Beautiful morning from here! Welcome Rustop, Sheepish, and Grunch, I look forward to getting to know you, and thank you Tawnyfrog, IAD, and Mario for stopping in and lending your experience and support. The weather started to turn Springish yesterday and it looks as through we are set for a drop dead lovely week. I took all of my pruners, loppers, shears, and garden saws to the sharpening shop, it was quite an awkward and dangerous looking armload and made the workers blanch and jump to help; I must have looked like Edward Scissorhandsfeetface. I also stopped at a mineral shop for a little piece of amethyst (suggested by Dill last fall) to incorporate in the garden, and I planted my veggie and herb seeds in the baby seed germination bed (it?s in the house under the curious eye of the parrot and has a grow light and heating pad). And yes Dill, there is dill (heirloom Grandma Einck?s no less); I seem to have had a lot of our Dill on what passes for my brain yesterday
