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    Beautiful morning from here! Welcome Rustop, Sheepish, and Grunch, I look forward to getting to know you, and thank you Tawnyfrog, IAD, and Mario for stopping in and lending your experience and support. The weather started to turn Springish yesterday and it looks as through we are set for a drop dead lovely week. I took all of my pruners, loppers, shears, and garden saws to the sharpening shop, it was quite an awkward and dangerous looking armload and made the workers blanch and jump to help; I must have looked like Edward Scissorhandsfeetface. I also stopped at a mineral shop for a little piece of amethyst (suggested by Dill last fall) to incorporate in the garden, and I planted my veggie and herb seeds in the baby seed germination bed (it?s in the house under the curious eye of the parrot and has a grow light and heating pad). And yes Dill, there is dill (heirloom Grandma Einck?s no less); I seem to have had a lot of our Dill on what passes for my brain yesterday. While at the mineral shop I found a little copper egg, less than an inch long but very heavy and I bought that as well, it just seemed fitting. Hello Lav, Lil (bravo oh healthy smoke free one), Cyn (I think it is Moses, he as a long beard, his arms are outstretched very wide, and there is a groove in one hand for the staff and a flat place in the other for the tablet along with perhaps a bit of not so Biblical glue :H), Chill (I fondly anticipate your still distant ?date?), Raven, Sooty, Red (hope you are on the mend:l), Overit, Lode, and Neighbor Shelley. Breathe and reflect like a still pond. Love, Ladybird.
    may we be well



      hi all. spring is a coming. I saw pink blossom today.
      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.



        Good to see everyone posting today,There is an old saying there is strenght in numbers,so lets all keep marching this march.forward & up

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



          awul nights sleep last night but its been a lovely spring day here for marching, hope ive tired myself out (my dogs have joined in too, but they were never really too bad with the booze). actually feel full of the joys of spring (sure theres still a lot of rubbish weather out there. welcome grunch:welcome:. your definately in the right place here. your brief story is one a lot of us here can relate to.
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows



            Ravenjoy.....what a nice name...Ha! A Little Spring Joke: How can Batman tell it's Spring ? Give up ? Robin lays an egg......Ha! Juevnial was'nt it ! Take care....IAD.
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss



              Had great difficulty logging on today - so this is a quick sign in from me in case connection goes again. Beautiful day here, I hope Spring stays for ages

              Take care everyone, hope to see you on humpday
              love Sooty



                Evening March friends,

                Raining a bit now, turning to snow later - whatever!

                Sooty & Raven - if you really are seeing signs of Spring - I'm coming over

                Rustop - mid-late forties? Are you kidding? We're all 29 here on this thread!!!! At least I have been for years & years & years......

                Lil- 30 days NF - Woo Hoo, good for you!! Hard as hell, isn't it? It still drives me nuts most days!
                Are you using any nicotine replacement?

                Mario (you scarey guy) & IAD - greetings to both of you!

                Spuddleduck, sleep has been kind of off for me the past few nights as well. I thought maybe it had something to do with the full moon - an No, I wasn't outside howling

                Humpday already tomorrow - Sooty's favorite day of the week.
                Wishing everyone a cozy night!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                  Welcome to grunch, and all the newcomers.

                  I am feeling much better today, went to work, and enjoyed the sunshine. Yes, it was a tropical sunny 36 degrees F today, but in our neck of the woods and with sunshine, it was very hopeful.

                  Tomorrow I am off, going to Chicago for a medical check up and then a little dinner. It is supposed to be decent, in the 30's, and maybe if I'm lucky, sunshine. I always get excited driving into Chicago, it is such an exciting city.

                  I had a weird craving today, it came out of the blue. It made me mad, as I do not want to put up with cravings anymore. I will make sure to not drink tomorrow, or any day soon. TOday and tomorrow I commit to being AF.

                  Thanks everyone who thought of me when I was ill, I really appreciate it. Sometimes, as you get older, parents die, kids move away, and the daily caring of others is down to one or two people. It is great to belong to a group on this site. Thanks for your support.


                    MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE


                    I am in Chicago this week. Oh and next week and ad nauseum.

                    I want to be home!! Where the squirrels dig up my bulbs and I want to kill them but won't.

                    Where the Scarlet Tanagers and Yellow Finches feed on my seeds for them.

                    I am glad you are feeling better.

                    Today, I am doing well, too.

                    Glad to be here with all of you.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                      Oh, and this thread has my mind reeling with the song from the Beatles.

                      "The Magical Mystery Tour."

                      I hated the song back then, and I hate it now.

                      However, I love the title of this thread.

                      Now I just have to get that darned song out of my head...


                      AF April 9, 2016


                        MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                        Evening #2 off to a good start !
                        NF - Dec 2005


                          MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                          Hello mystical marchers!

                          Welcome to all new folk - Lil brava to you for your NF time, fabulous. And congrats to all who had an AF day today - every hour free is a victory.

                          Chill - your quote was a life-saver for me today; it couldn't have come at a better time. Not really all that stressed, but was getting tempted to be really down on myself. I listened to a Hay House CD and tried to get my thinking straight, but wasn't all that successful. (Lav - I promise to do the Clearing CDs, and would you mind sharing the Habit-busting website again?) Anyway, felt much better after your quote and touching home base here with you all.

                          LBH - you going to the sharpening store has now joined your other similarly evocative images in my mind's eye...I love the thought of the little copper egg - I can almost feel the weight of it! Dill - I think you must be an extra-special Heritage version of yourself, just like LBH's seeds. Red - glad you're feeling better, good luck on your jaunt to Chicago, and hope all is well with your Doc visit. Hey Sped, missing you - are you well? Also wondering where Lode and Mandalay have gotten themselves to - hope all is well.

                          I'm off again tomorrow to points south, will be back Thursday...hopefully I'll be able to post tomorrow, if not, know that I'm here in spirit.

                          Enjoy the moon - how incredible that we all share its light -
                          to the light


                            MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                            Good morning everyone

                            Congratulations Lilmea on your 30 days NF, what an achievement. I read somewhere that nioctine addiction is harder to beat than even heroin.

                            Lavande - I get it 29 and not counting, I'm in!!

                            Cinders - So good to hear from you again, hope you and your family are doing ok.

                            Red - Glad you are feeling better and Cyn - good luck on your journey.

                            Everyone else big hello. Feeling good and having no cravings so the march continues.



                              MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                              Good morning march marchers, Just thought i would drop this in,it helped me lots at the start of this journey

                              one day at a time (odaat)

                              There are two days in every week about which we should not worry. Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.

                              One of these days is yesterday with its mistakes and cares, Its faults and blunders, Its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone.

                              The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow. With its possible adversities, Its burdens, Its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow’s Sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.

                              This just leaves only one day… Today. Any person can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternity’s – yesterday and tomorrow that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives people mad. It is the remorse of bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.

                              Let us therefore live but one day at a time.

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                                MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                                Morning March.........Left foot, right's that simple ! Ha! One step at a time, as Mario said ! Top of the morning Marchers ........IAD
                                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                                Dr. Seuss

