As far as STEP 3. I think the most important words in that step are the first three "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him." It's my understanding of this step that we are simply making a decision to be willing to go to any lengths for our sobriety. It's kind of one of those "fake it to make it" moments I believe. I was only 'coming' to believe in the previous step so going from that to putting all my faith in a God I was still unsure of was difficult. It's only through step 11 that I've been able to take an even greater leap of faith. I've had too many things happen to me in recovery that I am in no doubt go way beyond just pure coincidence. Reading Dance's post proves that to me as well. Doors just seem to open where others close. We just have to be willing to grab the key and open them.
The WHOLE of the AA program is spiritual for me too. After reading this book I am in no doubt of this either. Check this link out and read some of the reviews. Dance I think you'd like this book as it draws a lot on Carl Jung's theories as well.
The Wide Open Door (0894868675)$12.00
I'm off to start my Diploma course in therapeutic drumming on Friday so will not be around till probably next Wednesday now. I was speaking to my sponsor tonight after the meeting about my fears etc. I'll be phoning him over the course of the week-end and I've checked out meetings in the area on the net. I'm just going to hopefully enjoy myself and not get too caught up analyzing the situation. I have been doing a bit of that recently.
Anyway I hope you'll have a look at the book. Outside of AA literature it has to be one of the best books I've purchased regarding the 12 steps and recovery.
Love and Light