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    morning all & happy st patricks day everyone,This is my secound st pats alcholol free & it feels gooooood.,what is humpday,.......nice pic chillgirl,

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



      I have never felt that St. Pat's was a day to drink, not that I have not had drinks on this day. So for me, I should be OK. DOes anyone struggle with staying AF today? We are here for you and would love to post with you.__________________
      Red Hibiscus
      hi redhibscus,It has always one big excuse to go drinking here in Ireland, and its not a day anymore its a week,last year i headed of out into the country side to get away from it all,i dont get many cravings for alcohol now days,thank god,so it doesnt bother has been shown on anotherdays post that coming here & posting your feelings can help you stop taken that first drink,have a good green day all

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



        Good Morning Marchers,

        Right, left, right, left,
        Waddle, waddle, waddle!

        Red, I like your dream and think you will achieve it. What an excellent example that would be for your son.

        Hi Mario! Excellent that this is your second AF St. Pat's Day! I'm pleased to hear that cravings are not a big issue for you. Progress!

        Chill, sorry about your tooth! But the picture of you must have been taken before the first bite of food!
        Very fetching!

        Lav, We had awesome sunshine yesterday and we get more today! The grass around here is green again!

        I went out with some friends last evening for dinner and to celebrate a birthday. These are my drinking buddies, so the evening presented a challenge. I thought about it ahead of time and decided what drink I would order. When the time came, I was 4th to give my drink order. Three before me had vodka tonics and a marguerita, of course. I said, "Tonic and lime, please." "Oh, you're being good." was the comment of the friend seated next to me.

        I am so glad I made it AF. I caved the last time I was with these friends. Progress!!!!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.



          Happy humpday Marchers and St Patrick's as well for those amongst us who are Irish!
          Been shopping in the misty murky weather which we've got today. Off to osteopath this afternoon to get the old back tweaked again.
          Dill - well done on staying AF with your friends. Big achievement that.
          Mario ~ Humpday is the middle of the week American style - over the hump of the week and down the other side to the weekend. I'd never heard of it till I started mixing with the reprobates on here and its my favourite day now :H
          Have a good one everyone, see you later
          love Sooty



            Mario ~ Humpday is the middle of the week American style - over the hump of the week and down the other side to the weekend. I'd never heard of it till I started mixing with the reprobates on here and its my favourite day now
            Have a good one everyone, see you later
            love Sooty

            ok good name, happy humpday everyone

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



              Top of the Morning everyone

              And, Happy Humpday of course!!

              Greetings to you cyn, hope all is well!

              Chill, it is very hard to go a day without smiling these of the side effects of being AF
              Hope it goes smoothly with the dentist. Thanks for the pic too!

              Red, a sober St. Patrick's day is in store for me too - you have plenty of company today!

              Dill, good drink choice last night - good for you

              Mario, head for the hills again if you have to this week - keep yourself safe & sober!!

              I'm heading out to lunch today with my son, DIL & grandson - no green beer for us!!!
              The sun is back again today & the temps heading into the 60's - ah, Spring

              Wishing everyone a wonderful, AF humpday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



                Hi Marchers

                Happy St. Patricks Day. Beautiful day here, not going to any of the parades but am going to be AF. My first AF Patrick's Day in a long time but hopefully the first of many.

                Have to dash as am chauffering my daughters, will catch up on the posts later.




                  The streets are full of drunk people in Bath, so glad I am not one of them
                  I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                    MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK THREE

                    Got my smile back!

                    Heard a piece of news that shook me abit today and for the 1st time in a very long time I had the thought "wouldnt it be nice to jump into that wine vat of oblivion". My re programming immediately kicked in and the thought was dismissed.... I was on my way to the supermarket and so decided to go buy all the things I dont normally allow myself to have just so I felt I was having a treat that didnt involve alcohol. So... dinner tonight is gorgonzolla cheese with crusty bread followed by chocolate easter eggs! Yum...

                    i will worry about the guilt and remorse in the morning :H
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK THREE

                      Hi everyone,

                      flying visit while I finish my morning cup of tea.

                      I work in a part of town that has 3 irish pubs in it, so yesterday I felt surrrounded by people celebrating St Patricks day. The nice bit was a few buskers around with penny whistles and fiddles! The revolting bit was getting on the bus and being swamped by the smell of beer. Yuk!!

                      Didn't fel in the least bit tempted which was nice

                      Glad you have your smile back Chillgirl and congrats on dismissing the urge.

                      Many thoughts on dealing with children/stepchildren and nieces/nephews on drinking, but they will have to wait for another time
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK THREE

                        Just checking in with my buddies. Typing this in an enormous font and hope I paste it in the right place. My good eye can?t read and my surgery eye only sees what looks like the light people aren?t supposed to go into near death (insert smiley face). Very pretty but not remotely functional and a bit scary. Had to go back to the hospital twice because of complications with excess eye pressure, think Igor in Young Frankenstein. So here I am, peripheral but here again (insert tired face with a black eye). Hope you each are well. Love, L.
                        may we be well


                          MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK THREE

                          a sober st pats day WEHEY! its always a big party night here with lots of music and dancing (any excuse eh). im sooooo not ready for that sober yet, maybe next year.

                          chill - you did brilliant resisting the urge, youre smiley and strong... yippee

                          so looking forward to waking up in the moring without feeling crap x
                          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                          Keep passing the open windows


                            MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK THREE

                            LHB-glad you are home and the surgery is over. I would like to hear your explanation for the black eye to people on the street. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

                            I haven't had a chance to check in lately. It's pretty busy here right now. But I am still fighting the good fight. Happy Hump day and St. Patty's day everyone.
                            AF since 7/26/2009

                            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                              MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK THREE

                              Evening friends,

                              LBH, so glad you checked in, having been thinking about you constantly! Hope everything is OK!

                              Greetings Rustop & Raven!

                              Chill, your dinner sounds delicious, congrats on the tooth
                              Hi to Miss B, Spud & Lil, hope you had a great day!

                              Weather was absolutely beautiful here today, am grateful for that!
                              Wishing everyone a terrific AF night!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                MAGICAL MARCH MARCH - WEEK THREE

                                March....Marchers ! IAD Ha!
                                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                                Dr. Seuss

