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AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

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    AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

    Ab fabbers!

    Temperature up into double figures here! 10C (50F) whoopy doop! Bit of sunshine this morning too.

    I think some bike rides might be on the agenda this weekend. Haven't been out on my bike for months.

    The woman I asked out hasn't called yet. (Grr grr grr) I was talking to a friend about it last night and she said "she'll probably call sometime next week". And I said "Next week???????". And we discussed how soon after getting/giving a number is the "right" time to call. It turns out my friend is much more laid back about it than I am. But then she's been very happily married for about 15 years so doesn't have to worry about it. I said if she doesn't call by Sunday she's not really interested, and my friend said "You're ditching her already and she hasn't even called yet!!", so we had a good laugh about it. :H:H

    Greenie- fishing line sounds like a good idea. I bought some fuse wire yesterday and it looks as though it might work but if it doesn't I'll try fishing line. The holes in the beads are teeny tiny so it's going to take me ages to do it. BTW - get rid of the beer! I had a bottle of champagne at home for a few nights before Christmas before I took it to friends and I didn't like even seeing it sitting there whenever I went into the kitchen.

    I didn't know what the cup of ice meant either! I didn't like my drinks diluted :H

    Have a spiffing day everyone!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

    Marshy - Why dont you just call her? Maybe she is shy or not wanting to look too keen.... Chances are she will be delighted to hear from you. Im so glad the temperature is rising in London, please keep me informed as im coming over for a weekend in as couple of weeks and have no idea what clothes to pack.
    Actually its on a blind date!!! Watch this space.............
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

      Marshy, hang in there, don't look at the clock! If it's meant to happen, it will. If not, at least you had a go, which is great, cos i'd you don't, then nothing is possible.

      I'm about to go to sleep again, still sick, didn't go to friends get together with DH tonight, painted Trims all day, room nearly finished, last main room too so happy about that. But tired!

      Yesterday I was only awake for 4 hours of the day, 3 of those were painting this room, can't wait to feel better. Not dribbling today as much!

      Have a good day all!


        AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

        AF saturday is feeling sunny, inside and outside. hope it stays that way.
        sending you all a bit of spring UK sunshine x:rays: sorry if you're in a hot part of the world, its the last thing you need.... you can have my inner sunshine instead x
        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
        Keep passing the open windows


          AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

          Chill - that's a hell of a long way to go for a blind date! Should be quite nice in a couple of weeks, will keep you posted.
          (I don't have her number - gave her my number instead, coz I was asking her out of the blue and thought she'd want to think about it rather than giving me her number if she wasn't sure. Made sense at the time. Hmm).

          Leelou- don't work yourself into the ground!

          Hi Spuddleduck.

          I've managed to destroy an inner tube while pumping up my bike tyres, so off to the bike shop I go...
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

            Hello All, thought I'd drop by and say hello.

            Marshy - I got my bike out today, did ten minutes then we had a bit of a monsoon, so I had to turn around. I'm over in the UK soon and bike shorts are on my shopping list. Might pop down to London as well - will have you look out for good exhibitions.

            Spuddleduck - I'm originally from the North East - not too far from you.

            Leelou - I hope you stop dribbling soon and admire that you're still toiling away!

            Chillgirl - do you shop for stuff that you can't get in Portugal when you're visiting the UK or can you pretty much get everything you need?

            I used to bring loads of stuff back to Singapore, but now its mostly just OXO and clothes. I do tend to spend hours gazing at all the lovely Groceries in tesco's though, our Supermarkets are not in the same league

            Happy Saturday.

            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

              Morning fabbie abbies!

              Holy cow! Look at all these people already!!

              Marshy fishing line size.... the bigger the number, the smaller the line. 6X is smaller than 3X. I am imagining this woman having the same sort of conversation with her friends - wondering what is too soon. :H

              Chill, a blind date in another city??? Geez, that's a bigger step than I could make. Of course then I'm the only one on the planet with an empty dance card

              LeeLou, I'm just shaking my head over you painting sick. tsk, tsk. Hope you feel better soon!

              spuddleduck inner sunshine rocks!

              Bets!!!! Good to see you! UK in the spring should be nice! What's OXO?

              I was so tired last night I was in pjs at 6:30 PM. I had to bail on dinner out.

              If I could only find someone to move FH's stuff today - it is bright sunny day! I've got nasty old paper work to do too. But tonight there is a show at the coffeehouse. A couple months ago a guy asked me out for a drink or coffee and I never followed through. Maybe I'll give him a ring. (see marshy - some of us take longer than others :H)

              I almost worked myself into a snit over not seeing a paper in my driveway for the SECOND Sunday in a row. Good thing I figured out it was Saturday before I made the call.

              Have a serendipitous saturday!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

                Good morning Ab Fabbers,

                There is a slight monsoon going on here today, flood watches & everything!!
                I have to run across the yard to go check on my hens but plan the rest of the day indoors!
                Good time to get some Spring cleanning done I think

                Good luck to those of you venturing out into the dating world - I would have absolutely no idea where to begin! Greenie you mentioned having an empty dance card - I think I lost mine entirely!!!!

                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

                  Gosh - I can't handle dating anyway - but sober dating! The thought of it has me totally freaked out!!! Friends want me to go see a band tonight & now at least I"m not worried about drinking, my biggest fear is actually meeting someone! (in my world I always meet someone when I don't want to) I guess that would be the best way to avoid worrying about drinkig there - it's acutally a fun thing - it's to see a great zydeco band & since it's pre-St. Pat's, you can't ever find the bar in that place anyway.

                  Rained all morning here & now it's clearning a bit - hope it stays ok - we have the parade this afternoon. I hate it when it "rains on my parade".

                  I don't know what OXO is either - first the ice, now this . . . .I guess I'm just clueless . . ..Oh well, gotta run . .. .I do want to hear more about all this dating. . . . .I'm going to need tips (or a sedative . .)


                    AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

                    All this talk about dating has my tummy in a knot. I think I'll keep my lush of a hubby and focus on the positive! Good luck to you singles out there though!

                    Sunny again today! I love it! I took a little catnap in the sunshine in my chair yesterday.

                    Off to our last weekend of basketball games until next year. I'm going to miss it, but will enjoy having some of my weekends back.

                    A friend asked me yesterday if I would be in the "Tri-for a Cure" in August. She wants me to do the biking--12 miles! I can't even make it 1 mile without stopping. It would be fun, and a great way to get into shape, but do I need the added stress of working in training time with my already super busy summer schedule? Plus I don't have the right kind of bike. What do you think?

                    Oh, and I ordered the stuff from Penneys with a few adjustments! Didn't want you to have to support the country alone-DG.
                    Have a great weekend all!:h
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

                      LVT, exercise is not an added stress. It helps REDUCE stress, remember? Time to put yourself first, sweetness!!! Besides, August is a aways down the road. You'll come up with a bike by loan or something. I'd lend you mine and even dust off the cobwebs and pump up the tires for ya! :H:H
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

                        greeneyes;821467 wrote:
                        A couple months ago a guy asked me out for a drink or coffee and I never followed through. Maybe I'll give him a ring. (see marshy - some of us take longer than others :H)

                        Come to think of it, I once waited at least a month before calling AFTER the first date. She was not impressed :H :H

                        Funny Girl;821514 wrote:
                        Gosh - I can't handle dating anyway - but sober dating! The thought of it has me totally freaked out!!!
                        It has me freaked out too. If ever I GET a date I'll start a thread called "Help!! I'm dating sober" :H :H

                        LVT - go for it! What do you mean by the wrong kind of bike?

                        Oxo is a beef stock cube.
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

                          Good morning Fab Abbers!!!! Well, afternoon by now.

                          LVT, I'm SO glad to be sharing this heavy burden of saving the economy with you! So what did you end up getting? I couldn't find a hot pink bag that I liked so I ordered a hot pink top instead.

                          Marshy, I hope that next time you ask for the date prospect's phone number so you don't have to go through all this worry!! Well, then you will probably worry whether it's too soon to call and whether she will say yes. I think I am happy to just be married and occassionally drool over Johnny Depp. (oh, and Mr. Doggy knows about Johnny and me. He's just happy that I have Johnny, so therefore do not expect Mr. D to wear any guyliner or get a facial or anything...) Well at any rate, you single ones need to keep us posted as us old married types need a thrill every now and then. At least this old married one does! :H

                          I had plans to have lunch with a girl from AA who seems to have quite a bit in common with me. She had to cancel as a family issue came up. So that means I get a little extra catch up time here! Then I'll be heading out to the same lady we helped earlier this week to help her some more. Feels good to be doing something nice for someone else.

                          Hello to all who have posted and all yet to come! And Spuddleduck, :welcome: and thanks for bringing that inner sunshine! I'll take some of that!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

                            Was too busy with daughters 13th birthday today to get on till now. We had a disco with lights and smoke machine.
                            I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                              AF daily - Saturday, March 13th

                              Hello Abbers,
                              Great to see you Betty...It's been a while!

                              I'm going strong, so happy to be AF and not wavering anymore. Not that I don't have fleeting thoughts like "Oh, maybe someday...I wasn't that bad..." but I refute them quickly and forcefully. I was that bad. Doggygirl's helpful post about the uselessness of comparing oneself to others has stuck with me.

                              Life is better for me AF than when I was trying to moderate. I'm eating a lot though....Anyone else do this in the early days? I know I could take L-Glut as so often recommended here. But I'm not exactly craving sugar, I just find eating is a pleasure, a treat and a comfort that helps make up for not having wine. Am I going to weigh 500 pounds after a year's sobriety?

                              Best to all.
                              "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

