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    Hi abber dabber Doo's

    sick as today, actually called in sick from work and been home, sleeping; dribbling, sulking etc...

    Tried to finish painting a guest room, lasted a few hours.. In bed again!

    Very pleased to see Uni, and Marshy, how'd it go?
    Pamina....that's how I meet my DH, kind of..... good on you! Hassle free, who knows what will be...

    Chillgirl, you want my brother in laws details !!??!!


    Dribbling, Leelou? Doesn't sound good! Hope you're feeling better soon.
    I finally gave up trying to sleep about 5.30am and got up. Knackered now, of course. Still, I sometimes used to get up at 5.30 and start drinking so being a bit tired ain't so bad!

    I need to restring some tiny orange beads I bought in India a couple of years ago (can't remember what type of stone). They were made into a bracelet for me while I was there but only on a thin cotton string which broke fairly soon and they've been sitting in a bag ever since. I'm thinking fuse wire. Anyone got any bead-stringing experience?
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman



      Good morning Fab Abbers! I just noticed that the thread started with The People of the Beautiful Avatars. And here I come with Spam Man! I think I need to change to a spring flower. Speaking of which, I need to go see if the crocuses are coming up!

      Leelou, sorry you are feeling dribbly. I hope it passes soon. Can't imagine even TRYING to paint anything when feeling good, much less when feeling bad. At least there is no hangover to go with the other sickness!

      Marshy, no bead stringing experience here. Would love to take a jewelry making class someday but I have no idea where to find time for that right now. I'm working too hard at other things to pay for the jewelry I bought from Lia Sophia! (which should be arriving any day now!! :yougo Oh I remember all too well those days of pouring a drink ("a" :H) early in the morning and skipping the coffee. And thinking....."just one" or something equally ficticious. I am baffled to this day of how the mind tricks go. Oh yes. Better to be tired late in the afternoon than already hungover in the afternoon.....

      I am going to also post this in the AA thread, but I really like this reading and am thinking that some non-AAers might enjoy it too. So here goes:

      Meditation For The Day

      Simplicity is the keynote of a good life. Choose the
      simple things always. Life can become complicated if you
      let it be so. You can be swamped by difficulties if you
      let them take up too much of your time. Every difficulty
      can be either solved or ignored and something better
      substituted for it. Love the humble things of life.
      Reverence the simple things. Your standard must never
      be the world's standard of wealth and power.
      I used to let every little thing - my business or NOT my business - really complicate and dramatize my life. I don't have "simplicity" down pat yet, but I'm getting better at not worrying about things I can't control, and not getting ahead of myself worrying about future possible outcomes that I don't even know for sure will happen. Stuff like that really helps me be happier in each moment.

      I'm wearing a suit (the kind with a skirt) today and liking it. This Mary Kay stuff is rubbing off on me. :egad:

      Well, TGIF!! And there will be no drinking for this Fab Abber today!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.



        Hello friends, I just wanted to report that there is an odd big yellow ball in the sky here this morning...I think it might be the SUN!!!:yay: The sky is blue too! I am so happy we get a few days of this before it turns crappy again.

        I just caught up on yesterday's thread and have to admit, I'm glad I don't have to do any sober dating. That would be incredibly hard for me, perhaps as hard as sober dancing. Kudos to you guys for putting out. Oops, I mean putting yourself out there and going for it!!!

        Good job on the no sugar, Det. I have been tested to the limits with the cookies, cake and ice cream lately but have done ok. As long as lickings don't count. Someday I may even try to give up all sugar.

        DG--are you trying to stimulate the economy all by yourself? Hubby mentioned the other day he was going to do some shopping and I gave him hell about spending too much money. Last night I was doing a little internet shopping and found some cute summer shoes, and swimwear, and a really good deal on some nice blankets. DAMN...why did I say anything to him. Not sure what I'm going to do now.

        I'm working on entering 2009 bank statements for a client so she can do her taxes. I better get busy with that little project! I've said this before, but I can't imagine trying to have this busy lifestyle as a drunk!

        Have a great weekend all...Leelou hope you feel better!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:




          All FH's stuff is out of the attic! Wow if you could see how dirty I am after crawling around up there. So the friend declined lunch and I offered a beer (11:30). Didn't want the beer but asked for a cup of ice. (greenie knows what a cup of ice is for and didn't need to ask). So he went on his way. I went over to the hole to the shed to measure a desk to advertise for sale and borrowed the FH car and brought back most of my mother's stuff I had stored there (photos, recipes, scrapbooks, financials). So I'm really making progress! They man who has a business next door has a truck and said he'd help me with the few things that were too big for me soon as we had a sunny day. Chuffed!!

          Marshy how about fishing line? Does it have a clasp or does it need stretchy string? You might find that in sewing department of store or a craft store.

          May go to dinner with friends. May pass out. Happy either way. Yes, the beer is still here. I'll use it to bribe someone to haul the stuff to the hole.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



            LVT, I need to STOP stimulating the economy NOW!! I bet you are THRILLED to see that yellow orb thingy they call the sun today!! I was gorgeous here this AM but now we are back to a gloomy winter feeling with clouds and drizzle.

            Greenie...:yougo: for your progress getting the stuff moved! Cup of ice. Funny that I bet everyone here knows what that means. And yet when I asked for a cup of ice, I thought I was being really clever. :H It doesn't bother me to have beer around either. Vodka or wine??? NEVER!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.



              Hi all - very late check in for me today - tied up with nasty client issues - insurance is sooo fun. Hung up new window treatments. My new drill is just soooo fab!!!! I loved it!

              I guess I'm stupid - but, I have no idea what the cup of ice is for! Enlighten me. . . .

              It's very cold & overcast here today. I feel like crusty bread & soup again . . .I'll probably be a big fat pig after the weekend is out! Tomorrow is our neighborhood St. Patty's day 'warm up' parade. It's quite an affair - all the shops, bars & local businesses come out - there are parties & floats, etc. It will be my first not drinking. I'm having friends come over to the 'hood to watch. I'll be collecting signatures to help restrict puppy mills - it's to get an animal cruelty bill on the ballot in the fall, so I'll have something new to do. I sure hope it doesn't rain. There will be plenty of food to eat though. There's a big tent party round the corner with sausages & corned beef, kraut, etc. Mmmmm . . . .

              Anyway - still AF - hard to believe! Off to the store to grab that bread . . . .why should I deny myself?



                FG, cup of ice to go means ya got yer liquor in the car. Soup and crusty bread for me - I'm too tired to go out.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                  Hi Ab Fabbers,

                  Night time check in for me. Made my annual trek to Atlantic City & back today. The tradeshow was nice, lost a little $$ at the Borgata Casino but pigged out at their dinner buffet

                  This was the first casino visit I've made since quitting my toxins last year. Being around the smokers & drinkers in the casino surprisingly didn't bother me at all! I'm grateful for that

                  Rain & wind today & all day tomorrow so I'll be looking at some indoor projects this weekend - oh well.
                  My daffodils & early tulips are up a few inches though - so I guess that's progress!

                  Wishing everyone a good Friday night!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



                    Hello Abbers,
                    Just popping in on Day 22 AF for me, feeling happy. I've had a nasty couple of days of PMS, which has been a big trigger for me in the past. This time I'm pressing through, knowing the irritable moods will pass. I never want to fool myself into trying to moderate again, and that is my biggest challenge. I'm not having urges or cravings...But I am scared that one of thee days I'll start the delusional thinking again. I want it to be over. You are all true inspirations to me. :l:
                    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)



                      Hi Sara. Congrats on that AF time! :goodjob: Are you still participating in Smart Recovery? If you are, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it from time to time, if you have time!! I know what you mean about the stinkin' thinkin'. That's a buggar. It gets easier with time and effort though.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.

