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AF- Daily Thursday Feb 26

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    AF- Daily Thursday Feb 26

    Good morning Abbers,

    My turn to start today?
    I'm sitting here frowning because it's snowing once again............
    This is getting so boring, I can't believe it!

    Nothing special going on today, think I'll do something with the fresh box of mushrooms I picked up yesterday. Mmmm soup

    Have a great AF Thursday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF- Daily Thursday Feb 26

    Morning ab flabbers!

    Oh wait, that's wrong! :H:H Fab abbers!

    Lav, are you my sister separated at birth? I'm doing the mush soup tonight too. What's your recipe?

    The sun came out but it is still windy and cold. It's hard for me to sit still. (have you noticed? ) Doggies are lazy today after a big romp this AM. Little doggie leaps & turns in the air and lands on the big lab and then sits on her looking all chuffed! I might just have to drag her out for a trip down to Hatteras. Or ther is a trail in Manteo I'm interested in.

    vegan-raven, do you have to brown bag a lot or is there a decent offering of vegan places over the pond? There was a very good one at home I liked and the vegan population was thrilled but I guess there were not enough to keep it in business. I wonder, were you vegan when you were drinking? I ask that because I think a lot of us compromise our eating standards when we are consumed with drinking behavior.

    Have a lovely, lovelies!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF- Daily Thursday Feb 26

      Hi FAB ABBERS Greenie. Ab Flabbers. How dare you say that about us BEAUTIFUL people! :Glamour Smilie:

      This is a zoom zoom post. It's good to be back in the land of the living. The BUSY living. The OMG I did NOT appreciate enough being stuck at home living.

      Well, I'm off to pick up a different brand of thyroid meds from the docs office. And drop off some contraband for Sister who is on House Arrest at the mother house. And then hopefully make it back this way to hit the gym before the afternoon crowd. Or if not, will dreadmill today and hit the gym tomorrow before the afternoon crowd.


      Lav, I hope you don't get too many more feet of snow!!!!! Greenie, did you go kayacking?? (I probably missed that in another post!) Enjoy your lazy day!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF- Daily Thursday Feb 26

        Not in THIS wind!!! Closest I'll get to kayaking is to sit in it in the yard and look at the sound! :H Maybe Monday? Warmer and calmer I hope.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF- Daily Thursday Feb 26

          AB FABBERS!

          This weather is now so bad it's funny. I keep laughing like a lunatic every time I go outside and it's lashing down again. Hmm, probably only a matter of time before I'm put under some sort of house arrest myself.
          Zoom, zoom into the kitchen to make dinner!
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF- Daily Thursday Feb 26

            Happy Thursday ABerooooos!

            Marshy, they're coming to take you away you and me both sister

            sorry to hear the weather is crummy back east, it's finally sunny and dry here today but another nasty one blowing in for tomorrow I hear.

            Vegan question: does that diet allow for eating eggs? if not then you have a real challenge on your hands for proper nutrition. It would be critical for brain and body health to get supplements of lecithin, carnitine and complete aminos (proteins). I've known many strict vegetarians that struggled terrribly with depression and violent mood swings that went away when they resumed eating a non-veggie diet. although I think with the above supps you should be ok.

            and now for the thousand dollar quiz: what is the perfect food?

            answer: garlic. because it's the only food that doesn't need garlic. LOL ok I'm off to see the wizard

            be well
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF- Daily Thursday Feb 26

              Afternoon Fab Abbers,

              Greenie, here's the mushroom soup I make:
              Kennett Square Mushroom Soup - 140843 - Recipezaar

              Since I'm kinda lactose intolerant I substitute Lactaid milk (thickened with a little flour) for the cream but it still turns out great

              Deter, I'm not totally vegan but I love these recipes:
              Fat Free Vegan Recipes

              I use lots of garlic too

              The snow has been a weird off & on event all day. Just heard the big snow will come overnight & into tomorrow - oh well!
              Looking forward to waking up tomorrow on my 11 month AF anniversary. I love this place & all you great people

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

