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Weekly AA Thread - March 8-14

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    Weekly AA Thread - March 8-14

    Wow - more awesome reading. I haven't studies Jung at all, but from the sound of it I think I would find his writing very interesting.

    I am also one of those who never felt I "fit in" going way way back in my life. I too felt so alone with that feeling, and am still so amazed that there are so many of us. I don't spend a lot of time on "woulda coulda shoulda" as it's rather unproductive. But if I "woulda" found AA and the community of others so much like me a bit earlier in life, that would have been OK too!

    Dance, I love how you describe your concept of God. I feel much the same way - "it's everywhere." I used to really get stuck on the mental picture of an old white guy with a long beard sitting in a modest throne on top of a cloud. That is NOT my concept and for a long time I struggled to get beyond that. Until I realize that *my* concept does not have to conform to anyone else's, and especially not the images and memories of my youth and early religious influences.

    I remember in one of my Step meetings with Sister she asked me what I think the difference is between religion and spirituality. (the way she asked was just for my thoughts - not in a manner suggesting a right or wrong answer!) I said "regligion is outside of me and spirituality is inside of me." I don't even know where the words came from - that's just what came out of my mouth when she asked. For whatever that's worth...

    For me I guess the spiritual nature of this program is mainly about the connection with a broader consciousness that guides me to the right actions and away from the wrong ones. Toward others and away from myself. Toward connection with the world around me rather than isolation from it. I'm still figuring out what I think on so many levels, but am grateful for the forum and program AA provides which for me is a great place to figure it out!

    Attentance was light at the 12 & 12 meeting this morning. There was a St. Patrick's Day dinner / dance at the club last night so I'm sure some were out late. And maybe others forgot to change their clocks! (well, at least one person did who walked in as we were wrapping up! :H) Sometimes smaller meetings are REALLY good and this one was. There was a fairly equal mix of newcomers (us with under 2 years sober) and LONG timers - one who just celebrated 28 years and two others over 30 years. The discussion was on Step 12. It was really, really good.

    I am still amazed by the part of the step referencing "the spiritual awakening as a result of these steps." I suppose for some, it's like a lightening bolt. But it hasn't been that way for me. No burning bushes or anything like that either. But I look at myself now, and think back to how I was just one short year ago, and there is no question that I am different now and for the better. I'm not sure how apparent the changes are on the outside but on the inside they are pretty dramatic.

    I could go on and on but I think I'll give the pinkies a rest and let you guys go get a sandwich. Have a super day!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Weekly AA Thread - March 8-14

      Lot's of good talk here. Meeting today was from Living Sober. Read the brief chapter on First things first. Brought out the importance of keeping sobriety first, even before spouses, family, job or the home. Basically if we don't have sobrietly, we won't have to worry about all the rest. Just don't pick up the FIRST drink, since that is all it will take to get right back to alcoholic drinking.
      One AA member stated how he was dry to 8 yrs. Didn't do the AA program to maintain sobriety. Decided he could pick up and drink regular after all that time, only to find out he steadily progressed back to were he left off and then some in a short period of time.
      He now knows he can't pick up even one. First things first: don't pick up even one.. sobriety first.



        Weekly AA Thread - March 8-14

        Hi Everyone,
        I just love reading through all your post, just now my heart started beating fast thought i couldn't log on here, hate that when that happens.
        Im reading living sober and i realize that when i went to AA meeting last monday night that i isolated myself did not want to disturb anyone, so i sat in a row on my own, This can be a bad trigger for me i really wanted a drink. ( sometimes i dont realize that i still isolate myself) I know it says in the book it takes time or practice to break out of our cutomary solitude. Must remember next time to sit next to someone anyone so long as am not on my own. AA meeting on saturday a guy share and said to me in time my anger will subside as i grow.
        mary.... Happy belated Birthday.x
        Cupn1004...well done for not drinking.

        Have a lovely day ALL.x
        Formerly known as Teardrop:l
        sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
        my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

