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    Greetings, Marchers!
    Thank you Mario. I will print and carry this reading for today.
    Rusty, It's good to see you again! Glad you rejoined the fight. I'm with Lav, I thought this was a 29 and under thread!
    Cyn, take care on your travels. I'll be thinking of you. I too wonder about Lode, Sky and Mandaly. I hope we hear from them.
    Grunch, WELL DONE! I am glad you are tackling this with us. I just realized since you mentioned your age, I am actually celebrating my second 29th birthday in April!
    RED, what day is your birthday? I want to serve ice cream and cake. What's your favorite?
    Spuddleduck, sorry you're haveing a rough time with sleep. Have you tried Alteril? Works for me.
    Sooty, Happy Hump Day! I hope your internet gets straigtened out! I love your weather reports, especially of Spring-like weather!
    IAD, it's great to see you here where we write more than one word per post! Thanks for the Batman joke. I'll tell it today at school.
    Lav, I hear we have a "warm" weekend headed our way. We may see temps to 50!
    Lilmea, I can't believe you have made over 30 days NF! Well, yes I can, really. You've got the stiffest backbone of anyone I know, friend!
    Raven, what kind of blossom? We are still about 4-5 weeks away from our first crocus or jonquil.
    LBH, I do wish I could see your garden. Did you find a nice amethyst? I shall wear my amethyst pendant today and think of all of you!
    Chill, another hang-over free morning!
    Cinders, glad to have you here.

    OK, one foot at a time, one day at a time!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.



      Morning all,
      Haven't posted for a few days but am reading everyone's excitement about spring's imminent arrival. Haven't posted because I have seasonal affect disorder. The thing where people get depressed in the winter and sit under a sun lamp and then feel better. Well that's what I've got only I've got the flip flopped version. Spring makes me anxious and I hate summer! There, feel like I've made some horrible confession. I have felt this way for a very long time. I think it has something to do with the school year. Teaching in the spring, winding up the year can be very unsettling. Kids and teachers kind of ready for things to be over. And summer to me means unstructured time and for years that meant heavy drinking. When I was a kid, I dreaded summer, couldn't wait for school to start again.

      Okay, now that that's out of the way, I will take Mario's advice and focus on today despite it's springyness!

      Dill, I had to laugh when I read your post this morning...about the batman joke. I'm taking that one to school today too. IAD, let it be known that school children in New Mexico and Ohio are laughing (maybe) because of you.

      Lil, so happy for your nf 30 days. Bet your lungs are happy too!

      LBH, your yard sounds wonderful. Someday I will be running by, see you toiling away in some Edenesque setting, and I will stop and say hello. Can't believe you unearthed Moses. I'd been wondering where he'd gone to. Any plans to replace the staff and tablets??

      Red, glad you're better. Enjoy Chicago, my favorite big city. Hope your medical stuff is routine.

      Chill, I appreciated your affirmation. Settling myself has become such an important practice in my life. Learning how to just breathe and accept what is has kept me sober for days, weeks, months!

      Cyn, happy travels. Points south of you must be way south! I have 9 days til I head out for points west, aka California, to see my sweet boys.

      Golly, there's a lot of people on this thread these days. Happy humpday to all.
      I'm so glad you all are so glad it's spring!




        Good morning March friends,

        Dill, this weekend temps heading to 50+ - Yay! As the snow melts the mud increases...........
        Some of those nice March winds will dry up that mud

        Red, glad you are feeling better. Happy travels to the big city today!!

        Cindi, now I've got the Beatles tune in my head...........oh well!

        Grunch, great job on your 2 AF days!!

        Cyn, you can use this link:

        The Habit Busting program really worked for me! You have to put in the time & do the work but I found it very helpful in ridding myself of negative thinking!

        Rustop - isn't it great feeling 29 again?????

        Thank you for your words of wisdom Mario. Ridding oneself of excessive worry is most helpful on this journey!
        Hi IAD, keep marching!

        Have a bit of business to take care of this morning then prepare for an afternoon & evening of non-stop energizer bunny grandson will be here while his Mom is in class

        Wishing everyone a terrific Humpday!
        Hope you can check in Sooty!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



          Cross posted Shelley.
          Have a good day
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



            This just leaves only one day… Today. Any person can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternity’s – yesterday and tomorrow that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives people mad. It is the remorse of bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.
            Mario-A good thought for starting out the day. Thanks.
            IAD-I always say I only got this far by keeping my head down and putting one foot in front of the other. Not a bad way to get through March.
            Grunch-Copngrats on 2 af days! Hang in there. You can do this.
            Rustop-You are sounding strong. Just keep right on marching your way through March.
            Dill-Have you noticed that the yellow finches have started to change color just a little? You are right about the crocus though. But I still went out yesterday and looked to see if any were peeking out.
            Lav-Have fun with your little energizer guy.
            Cinders-Good to see you here.
            Cyn-Have a safe trip and remember you are not alone. We are all here sending you good vibes!!

            Sped-CONGRATULATIONS ON 7 MONTHS!!! Good Job :good: You are rocking right along!!

            Hello to everyone else! And Happy HumpDay!!

            I have a busy day planed so I had better get started!! Have a great, af day everyone.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous



              Hello everyone I am here!
              Mario thanks so much for those thoughts, they made SO much sense.
              I will remember them and think of your handsome face every time I do!
              Right I gotta get more cleaning done - I did a load this morning but I've got visitors at the weekend and the thought of someone else looking at my cobwebs is spurring me on!
              Happy Humpday Marchers
              love Sooty



                Thanks for reminding me Sooty...It is Hump Day.......half way their Marchers ! IAD
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                  Hi Everyone
                  Thank you for the nice welcome- AF March still intact in Sheep-world. (even though it is only March 3- I'll take it)
                  Took an exercise class yesterday that about killed me. Today I am like a 90 year old woman in a 40 something body...ow.
                  What a positive thread- so many people.
                  Have a great day all...


                    MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                    Thank you for helping frame the day, Mario, I can be a world class worrier when I don?t make a conscious effort to interrupt it. I am having one good day all by itself. I went to my neighborhood branch of the city/county library and picked up some audio books for the time of my eye fixing when I won?t be able to read. As in most cities the library system is online and one can request things sent there from other locations, borrow through downloading etc, but the library itself is itty bitty adorable, microscopic, in an historic house of perhaps seven hundred square feet (one returns things in the kitchen and the ?talking books? on hand are in a tiny bedroom closet). You probably know it, Neighbor Shelly, and thank you so much for posting; when I feel particularly bleak I too shut down like a clam. I did not post a word last year when I was withdrawing from alcohol, I could either go through it or I could talk about it, I could not do both. I look forward to hearing how you impose structure on a sweet sober summer so that you have this to anticipate and enjoy. For me unstructured time is my heaven but I know that for many it can be highly unsettling. I do like to plan things to look forward to and build in milestones as those things that used to be measured in semesters and degrees and then a career are now out of my daily life and ordinary future. Dill, the amethyst is a little over an inch square with lots of rich deep dark crystals and cost $4.50, the earth is breathtakingly generous. Speaking of generosity, I think it is going to be close to sixty degrees here and gorgeous. In addition to Moses I found one tiny blooming wood violet in the (former) vine patch, and the earliest daffodils are about to bloom. Have a good trip, Cyn, don?t forget yourself and some ?soft? time so you don?t have to post in the middle of the night. Hi Lav, Lil, Raven, Mandalay (where are you), Sky, Sooty, Overit, Chill, Lode, Red, Grunch, Sheepy, Rusty, et. al. Off to dig out under the rose bushes! Love, Ladybird.
                    may we be well


                      MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                      hey dill it was a generic pink cherry tree blossom. By the way the snowdrops are out in bath Uk and the magnolias are in bud.
                      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                        MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                        Evening friends,

                        Well - nothing blooming around here yet but at least it isn't snowing

                        Had a wildly busy day with my little buddy. He just turned 15 months & is beginning to walk - look out!!!
                        Running after him counts as exercise, right???

                        Wishing everyone a cozy AF night.
                        Will be back in the morning after a much needed rest

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                          Good Morning everyone

                          Mario, thank you so much for your words of wisdom yesterday, very thought provoking.

                          Sped - We have all our favourite times of year, I was born in October and absolutely love the autumn, long winter evenings, big fires etc.

                          Sooty - Hope you got your cleaning done, I need to have visitors more often, not my favourite chore.

                          Ladybird- Love reading about your garden, you bring it alive.

                          Lavande - Running after a 15 month old certainly counts as exercise, its right up there.

                          Cindi- Hope you are over your tummy bug.

                          Raven, Sheepish, IAD, Grunch, Cyn, Dill, Lilmea and everyone else hope you all have a great AF day. Catch you all later.



                            MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                            Just a quick good morning ,of to my aftercare meeting today,i have been going for the last 9 months ands i only have one more week left,will have to put another support in place to fill in that gap.hope you all have a lovely sober happy day, as its a lovely march morning here,lovely day for a cycle :-)

                            keep sharing your journeys & feelings it will help you & help others.

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                              Morning all happy Thursday - got lots of cleaning done yesterday and now when the visitors arrive on Sunday I can just give it a quick lick and the house will be relatively presentable!
                              Got a busy day today, lunch with a friend and choir tonight so hopefully catch you all later.
                              The sun shining again thank goodness - hope some of it reaches you.
                              Have a good one gang,
                              love Sooty

                              IAD - I had never heard of humpday until joining this erudite clan - and it made me laugh cos I thought it was something a little naughty! So now I have to mention it every week cos I love the name so much


                                MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK ONE

                                Back to work today.

                                Mario, loved the thoughts on living for today. It is true that if we think alot about the past or the future, we can fill ourselves with anxiety. Plus, we cannot change yesterday and tomorrow will be based somewhat on our actions today. Seize the day, do your best, find the positive, remember positive self care and just have great day.

                                Sped, I appreciate your sharing your dislike of spring and summer. I also do not do well with unstructured time. Vacations have turned into drinking nightmares. We have a vacation planned this summer and one of the people we are with is already challenging us about drinking. It is so stupid. If it is going to be like that, I will not go. Period. Knowing that you drink, maybe planning would help. Make this a different summer if you can. I know it is not easy, but you have done a great job of staying AF and now have habits in place. It is never esay but planning always helps me.

                                I will be fifty on the 28th. So, get ready. Seriously, I have no plans. My birthdays are not a big deal. I remember on my 40th, I bought myself a pizza and a bottle of wine, had a friend over and made my own party. This time I will celebrate AF, or it won't be a celebration.

                                I was reading a thread on the ASAP section, and the subject was anxiety. It is such a vicious circle. You are anxious so you drink. Then during and after the alcohol withdrawal, the anxiety escalates into unbearable feelings for days at times. So you drink again. Whew, it is really bad. Some individuals take anti-anxiety meds, but they don't work if you are drinking. Key is to stop drinking and rough it out, easier said then done. They talked about trusting the process of life, and that is something I need to work on. Anyone else dealing with anxiety?

                                Have to get ready for work now. Have a great day. Good to have so many contributors to our thread. Keeps it relevant and fresh. I look forward to reading everyone's thoughts and ideas.

