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AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

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    AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

    Hi all! I hope our East Coast friends are not being buried alive under snow! Or rain! Mother Nature seems very busy these days.

    Today is my 3 year anniversary of being nicotine free! WOW I'm so glad that monkey is off my back.

    I'm zoom zooming off for a little Mary Kay action and then some much needed and missed time at the gym. Will check back later to see how all you Ab Flabbers oops I mean Ab Fabbers are doing! :H

    :b&d: Oh wait. Wrong thread.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

    Hey DG congrats on being NF! :good:
    I like you quit before the AL and do sometimes wonder what I can possibly quit next!

    Happy AF Friday folks...... rain here in Western Europe and looks set to stay for the next week.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

      oH MAN i STARTED ONE TOO, Now I'm really confused????
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

        Morning ab fabbers!!


        Way to get rid of that :crazymonkey: on your back!!

        Cold and 30 MPH gusting. No kayaking today. Be a good way to practice a roll don't you think?

        Lav, I never got to the soup yesterday. But I have greek yogurt which I'll use instead of the half & half.

        Hey there chillgirl!! Great to see you here!

        Off to the newspaper and coffee.

        Have a fantastic friday!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

          :yougo::cheering:CONGRATULATIONS LAV!!!:yougo::cheering:

          11 MONTHS AF!!!

          WOO-HOO!! WOO-HOO-HOO!!!!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

            Good morning Ab Fabbers,

            11 months since my last hangover - Woo Hoo :happy:
            I hope I NEVER forget that lousy feeling - the memory of that keeps me AF!

            DG, a big congrats to you on your 3 NF years!!!!!
            Did you find it much harder to quit smoking than drinking? I sure know I did.......the Nicodemon is brutal...........

            Well, here I am experiencing my first 'Snow-icane'! That's what the weather people are calling this bizzare storm. 45-55 mph winds blowing snow all over the place.........
            I hope I can find my way out to the chicken coop to check on the girls :H

            DG & Greenie, wishing you a great AF Friday & Greetings to everyone else who stops in today
            Today is definitely a SOUP day!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

              Aloha Friday ABeroooos!

              Lavande and DoggyGirl, huge props to you two!!

              DG, you have a monkey off your back but now what to do about that SPAM can? hmmmmm

              I'm home today and until Tuesday so I'm pretty happy 'bout that I tell ya. I'll be in full-day classes all weekend but it's for something fun so I can't complain. (although it's at a casino) but hey...I've become the AF casino pro.

              wishing you all a glorious day
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

                Happy Friday, Abb Fabbers!
                DG! Awsome on the Nic Free!! Yipppeeee!
                Lav.....I see a big celebration coming next month!!! Congratulations on 11 months AF Free!! Yippppppee
                Greenie, so sorry to hear about the cayaking! But you can always Hula Hoop indoors!
                Det, happy to hear you are safe and snuggled with DX for the next few days!
                Chill....rain for a week! Wow! that is so strange a thought to me here in dry, dry Colorado.....but I am sure you will find lots to do!! Did you post your poem yet? If so, truly are a great writer!

                To all to come......Hello!!

                xxx Kate
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

                  Thank you Kate! With all this rain I think I will be writing some more, here is the one from the other night.............

                  it made me sad, it made me cry
                  it caused me shame and it made me lie
                  it took away joy & feeling good
                  its left me lonely & misunderstood
                  it caused me hurt and it caused me pain
                  it got into my head & made me insane!

                  Now im no longer sad and no longer cry
                  I can see it so clear and i understand why
                  The pain is now beginning to fade
                  and my life no longer feels like a charade
                  im not giving in or willing to loose
                  my new life began when i said bye to the booze.....
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

                    I cannot BELIEVE I forgot the :yougo::yougo::yougo: Go Go Girls in honor of Lav's 11 months AF! Hi Kate and you are right we need to arrange one HECK of a celebration this time next month. That one year anni is truly something special!

                    chillgirl;812522 wrote: I like you quit before the AL and do sometimes wonder what I can possibly quit next!

                    It's awesome to have your post here with the Fab Abbers Chillgirl! What can you give up next?? Well, there's sugar. Or like Greenie, you could consider giving up celibacy if that's an issue.

                    greeneyes;812526 wrote: No kayaking today. Be a good way to practice a roll don't you think?

                    If you lose your mind and decide to go for the roll, please make sure to turn on the video camera!!

                    Lavande;812576 wrote:

                    Did you find it much harder to quit smoking than drinking? I sure know I did.......the Nicodemon is brutal...........
                    I hope you don't blow away today! Or your hens! I found the first 3 months or so of quitting smoking TOTALLY BRUTAL compared to AL. And there was nothing easy about the first few months without Al. Sounds like our experience with similar with old Nic.

                    Funny though...I think AL might be a sneakier one in the long haul. I really don't have AL CRAVINGS these days, but I can easily see how the "just one would be OK" type thinking could easily creep in if I stopped paying attention to my sobriety. With Nic, I really never even think about it any more. Funny the similarities and differences. Is the longer term AL thing like that for you?

                    Determinator;812596 wrote:
                    DG, you have a monkey off your back but now what to do about that SPAM can? hmmmmm
                    Well, the Spam will be just fine with a little garlic, won't it?

                    Have fun on your extended weekend at home! (casino time aside)

                    Have a great rest of the day everyone! It was a good Mary Kay morning and I have an order to deliver this afternoon! I'm so glad to be sober!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

                      Thanks for the Go Go Girls DG

                      I think I was so excited about this anni coming today that I started yesterday's thread with today's date - apoligies for confusing everyone!

                      Truthfully, I really don't think about AL much anymore - when I do it's in terms of 'No, I don't drink anymore' & I'm OK with that. Right now the battlefront for me is keeping the Nicodemon out of my life. On the one hand I am happy & grateful to be NF 9+ months but on the other hand - if someone walked in here right now & handed me a smoke - I'd fire it right up, I know I would!!!!!! I want that 'mental desire' to go away - forever!!

                      I did find the chicken coop this morning & all is well with the girls The winds & snow have died down quite a bit, hope it's near over

                      Have fun Mary Kay-ing!!

                      Chill - thank you for the poem - we'll have to get you published
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

                        Doogy girl and Lavande congratulations !:goodjob:

                        I justed wanted to tell you know that your are both truly my inspiration :l - you have replied to my posts when i needed help and I am so very greatful. I notice that you both help so many first timers and that is very special.

                        Thanks for being there and please keep being who you are!:h:wings:
                        Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.


                          AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

                          Hi guys, had internet probs at home so not been on over the weekend. Back on line now good to able to get on and chat.
                          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                            AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

                            I was wondering where you'd gone to raven!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Friday Feb 26

                              Belated thanks to OverIt!!:thanks:

                              Good to know you are still with us Raven!! :l

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

