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AF Daily-Sun 2/28

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    AF Daily-Sun 2/28

    Morning ab fabbers!

    Staying in bed most of yesterday paid off. Tonsil still hurts but the rest of me is better. I was vigilant about fluids and supps. Horrible to think I used to drink away the discomfort; my poor body! I may venture out today. The end of this vacation draws neigh. boo hoo

    I read in the paper that the olympic athletes "burned through" 100,000 condoms furnished at the Vancouver Olympic Village. A hundred thousand. A HUNDRED THOUSAND! Was there an extra event I missed or something? Geez!!

    Have a sexy sunday! :H:H
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily-Sun 2/28

    Hi fabbers

    Greeneyes - Glad you are on the mend. I too used to drink away my discomfort with the logic that im going to feel crap in the morning anyway so may as well have a hangover too! ???? What was I thinking!

    100,000 condoms! They must have found a use for them that we dont know about :H

    Wishing everyone a great Sunday
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF Daily-Sun 2/28

      Good Morning Abbers,
      I wanted to pop in and say thanks to all of you who have inspired me! I have said a "goodbye" at the Mod Squad, although I will go back to visit sometimes. I've had a lot of support there. But I've also always felt supported by the abbers, so thank you!

      I've finally decided I need to free myself of alcohol once and for all. I'm going to try going back to SMART recovery, (another on-line support group) where I used to spend a lot of time. I left there and came to MWO when I decided to try "moderation". There is "zero tolerance" for moderation as an approach there. I think it will be easier for me not to log in and see threads about moderating. At this point every time I log in at MWO my stomach goes into knots as I look through the threads. I don't want to be reminded all the time of the lure of trying to drink again. Not when I'm startng out on this path. I'm just not strong enough to be exposed to that and not feel torn up. I don't feel I can come here and resist peeking in at the Mod Squad. Then I'll see posts about people "having just two glasses of wine" and feeling great, and that will throw me off track.

      I admire all of you and your strength and wisdom. I'll come back to say hello and check in...perhaps in a few weeks. I just didn't want to disappear and not say thanks and good luck to all! :l

      P.S. Get well soon, Greenie!
      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


        AF Daily-Sun 2/28

        Ab fabbers!

        Greenie - maybe they've made that game of blowing them up into a balloon an Olympic sport?

        Sarasmiles - I think Doggygirl found SMART very helpful too. When I first washed up on the shores of MWO I thought it was an abstinence site. I remember being very shocked the first time I read someone say they "had a nice glass of wine last night". Haha. I still remember who it was so it must have made a big impression on me :H

        DG - I had a dream about you last night! You, me and another MWO member (not sure who) were outside a furniture store that had a coffee table encrusted with diamonds for sale. You were trying to persuade me to buy it and I was saying I couldn't afford it. That's all I remember. The table was very


        Wonder what it means? Probably means that I ate too much cheese yesterday. :H

        Have a fantabaloosa day all!
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          AF Daily-Sun 2/28

          Hey Fabbers,

          Whoa Marshy - I didn't know cheese could do that to you
          Funny how often MWO members just show up in your dreams...........happens to me as well!

          Greenie, glad you're on tne mend!
          Balloon animals - great big balloon animals are flying all over Vancouver right now, ha ha!

          Sara, I know I've mentioned to you before that when I came to MWO last Feb it was with the hope that I could learn to moderate, just didn't turn out that way. After my 30 AF days I had to be honest with myself - NO, I was not ready for just one glass of wine, I'm still not ready........
          I plan on staying AF, it's safer for me! I wish you the very best, do whatever you need to do Don't be a stranger!

          Chill, hope you are having a good day

          I'm dog sitting again this weekend, I'm not really thrilled but what can you do??
          Wishing everyone a good AF Sunday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily-Sun 2/28

            Hi all - this is my first time here. I want to be an 'ab fabber' as you call yourselves. This is day 7 for me, so I felt I was far enough in to say hi. I had to feel a bit more confident first. I've so enjoyed having the support of the people here - I really think I may be able to stop drinking now. Thanks all - enjoy your Sunday!


              AF Daily-Sun 2/28

              Happy Sunday, Ab Fabbers!

              Just a quick pop in for me, as my 4 yr old granddaughter will be arriving shortly for a fun afternoon with her memere (me!).

              Greenie, glad to hear you are feeling better, take it easy today and get well!!
              Marshy....that dream made me laugh!! Would be fun to have is analyzed!!

              Chill, Sara, Lave and FG.....nice to see you, and all to come, have a Fabulous Sunday!!

              xxx Kate
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                AF Daily-Sun 2/28

                Happy UnHung Sunday you Ab Fabbers! Greenie, wonderful to hear that you are feeling better today. Go easy on it today, OK? There will still be another day to hang glide or fly without wings, or whatever fantabulous adventure you are thinking about for today! Boy I can relate to the drinking through sicknesses too. "Alcohol kills germs." What a crock.

                Chillgirl, I never really thought about it, but I'm guessing I had a bit of that "well, gonna feel like crapola anyway...." thinking going on too. My brain had 100,000+ ways to justify some drinking, and some more drinking!

                100,000 Condoms????? Was Johnny Depp there????? Geez. Where athletes from countries the world over unite. Indeed.

                Sara, not sure if you will see this but I completely respect the process you have gone through to decide what is best for you. I also understand that feeling early on that reading about "a nice glass of wine" is really hard. (there are only mean ones for me) I found SMART to be helpful and a great bunch of folks - have fun! We'll see you when you are ready!

                MARSHY!! I think your dream means that we are destined to go shopping together! In London! I can hardly WAIT! :bling:bling:bling When Mr. Doggy asks me about all my new jewelry (it's not hear yet - I have to wait 2 weeks :upset I will tell him I ate too much cheese. Thank you for that tip!

                Lav, have fun dog sitting. You have done so fabulous just deciding that you are better off without booze and sticking with that. When I think back to my own struggles accepting that I just can't drink, I can't believe I still WANTED to drink considering that sad mess that my life had become. Cunning, baffling, powerful indeed.

                Funny Girl, WELCOME!!! :goodjob: on your 7 Days AF!! This is a great group to touch base with every day. We have fun and we are also very serious about helping each other with our AF goals. I've enjoyed reading your posts around the forum and look forward to getting to know you better!

                Kate, have fun with that energizer bunny of yours! I have this vision of you and Lav running around waving your arms all frenzies after a couple of toddlers. It's quite an image!

                I was up and out early today to AA and then to the gym and then a few errands. In the old days, I would barely be crawling out of bed by now nursing a hangover. Then probably an hour later I would be back in bed for pretty much the rest of the day. What a waste of time!

                Have I missed the hockey game??? I need to check the Oly schedule for today. I'm sure it will be available for "replay" on the NBC web site but that would be no fun. Maybe there is a delay of game while they use up the rest of the condoms or something.

                Have a great day all!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily-Sun 2/28

                  whew! somehow I survived getting up at 5:30 this morning and finished up all my classes and even passed my tests. weeeeeeee. wouldn't even entertain such thoughts back in the 'blurry old days'.

                  FunnyGirl, AB looks Fab on you!

                  Kate, enjoy your little one

                  if I had a coffee table with diamonds on it I think I'd strap it to the front of a cadilac low-rider and use it as a hood ornament. hahahahahahaha. ok, there's something wrong with me. but I gather that's no secret.

                  be well my AB dawlings
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily-Sun 2/28

                    Deter, If I had a diamond encrusted coffee table :wishing: I would use it to display my garlic.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.

