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AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

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    AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

    Hello Abber Fabbers,

    My Tuesday has all but finished, a calm day, which I'm grateful for.

    I havn't posted daily lately, as I'm enjoying simple things, silence (when I can get it) and unfortunatly extra busy with sorting out the house, finishing reno's etc... I do enjoy seeing the changes though.

    Just going through old old photos... oh, my gosh!!! It's wierd looking at them. AND....

    Sadly, afew that I actually looked ok in, I had a wine glass in hand, or a champagne glass.... oh how to spoil a good photo!!

    Afew old photos, you could see it in my eyes i'd had a few too many... oh how sad!

    How is everyone today?

    I'm hoping to ride to work tomorrow... we've had daily rain for awhile now, maybe tomorrow it will not be too heavy.

    Have a great day everyone....stay AF....

    AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

    Hi Leelou
    Isnt silence wonderful! When I woke up this morning I lay in bed thinking about the things Im grateful for and I suddenly became aware of the beautiful silence....

    Im having another great day and March is filling me with confidence.

    Leelou, you say you are hoping to ride to work tomorrow, is that by bicycle or do you have a horse??!!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

      Good morning Ab Fabbers,

      Glad to be in a new month, grteful to be here & unhung

      Leelou, Chill - enjoying the moment with a clear head is very special indeed! I'm only sorry it took me so long to get here but I did!

      Trying a new Fat Free Vegan recipie today for Cajun Bean Soup - looks promising

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday. Have a great day!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

        Oh Lav im always looking for fat free options and love beans and spices! Can you let me know if its good and pass on the recipie....
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

          And a good morning to a the fab abbers!!

          Thanks leelou, for the morning start! You are really in your zone these days! Silence is sort of the norm for me. I must remember to not take it for granted.

          It's nice here this AM. Rain or snow may be on it's way. The owners come home this afternoon so I think I'll get over for a walk on the beach. Bob is almost back to normal so I'm not concerned about that. They said if the weather isn't nice Wed, that I should stay till Thurs. (twist my arm!!)

          This has been an amazing 3 weeks. Cinders, you are right. This NEVER would have happened for me a while back. I remember very well time period of the hole and missing 2 vacations. My goal is to bring home the exuberance I have had here. To approach every day feeling like a tourist on vacation. (work aside)

          Hi chillgirl & lav and all to come.

          Have a terrific tuesday!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

            Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm glad to be here - not as well established as the rest of you, but beginning day 9 of my AF journey & happy about it. We have a bit of sun today - still cold, but it's beginning to feel more like spring - finally. I have a windows guy coming for final measurement. I'm replacing windows in this very old bungalow I live in. It's a 1926 tiny thing - I did the front of the house in the fall & it was such a dramatic difference. I have to finish the rest of the first floor - they'll be in by April. I have a thing about light being symbolic & all that - I feel somehow that this will assist me in shining a light on my life as well as making my life in this little house more wonderful. Anyway - I'm off to get ready for the 're-measure man'! Good day to all.


              AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

              Hello friends.

              I am getting tired of winter. It zaps my energy. I am ready for sunshine and warmth and green grass! It will be soon, that is what I love about the change in seasons---always something to look forward to. I never seem to get my winter projects done though.

              I had the pleasure (not really) of spending part of the weekend at my in-laws. Now that I am sober, it is so hard to understand why people want to drink so much. My sil was already slurring her words and talking loud and of course consuming the conversations when we arrived early Friday evening. Saturday they started drinking at 10:30 a.m. My son ended up getting sick there (vomiting) and I had to gently convince hubby, that it would be wise to not start drinking with them since he needed to take him home.
              The drinking continued through lunch and then I went home for the evening. We went back the next morning (basket ball tourney) and they were already drinking again! UGH! I guess I just never could start that early in the day without getting totally trashed and dealing with an early evening hangover. My SIL is getting so heavy, and her skin has the red veins. She drinks hard alcohol and beer. We used to drink a lot together. Now, I hate to say I can't hardly stand to be around her. It makes me sad. I have changed. I stick up for myself and don't let her bully me around--but we used to be pretty good friends. I guess sometimes when friendships revolve around alcohol they cover up some of the things we dislike about people.
              Anyway, I'm starting to ramble. I'm happy to be sober, and I don't care what others think.

              It is so great to hear how everyone else is doing. Cinders it's good to see you again too. Greenie--it sounds like you had a wonderful time--it is sad that it has to end and you have to go back to the real world, but what a blessing for the opportunity!

              I have a sick kid again today. I don't understand it either. He was vomiting all day Saturday. Fine on Sunday and Monday, and then woke me up because he was shaking and then vomited again! Now he feels ok. Weird!

              Have a great day all!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

                Hello Ab Fabbers!

                Just a quick Fly-By for me! This will be a long, intense work day! Again I am reminded of how living without alcohol makes everything so much easier! How the hell did I do this with a constant hangover and feeling like crap!!! ARggghhhh!

                How do we see ourselves, introduce ourselves?......I am Kate and I CHOOSE to live Sober! I do not introduce myself as a Drunk.....perhaps some fact I know some do. But, I believe that Words lead to Action and I never want the action nor the motivation in my life to change back to being a drunk!

                Leelou....did you have to mention old photos!! EEEk....I have looked at photos as well....they are so telling! I never realized at the time, how hardened and tired and old I looked back in the drinking days! I can see the self destruction of alcohol in my face, my body language and even my soul......dead eyes!
                I never saw this at the time! Can we say "Denial"!

                Everyone have a great day!! Sounds like we have a bunch of Busy Sober Bees!!

                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

                  Hello Ab Fabbers! Leelou, thanks for starting us off today. I love the reminder to appreciate the peaceful silence when I am fortunate enough to have some going on! I usually wake up before the alarm and that is good meditation time for me too. I DO need to remember to shut off the alarm before it starts buzzing, which I forgot to do today! I think I know the feeling you had when you looked at the "too buzzed" pictures. I have some unfortunate ones that sound similar. :egad:

                  Chill and Funny girl, I am so glad you have joined us! It doesn't matter how much sober time we have or don't have. What matters most is that we have a sober day today. I really appreciate all perspectives on sobriety and get something from all the sharing - whether it's somebody on Day 1 or Year 100. (well, the longest term sober person I know is 40+ years sober, but who's counting LOL!)

                  LVT, I'm ready for spring too. I think. Mud season. I better think about that for a minute! 20 muddy dog feet. Maybe winter is good after all. I hope your son feels better soon. YIKES. That on again off again things sounds baffling. I hear you on the feelings with people we used to drink with. I am going through some right now with an old drinking buddy from my Florida days. She has tried to reconnect but I'm not sure how I feel about it. Sister is helping me and I'm really glad for that. Some relationships through the transition from drunk to sober are just... well... confusing to me.

                  Lav, can I come over for soup???? You are always so cheerful and I just love that about you!!

                  Greenie, I'm just so glad that you were able to share so much of this vacation with all of us! I felt like I was there with you at times and that has been so nice! I hope you get to extend it a couple more days...

                  Kate I'm with you - I really don't know how I survived the hangovers and pain and exhaustion of the drinking days.

                  Cinders, another welcome back to you in todays thread!!!

                  When I am within my recovery fellowships (MWO or AA) I have no problem identifying myself as an alcoholic (or drunk or aklie or addict or whatever - the choice of word really doesn't matter to me). I no longer view those words as "labels." It is just a fact that I am an aklie / drunk / addict / whatever. When I am in my recovery fellowship, identifying as an alkie is my reminder that no matter how long I am sober, I'm still an alkie. If my normie husband goes a year without a drink, then has a drink, he will still be a normie. He will have his drink and then go on about his life. If I go a year without a drink, and then have a drink, I will still be an alkie and my drinking is likely to spiral out of control and fast. The last time I tried going without a drink for a long time, and then having a drink, I signed up for 8 months of active alcoholic misery.

                  I can never afford to forget that. Drifting away from that fact might put in the line of fire for relapse thanks. That's just how I see it for myself of course! The beautiful thing about MWO is that many views about recovery are embraced.

                  I am an alcohlic choosing sobriety for today. YEAH!

                  And now I'm going to the hair dresser. YEAH AGAIN!!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

                    Ab fabbers!

                    Another lovely springy day here. Still a bit chilly, but sunshine!

                    Funny Girl - congrats on your nine days! Every day is a milestone when you're just starting out, I think. Gotta get my windows replaced too. I really like them - they're big, square, chunky 1960s ones with wood frames and they keep the cold and noise out but the locking mechanisms are either broken or stuck. I'm dragging my feet slightly about replacing them, partly because of cost but mainly because I don't want new plasticky ones. Maybe I'll put if off until next winter!

                    LVT - your inlaws drinking reminds me of my parents - except my parents start about 9am. I find it very difficult when I stay with them as drinking is a real focal point of the day, and for 20-odd years they were used to me also drinking like a fish so it's a whole new weird dynamic now I don't. Still, you made it through with flying colours!

                    Leelou - Photos: my passport photo is a "drinking face". Yuk. But it runs out in six months time and I can get a new, slimline version done - even though I'm 10 years older :H Eek!

                    Kate - I have NO IDEA now how I used to cope at work. I think I certainly did it in a grouchy, resentful way, especially when I had to stay late and all I wanted was to go home and drink.

                    DG - having my hair done tomorrow! Still haven't made the leap to colour yet, but the grey bits ain't gonna go away by themselves. Whenever I mention it to my hairdresser, he says "Oh, I like the grey bits". But he's greying (and thinning) so should I be listening to him?? :H

                    I've had two friends today ask me, separately, for advice about their friend/relative with a drink problem. One has a brother who is a binge drinker and goes for weeks without having a drop, then goes on a bender and ends up in hospital. But I don't understand that pattern either, so I haven't been any help to her. The other has a friend who used to go to AA meetings every day but has started drinking again. I think my friends now think I have insight into other people's drinking, but I really don't I know what's working for ME but I have no idea how to help other people.

                    Greenie, Chill, Lav - always a pleasure
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

                      A little grey adds character perhaps distinguished(if sober anyway),
                      sounds like another souperlav recipie coming on. I am doing spinach again, its better than a pipe.
                      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                        AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

                        I just got back from another visit to the fish place. Heavenly oysters. I got them on the half shell steamed so they are just tepid, plump, with that fresh salty juicyness to them. Makes me roll my eyes. I eat them with my fingers, foregoing the cocktail sauce and just using a squeeze of lemon. I'm sitting there looking out over the sound and I think of a time a friend was over and he and FH were going to go eat oysters. I had just quit drinking (one of the numerous times), and I thought of my liver and oysters and politely declined. The friend knew how I loved oysters and seemed to know why I declined and suggested a Mexican place he liked instead. Nice to have a friend like that, but really, what a shame. I'll never think twice about those jewels of the sea again. I'll never have to deprive myself of life's pleasures because of AL. Ever.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

                ;815062 wrote: I am doing spinach again, its better than a pipe.
                          Huh? What am I missing here?
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

                            I don't know Greenie - I never stuffed my pipe with spinach....:H
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF-Daily, Tuesday 2nd Feb

                              Happy Tuesday ABerooos!

                              not to be an alarmist but I get very concerned when I see folks advocating a 'fat free diet'. I'm assuming (hoping) you mean just cutting out the bad saturated fats? Dietary fats are one of the 3 critical macronutrients along with protein and carbohydrates and without them we will eventually die as we cause heart, brain and nervous system damage over many years. The human heart derives a full 50% of it's energy from dietary fats, and the human brain is 50% omega3 fats by volume. Please educate yourself and be healthy! many folks confuse eating low fat diets with wight loss when in fact a low fat diet makes weight loss exceedingly difficult due to metabolic and hormonal complication caused by low fat diets. it's complex but there is some food for thought.

                              ok, diet rant over. hope you're all having a splendid day

                              be well
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

