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    Good morning March Marchers,

    OK, here we are - week two

    Red, I just saw your post, I'm sorry about your slip. Please just put it behind you & move forward! We have to if we ever want to get where we're going!

    I never watch the Oscars, hope those of you who watched enjoyed it. My DIL & grandson were here till nearly 9:30 last evening so I was busy with them. They had the 'Insanity Twins' with them so I had a lot of cleanup to do afterwards

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!
    Let's make it a good one!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


    Morning all,
    Thanks for starting us Lav. I'd rather watch the Superbowl than the Oscars and I don't particularly care for football. Have a good Monday.

    So sorry about the weekend Red. Sometimes I thought if I stopped counting days, it would help. Going back to day 1 over and over again seemed unbearable. But even if I wasn't officially counting days, I still counted them. Years of AA made not counting them impossible. Despite your slip, every time you string together some sobriety days, it makes you stronger. Sobriety days whether they're interrupted or not teach you how to live your life without al. Appreciate them and hang in there.

    Hi to Rust, Grunch, Dill, all to come.

    I do not have a job yet for today. Sitting around waiting for the phone to ring.




      hi march marchers its afternoon here,
      hi lavande, This morning i went to interview with college about doing a course on addiction studies,i thought it went well and they will let me know in about 3 weeks weather i am successful hope everyone has a good day,remember take it one day at a time, And a journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



        Hi fellow Marchers!

        Welcome to week two....Lav, Speed and Mario good morning to you, Mario your course sounds fantastic you would be such a great addiction coach, I so hope you get it.

        Lav - temperatures are arising - summer is on its way.... yippee!

        Speed - Im in awe of your running - i did a lot about 10 years ago but half marathon was my limit. Have you done a marathon before?

        Red - everything we go through in our lives is exactly what we have to experience in order to get to where we are today, you will be stronger for it and please dont be too hard on yourself, the remedy for all blunders is love :l

        Sky - I've missed you! I read your post quickly and saw "weeding" as "wedding" I wondered what you did at weddings that made you sweat so much :H

        Ladybirdheat - As always you have a lovely soft way with words and only you could describ Mario's avatar as "classically handsome" :H

        Dill - Thanks for reminding us that its still lent and we are therefore negative thought free.

        Grunch - Congrats on a week AF especially when having guests over. When that nagging voice in our head starts trying to entice you, consciously turn down the volume so you cant hear it anymore and replace it with some up beat music

        Spuddle - I was thinking of you when i banged my leg getting out the bath yesterday! No more UDI's for us...:H

        Looking forward to marching on through this week with you all, every day seems to bring a new realization to me and I have found some passion for things that Id forgotten I ever enjoyed, AF life is truly wonderful...

        Love to Rav, Lilmea, Sooty, Cyntree, Sheepish, Overit, Cinders, the dashing IAD and anyone else who joins us
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996



          Hi from Oz,:l
          Its Tuesday morning here. Good to see everyone is going good. I agree with Chil, Red don't beat yourself up just start you have another experiene under your belt which will make you stronger. Hang in there it is all for good reason.:h

          I have a couple of personal challengers this week so its not going to be a easy for me but i will call on my inner strength to get through it. Alcohol wont make it better it will just compound my situation. Both situations are my error and i have to learn from them without self medicating - that is my challenge for the week.
          Have a good one and look forward to reading about your week.:l
          Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.



            Thanks everyone for all your kind words. I could not take any criticism as I am so very hard on myself. I just have to be stronger.

            A lovely spring day, it gives me hope.



              Good Job Grunch :goodjob: on a week af!

              It was sunny and lovely here today. I actually got my bike out and went for a ride! Now I'm going to change into my jammies and then read for awhile.

              Hello to everyone and wishing you all a peaceful, af evening.
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous



                Here we are again with Week Two. I love this process, this morning when I read Lil had marked my surgery on a calendar I felt moved without warning; as a generally isolated person it felt like this odd conduit right to friends and family. Thank you Lil and Lav and Shelley and Cyn for your kindness and humor, I never have ?seen? you with broken or fixed eyes, but you are definitely there. And then dear Chill with her usual light says, "the remedy for all blunders is love", I just felt blessed, happy, lucky. Red, I don?t know if you realize how much your observations and reflections have helped me and others. You are going to be OK, better than you have ever imagined. I suspect given my nature that there will be another time in my life when I too shall choose to drink, and what I have learned from the times that I have had a drink since coming here beyond the obvious fact that it doesn?t particularly agree with me anymore is that I can stop myself from continuing and carve out alternatives, alcohol just becomes smaller and smaller. Hello to everybody, Raven, Mario (I sure hope you get the position, you have the right stuff), Mandalay, Lode, Overit, Sky, Grunch (good show), Sooty, Spuddle. Dill, my dill seedlings are up. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK TWO

                  Good morning all, frosty but sunny here, but iam feeling great, of now to gym check in laters, have a good day everyone

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK TWO

                    Good morning everyone

                    Another beautiful sunny morning here after a night's frost. About to take the doggies for their daily walk in the woods with my friend. This is my therapy every morning and I really enjoy it. Exercise, good chat, clears the head and you feel better mentally and physically.

                    Still taking my supplements and no cravings at all so far. Will catch up on the posts later, wishing you all another Af day.



                      MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK TWO

                      Good Morning my dear Marchers!
                      Sun is out here too, been to the gym and now off for a walk with my dog - AF life is indeed good

                      Affirmation for today is "I accept opportunuties when they come my way. I feel confident about my future"
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK TWO

                        LBH, thanks for the lovely really have a way with words. I have been kind of down, it is hard to keep getting back to day one. Honestly, though, I know I have no other choice, want no other life. Drinking is not a lifestyle I want anymore. Even the once in a while drinking is unacceptable to me.

                        Today, I commit to being AF.

                        Chill, love the affirmation: I accept opportunities when they come my way. I feel confident about my future.


                          MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK TWO

                          Good Morning, Marchers!

                          Lovely hangover-free morning here! Yesterday was so lovely. We actually played outside on the playground for the first time since winter set in. The children were beside themselves with delight. It's such a gift to be able to watch them run, play, swing, explore in the golden light of the nearly-spring sun. The snow is nearly all melted and the creek beds are full and rushing with cold muddy water. The ice/snow cover on the pond is softening as our one adventurous dog discovered with dismay! She had been running out on the pond of late almost as if she felt she had conquered the water and it could no longer drown her. We had been calling her back and telling her she need not be on the ice at this stage. Yesterday at the waters edge she sunk in up to her back haunches. Out she sprang!

                          LBH you can be sure that the day of your surgery there will be friends from far reaches holding your hand. I have had eye surgery, so I know what a frightening thought it is. You will be fine and the new and improved LBH will emerge!

                          Red, I agree it is hard to start back to day 1, but you're right: There is no other choice. Not if we want healthy af lives. We are still learning and there is much to overcome. For myself, I came from a culture of drinking. It was socially acceptable and encouraged. Changing my view of, and relationship with alcohol goes far beyond just beating the addiction. We can do it.

                          Rusty, I am so happy to hear that you are having no cravings! I have decided to try SamE and started it 3 days ago. I take L glut and GABA, but I wonder if I am taking enough. I just take one each in the afternoon. Do you mind telling me what supps you take, and how much? I don't have a terrible time with cravings, but I think the L-glut and GABA help with stress. I'm dealing with a lot of stress lately.

                          Overit, good luck with your challenges this week. Let us know how it goes. We will be thinking of you. Strength to you!

                          Chill, keep those affirmations coming. Thanks!

                          Lil, yesterday was good bike riding weather. Did you get out for awhile on your bike?

                          Hi Mario.

                          Have a great day all who check in. Remember, "every day without alcohol is a victory!" (Thanks, Soots!)

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK TWO

                            Hi Dill

                            I am going by this Dr.Patrick Holford recommendations which he outlined in his book. How to quit and not feel like sh!!!t. It explains how an inbalance in your brain's chemistry underlies your addiction and how the right combination of nutrients can prevent or end withdrawal symptoms

                            I take 800mg of Same, 1000mg of Gaba, 200mg 5Htp. I also take Vit C, Vit B, Omega 3, Magnesium 150mg. You can also take Milk Thistle and a multivitamin.

                            Its quite a lot but if you take it for about 3 months you can then taper down. The starter pack from MWO included a lot of the same stuff, though not the Same or the Gaba. I always had cravings before, even while taking the All One and Kudzu so I am assuming the Same and Gaba must be the ones making the difference this time. I dont care what it is as long as it works. Hubby still drinks wine so it is always there, therefore being craving free is a blessing. Good luck with whatever you try.



                              MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK TWO

                              Good morning March friends,

                              Mario, I have my fingers crossed for you, hope you are chosen for your college course!

                              Rustop, sounds like you & your dogs are benefitting from the AF life

                              Thanks for today's affirmation Chill - I definitely like that one!!!

                              Red, today is a brand new day, let's make the most of it

                              Dill, we're enjoying another sunny day here too. May be the last for a while - someone apparently ordered 3 or more days of rain starting tomorrow. Today is a good outside day for all the kids & dogs in our lives!!

                              I'm taking today to go do a little outlet shopping with my daughter, something we haven't done together in a long time! Looking forward to some retail therapy

                              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday, I'll be back later!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

