1. because it was a non-drinking activity.
2. because I would have felt too self-conscious & afraid.
Last night's BB meeting was on a story I had read before at DG's suggestion (p. 338). It was a story by a woman, & all the references applied to me from finishing up the AL in people glasses after an evening at my home to having AL accompany everything I did. I forgot about that accompaniment part:
-I drank when I mowed the lawn or snowblowed the driveway.
-I drank when I cleaned.
-I drank when I cooked (almost always).
-I drank when I b-sat the g-kids.
I would start off feeling like the drinking would help me get through whatever I was doing, but before long, I would be struggling & might not even finish. Now, if I want to rest, I do. I don't need AL in order to feel like I'm taking a break.
It's is small things like that that make me grateful to be sober. I don't have to reward myself w/AL. I can sit, have a cup of tea, & do a crossword.