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

            I agree with the cooking thing. It was something I did a lot of when I first went AF. I watched the food network a lot too. That habit, unfortunately didn't stick, for one thing I'm not home enough. I'm thinking something for the crockpot sounds like a really good idea today.

            Everyone sounds great! DG--the crud is really going around here as well. I had it first and then hubby, now the kids, but luckily it didn't last long. VITAMIN C! Sorry about your thyroid issues. My MIL has been on synthetic meds for years, and she is having trouble staying regulated.....that really has to suck!

            Zoom, zoom. :h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

              I guess the food thing is a positive focus and way to make yourself feel physically good not bad. Being vegan these days I have to make the effort to cook or starve.
              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

                Ab fabbers!

                DG - I think some of your grunge has flown over the pond and infected me. Coughity cough.
                Greenie - didya go kayaking? I'm jealous in anticipation!

                Oof, busy day at work and picked up a pizza twice the size of my head on the way home coz I just couldn't be bothered to cook tonight :H No sugar though!
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

                  Hi all
                  DG - It is good to hear that you are feeling better. I posted the other day that our boss was ill and let it go too long. He is still in ICU on a ventilator and we are all very concerned. So just a reminder to all that are sick, make sure to take care of yourself and see a Dr. if you do not start to get better in a few days.

                  Greenie - I hope you are not kayaking alone in this weather. Very cold water. You weren't planning on kayaking in the ocean were you?? I hope you stuck to a hike. Sounds like a nice getaway/vacation.

                  I'm getting really stressed over younger son and his schooling. The high school he is attending has gone down hill in recent years(since older kid attended) and he is not at all into school. Hates it and in his first year of HS. Not making any effort and I am getting no help from the teachers or counselors. Thinking about switching schools but I am not sure where to turn. Not sure a new school will help if he does not want to learn. Oh, the joys of parenthood.

                  Just glad to be able to think about this with a sober head. Just so fustrating that he has no idea how he is effecting his future.

                  Hope everyone else had a great sober day. Rainy here but I will not rub it is (in the 70's) since I know some of you are dealing with snow.


                    AF Daily - Wednesday February 24

                    home again

                    did something annoying though....didn't bring enough clean socks on my trip. oopsie.

                    I concur regarding cooking and the physical/psychological nourishment it can provide. at first, cooking without vino was a huge challenge, but I managed to find some ways through that.

                    off to peel some garlic.

                    xxxx be well
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

