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AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

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    AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

    OK, It's late here, and im tired and about to go to Zzzz land...

    Read all your posts from my pocket today at work.. would love to reply, but might hit my head on the keyboard typing...

    Happy Hump day all.... lots of interesting topics mentioned....

    Enjoy your day....

    AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

    morning ab fabbers!

    I think there is a small car advisory today... 35-40 mph wind with 50 mph gusts. Plus the snow and rain showers. The thought of a 7 hour white knuckle drive doesn't sing out to me so I'm ditching it until tomorrow. The owners have gone away for the day for an appointment. So... what to do except wait for lunch time and go down the street for shrimp and oysters!

    Alanon's a great idea DG.

    I bet everyone's eating pasta today. :H

    wunnerful wednesday to everyone!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

      Greetings Ab Fabbers,

      A happy humpday it is

      Greenie, don't blame you a bit for staying put today. I hate the white knuckle - gorrila grip drives myself! Have fun but don't OD on the shrimp & oysters!!!!

      Leelou, hope you are sleeping well!

      Greetings to DG, Marshy & all to come today.

      I'm trying to get a little work done this morning. The rest of my day is reserved for my Energizer Bunny grandson..........I will be tired tonight

      Wishing everyone a superb AF day!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

        Hi all - I'm baaaack! . . . ;-) Greenie - shrimp and oysters sure does sound wonderful! I live in the midwest now & I can tell you - seafood is not their strong suit! Out here it's all beef . . .cow country for sure . . . .It's really good, but I reaaaaaallly miss good seafood.

        We have sun here - chilly, but sunny. Feeling cheerful & ready to get this hump day over with so we're on the downhill slide with the work week! Have a great day everyone!


          AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

          Ab fabbers!

          Weather's gone back to winter today. Spring was nice while it lasted

          I'm reading, reading, reading. Trying to finish two library books before I start on a new big fat book I've got a week to read before my book group. Pressure! I'm on "We Need To Talk About Kevin" at the mo. I know it's been out for years but I've only just got around to it. Excellent!

          Greenie - sounds like you might get snowed in there for months

          DG - I left you a note on yesterday's thread.

          Hi to Lav, Leelou and Funny Girl.

          Off to bed with my books!
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

            Hello Ab Fabbers! Light attendance today. Everyone must have gone to the mall as I did, where they were practically giving spring stuff away today. (no diamond encrusted coffee tables though)

            Leelou, whatever you decide to do (or have already done by now!) in celebration of hump day, I hope it is/ was fun!

            Greenie, Wow. "Small car warning." I don't think I've ever heard it put that way!! :H Good for you staying put and enjoying more of those Oysters. You never know what might happen with the "O" don't ya know. (just keep your hands off my Johhny Depp or we're gonna have a cat fight!)

            Lav, I hope you are having an excellent time with the energizer bunny one! Bet you will sleep good tonight.

            Funny girl, I'm a midwestern girl myself. IL. I'm not in cow country though. I'm close enough (but so far thankfully) to Chicago where they don't know where hamburger comes from. How are you feeling in your Ab Fabbness? Hope you are doing good. Let us know if you have questions or need some help or need to scream or whatever, OK?

            Marshy I'm so behind on my reading! So much half finished reading and a growing "want to read" list. Where does the time go? When I first went AF I thought I would lose my mind the days seemed to drag on. Not any more! Wow - I read your posts about your friends with the 40 yo drinking son. I really hope they consider Alanon. Don't know how good the groups are in your neck of the woods. But the Alanon women around here would, in the most loving way, probably have the son in a detox and then a half way house before you could say boo. Or living under a park bench, his choice. They are a tough bunch! (but they know how to NOT enable people like us!)

            I spent a lot of $$ today but BOY did I save a lot too! I've been dressing up a bit more with the Mary Kay skirt thing going on. I'm voluntarily wearing skirts these days. Imagine that. I got 2 $200 suits for under $60 each, and 1 $200 suit for $90 something. They all have different types of black skirts which I can wear with other tops, and 3 different jackets that are all cute. I got a $240 trench coat for $35 :egad: I couldn't believe that one! And, well, a bunch of other stuff. Bring on spring! I'm ready! Oh - of course I had to order some new shoes when I got home to go with my new stuff. I better get busy and sell more cosmetics! The AA girls are having a big MK party on Saturday so we'll see how that goes. I'm sure we will have lots of fun and that's the important thing to me. LOL We'll probably all end up with clown faces, and that's with no wine involved whatsoever. :H

            Hello to everyone else who hasn't checked in yet today. I want to hear how you did at the mall giveaways.

            There will be no drinking for me today, that's for sure! Shopping is WAY more fun.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

              Well DG, Love Chicago! You have much more sophisticated restaurants than here in KC. It's getting better here, but this is really cowtown at heart. I did do a little shopping tho . . .got some sale boots - beautiful Italian numbers - over 60% off the original price - couldn't resist! Plus I can afford them now that I'm not buying alcohol!

              Go far feeling good, but I'll let you all know if I need a little support for sure - I do appreciate the offer & am glad to hear everyone's stories & read the posts!


                AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

                Hi all!!

                I just got out of bed.

                I am in Chicago this week, DG.

                I got sick though. Really sick. Somewhere around 3:00 a.m. I woke up and was worshipping the porcelain goddess.

                Eeek. It has been horrid.

                I am going to wend my way down to the hotel lobby soon and see what the "soup of the day" is.

                I remember being sick from drinking like this and now I am just sick. This is good. I know it is just a passing deal, in the past I knew it was an everyday thing.

                I hate being sick and away from home, though.

                I want to be in my own bed.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

                  I'm home. I started pacing mid morning and hopped in the car and made it over the bridges so it was home free after that. Spring better hurry up bacause I left my coat. Duh.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

                    Funny Girl, I had to keep myself far far away from the boots boots boots in the stores or on-line. I would have LOVED to do some damage on those sales but needed to keep my eyes on spring! I actually LIKE KC! I used to travel there on business and it always struck me as being a good size. Not too big, not too small. Wonder if my impression would still be the same with sober eyes??

                    Cindi, I'm so sorry you are stuck on the road SICK!!!! :upset: There is SO much crud going around here. It seems everyone is sick. I wish I could do something for you!!! I will pray for your wellness AND your new job!

                    Mr. Doggy just got home. The new stuff is all tucked away in the closet already beginning the "aging" process. You know, that one where he says "Is that new?" and I say "THIS old thing?" And of course, we both fully know the game. Marriage games are a lot more fun when sober! Another of my favorites is "Does this outfit make me look fat?" and he says "No, your fat makes you look fat." :H

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

                      Oh, I think you'd still like KC sober. I like it here - it's an easy place to live. The cost of living is certainly good - coming from the DC area, this was wonderful to me - and the people here are really nice, so I've been pretty happy here. sounds like you cleaned up on new spring fashions - maybe that will be my next shopping excursion - I just couldn't pass the boots by this time.

                      I hope all of you who are sick recover quickly - I'm off to eat my late, late supper.

                      good night all & I'll be checking in tomorrow!


                        AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

                        Cindi, so sorry hon! try to stay hydrated as much as you can. I'm off on the road tomorrow (if i can get over the snowy Sierras).

                        DG, how did you get those deals on clothes? is that an outlet store?

                        I had a pretty dreadful day at work. ugh. tried to blame me for some mistakes I didn't make.... I got pretty stressed out for a while. Ok now. ommmmm ommmmmmmm

                        be well friends
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF-Daily, Wed..3rd March

                          nam myoho renge kyo
                          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.

