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AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

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    AF - Daily - 14th March 2010


    Happy AF Sunday everyone...

    Im't not dribbling now, but I think I fell in the paint can!

    Feeling abit better now, but wish I was feeling 100%!


    I HATE 2nd COATS

    If my famiy guests don't notice our lovely trims, I'm gonna pitch them our tent and say sleep in that!! ahhahahhaha

    OK, breath in breath out.... I am 30 minutes away from finishing this damd painting job, and I'm kinda feeling delirious!

    It's not the fumes, I use chemical free paint. I'm just tired, sick and wish it was over.

    I have other plans after I finish this room, (sadly I wish I didn't) and whilst DH has gone to a footy match, it could be a good time to start them after I clean up these brushes.

    The best thing about this, is it's keeping me busy, and I see the rewards... AND I know this would not have happened with AL.

    So, be it I feel like crap, and am so sick of painting trims...I see things changing, and I am doing it!!!

    Back later once I climb out of this paint can.....

    AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

    Ok, one guess where I am.....
    In the bath, finally! Painting is finished! Whoohoo! We've purged the whole house and yard, and for the first time, we are spending time together positioning furniture! That hasn't happened before really as we needed to store building things, and all the crap that's now gone!

    I'm feeling abit better now, and really happy we got this work done!
    Next weekend we are going up the coast, we have a favourite getaway beach an hour away, and have been planning on going all this year but havnt had the chance!
    Next weekend I get a long weekend, so we agreed to make the most of it! When I was painting Thursday night, DH saw on the tv a special deal for our apartment there, whoohoo half price! Thankyou, booked, and i am glad I won't still be sick then!

    To top off the anticipated getaway, I check my emails inbetween painting coats and there's an invite to a free demo day from a kayak store here to go and testride any kayaks we want to. It's on the way to our getaway and runs all morning, I booked us in, what a good start to the weekend!

    Oh, and next Friday night were going to see a band called The Saw Doctors, an Irish band, so all in all I'm thrilled to finish all this painting so I can totally guilt free have a blast next week!

    Ok, I need to go and soak!

    Good day to everyone......


      AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

      hi leelou,i beleive youll find success in sobriety if you keep busy,an inactive mind,is a cunning mind,rather then having a drink,you get to enjoy a nc bath or as u said a soak in the tub,hope u have wonderful day,and a good time rocking next weekend gyco


        AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

        Good morning fab abs!

        Leelou, wow, that is serendipity for you!! What a great reward for all that work!

        Hi ya gyco!

        Alright already! A phone # pass, a good snogging, and an out of town blind date made me feel SO left out I did call the artist dude. 1 hour before showtime Whadda ya know, he had plans! Well, I made a call anyway. You know that feeling when your hoping for the answer machine but get a live voice? Yeah.

        The coffeehouse show was very nice. There had been a HUGE St. Pat's day celebration in the area that day and on the way home at a chilly 11PM, saw girls dressed for summer still out in the streets and I know they were freezing. I drove in the center lane as people on the sidewalk were literally staggering. Ugh. I bet there are some green people TODAY!! Not me!

        Well yesterday I squelched thoughts of a career as an electrician. Gotta make a trip to the hardware store for a light socket. Reckon you have to turn off the breaker before fiddling with those. I'm just glad I didn't fall out of the attic!

        Lav I saw your area got hammered with wind and rain. We had some of that but today has that fresh (pre-pollen season) new growth smell that is devine!

        Smile all day long!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

          Leelou that sounds wonderful!

          And Greeneyes--PLEASE be careful! I do not like electricity! know what I mean.

          I'm thinking there are a lot of really green people around today! I used to love celebrating St. Patty's day! Complete with lots and lots of green beer. This will be my 3rd one sober!

          Have a great day. Sunshine is in the forecast so I am happy and will be smilin!
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

            Hi Ab Fabbers,

            Almost noon here - getting a seriously slow start today! We are stuck in the house for another day I guess, the monsoon is still here! All the local creeks & rivers are at flood stage - fortunately we don't live close enough to any of them to worry about damage.

            Leelou, I hope you are getting some rest now! You have to be the hardest working woman I know

            Greetings LVT, Greenie & Gyco! A sober St. Patty's Day is in store for me as well
            I'm making Irish Potato candy today - anyone ever heard of it? It's a specialty around the Philadelphia area.

            God, now we're having thunder!!!! What's next?? Locusts???

            Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

              Ab fabbers!

              Leelou- good to know you're toiling away on the other side of the world while the rest of us are asleep. When do the rellies descend?

              Greenie - yay! So are you going to meet up sometime? Did he think it was odd that you'd taken so long to call? No phone call here yet. I've 80% given up on her calling BUT although I'll be disappointed, I'm not thinking that it's my fault, that there's something wrong with me. What will be will be (That's today anyway, tomorrow I'll be in the depths of despair :H).

              Lav - you have the weirdest, wildest weather. Yeah, watch out for the locusts and four strange men on horseback.

              Gotta crack on with the book for tomorrow night's book group. I've still got 200 pages to go.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

                Its always worth the effort when you have painted, you always feel so good in your space.
                I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                  AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

                  Marshy;822094 wrote: Greenie - yay! So are you going to meet up sometime? Did he think it was odd that you'd taken so long to call?
                  I don't know what he thought, but I offered up the holidays and Nags Head as a reasonable explanation. How could I say the suggestion of meeting for coffee scared the big girl pants off me? Wait, that doesn't sound right. DG will be all over that. :H He said he'd call to do something, so who knows.

                  I replaced the light socket in the attic!! Chuffed here!!! IN the dark.... With a flashlight between my knees.... Greenie is the Queenie!!!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

                    well, here I am being a slug today - couldn't get going with the time change stayed up very late & then slept late. Rainy & cold AGAIN. yuk! So, staying in & watching movies. Went back & found some needlework projects that had been started & never finished, so I plan to revive those today.

                    All of you have such colorful ways of describing things - I do enjoy reading them.


                      AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

                      [QUOTE=greeneyes;822129]How could I say the suggestion of meeting for coffee scared the big girl pants off me? Wait, that doesn't sound right. DG will be all over that. :H /QUOTE]

                      OK. I'll bite! You are supposed to keep your pants on at LEAST until you actually HAVE the first date. Maybe even a tad longer.... :H I hope he calls. If not, HIS LOSS! I'm glad you did not electrocute yourself!

                      Leelou, thanks for kicking us off today! Congrats on finishing up all your painting. I bet that felt terrific. Your long weekend plans sound awesome. Can I come too? I promise I won't tip over the kyak and send you floating down stream. At least not on purpose.

                      Hi Gyco!

                      LVT - :H Green Beer = Green People (the next day) I used to be one of those. SO GLAD to not even be thinkin' of drinkin' this time around. Lucky you with that sunshine!

                      Lav I think you should start building an ark NOW just to be on the safe side. Geez - you have had SO much "weather" lately. I imagine in another month you will have used up all your weather and have no weather at all. That will be the "Global Nothing" crisis.

                      Marshy I am jealous that you have a built in excuse to spend the day curled up with a book. Seriously - next time I hope YOU get the phone number so you can do the calling! (and I hope this one calls you!!)


                      FG, I'm hoping to wrap up my stuff pretty soon here this afternoon and be a slug like you watching movies or, well, more likely napping. I started watching The Proposal (I think that's the name of it) last night and it was really cute and funny. I fell asleep as usual so I'll start Movie Time by finishing that one!

                      Hello to anyone who posted since I started this one, which was over an hour ago! Had lunch with Mr. Doggy in the mean time. Now he is off treasure hunting and I hope he finds me some jewelry! :bling

                      I volunteerd this AM at a program called Fairy Godmother. People donate prom dresses and accessories, and girls who can't afford them come in and get all the necessary stuff to tiff up for their proms! It was very fun to help the girls pick out dresses and then find jewelry and shoes and purses that looked nice. It's a great program and I hope to get a bit more involved earlier on next year. Maybe help spread the word and hunt down some good dresses and especially accessories. Some of the dresses people donated were more like Grandmother of the Bride dresses which sort of had me :H since this was for high school girls and prom. Maybe some of the Mom's moms will find stuff they like!

                      There was one dress that I totally wanted to try on. I thought of asking if I could be a chaperone at prom but then I realized I totally don't want that job!

                      Well, I'm really excited because Tuesday I get to order MK stuff for the spring quarter! I can't wait to get my hands on the limited edition spring stuff!

                      Happy AFness to one and all.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

                        She called :yougo:
                        Now I just have to go on my first ever sober date. :egad: No biggie :H
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

                          Marshy! Thats fantastic news.... whey-hay!!!:dancin:
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

                            WOO HOO!!! :rockon:
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF - Daily - 14th March 2010

                              Eeeek! Gonna start a dating thread in general as threatened!
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

