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AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

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    AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

    Ab fabbers!

    Gorgeous sunny day here. Still a nip in the air.

    I had a great time at my new book group last night. Out of six people, only two had finished the book. One woman hadn't even started it, hadn't even got hold of a copy. :H So I'd done quite well to get two-thirds of the way through!

    We met in the organiser's flat and - fairly unusually now - we all drank tea/coffee. It's so common now, the norm almost, to be offered alcohol in someone's home. It never used to be, did it? Say, 10 years ago, you'd get offered tea but now it's usually a glass of wine. Anyway, it was nice not to even be offered any alcohol. In my *old* life I probably would have resented that. :H

    Have a topping Tuesday everyone!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

    Morning fabulous ones!

    Marshy 2/3rds of the book and desert takes care of the other third, you know! I have to admit, being offered alcohol has always been the norm in my life. I guess it's just the people I hung out with.

    I'm going to head out early to free shredding day at a bank across town. Do you know how cathartic that is!!!!

    The man who owns the business next to the hole helped me move some things from the storage unit to the house yesterday. He is separated and we had an interesting and jovial conversation about our experiences. I'm really making headway in the disentanglement of belongings. I intend to be finished by the end of the week as I have a busy, fun weekend planned.

    Meantime, I WILL have a topping tuesday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

      Sorry, Marshy! I didn't realize you had started a thread for today! I will try to delete mine....

      Good morning Abs!

      I haven't been around for quite sometime. Life kind of got the best of me. Being busy and stuff.

      BUT, my drinking is getting out of control again. Yep, I'm ashamed to say. It started off with a few beers a couple of months ago and now it is a dozen beers every few days! SHITE!

      So, it is time for me to get real. To kick this shit to the curb again. I was doing pretty good all year long, but the stresses of finances and my working shift work at the hospital; and now I will be starting school to become an LPN in April - it was just so much going on in my head and drinking kind of calmed me down for a while there. BUT, it has become a problem again for me, in my own opinion. I definitely need to keep my eyes focused on my goals and not SABOTAGE things!!!!

      OK, whew! Feels good to get it out there.

      I drank about 9 beers last night. Woke up in a sweat at about 2am worrying about money and everything else. Worried about myself and thinking about how stupid I am for dabbling and getting this out of control again. I know that hating myself for 'failing' in my sobriety gets me no where. The only thing I can do is pull up my socks and start anew.

      Thanks for listening. It feels good to be honest with myself and to admit that this is going to take me down if I don't acknowledge there is a problem and deal with it.


        AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

        Greenie - shredding what? Gulp. Why am I thinking "Fargo"? :H
        What's on the agenda for the weekend?

        AFM - well done for coming back! It's so easy to bury our heads in the sand about our addiction, so it's great when we're honest with ourselves.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

          AFM! You'll get right back to the AF life! Good to see you came back - no shame allowed!

          Marshy, old documents with sensitive info. like tax records, etc. Fargo :H was that because I mentioned the chain saw the other day? :H Speaking of..... FH has given a woman in need of shelter a place to stay in exchange for housekeeping. And answering the phone (my job). I'll let you insert your own choice smilie icon here....

          Weekend is horserace trials in a nearby town with a group of women whose husbands are having a guy's weekend out of town. All are great cooks and it will be a tailgate extravaganza. I'm going to bring the asparagus salad I posted because I'm NOT a great cook. :H Then Sunday there is a brunch with same group of women at one of their houses.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

            Good morning Ab Fabbers,

            Welcome back AFM, this is the place to be but you know that
            I'm a retired nurse so I have to tell you - you will need a clear head to get yourself through your schooling & future career - you can do it!!!

            Marshy, glad the book club worked out for you. Are you juming right into another book? Sounds too much like homework to me!!!

            Greenie, therapeutic shredding is a good thing

            I'm heading outside into the SUN now - it has finally stopped raining - need to go assess the damage & start some cleanup - I can see lots of tree branches & stuff on the ground!

            Wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

              Great to see you back, AFM! Check in with us and we'll get you back on track!
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

                Hi all - good too see everyone is well - still cold & gloomy here. We had 3 minutes of sunshine yesterday - count 'em 3! I took my dogs out for a walk during that time & had a fall again. Not sure what's going on - I think it's from being sober . . . . . There was a wild warmereiner puppy coming from one direction and a cute terrier coming from the other - I grabbed my two & we stepped off to the side since my 'schlab' likes to greet everyone (she has so much to share). She pulled me so hard that I did like a 'triple lutz' and slipped on the muddy hill & went down like a ton of bricks. totally lost my balance & she about yanked my right arm out of it's socket. I didn't know quite what to do. That was about the most male attention I've had in a long time . . . .awful - my ego was definitely bruised. Have to get her a new harness today - I can't have this happening - she's going to hurt me . . . .Anyway, I went home very depressed & sore.

                On the upside, I didn't drink - and, luckily Ben & Jerry were there to meet me . . . .I do have to cut that relationship out of my life . . . . .

                Have a great day.


                  AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

                  Hi Guys - hope you are having a good AF tuesday.

                  Mine started with a long session at the dentist, i have been practising my detachment from my body and really though it was working until the hygenist said "will you please relax" :H

                  The day improved as I recieved my "liver fuction test kit" in the mail. When I did one in December it had been abnormal and now after nearly 11 weeks AF I had a prefect reading
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

                    Hi LVT, are you having Spring yet? It just suddenly showed uip here

                    Funny Girl, sorry to hear about your dog related fall again - ouh!
                    Have you ever heard of 'Barkbusters'? They have a great, dog friendly, home training system, guaranteed! They get results, fast!
                    My daughter & son-in-law operate a business here in this area. If you go to the main website, type in your zip code to find a tariner in your area
                    Dog Training by Bark Busters

                    Chill, congrats on the improved LFTs. The liver is an amazing organ, heals pretty quickly when we stop abusing it

                    OK, going back out in this glorius sunshine!!!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

                      I am having a lovely AF day, just had a cup of valerian tea, it takes the hard edges off the day without removing my sanity.
                      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                        AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

                        Rav I could do with some of that tea.....
                        after my dentist visit and the fitting of my lovely new white crown, I sat down to enjoy dinner only to nearly swallow it! Now I look like Steptoe (for all you UK-ers) otherwise like a vagrant....:egad:
                        Lets hope they have an emergency appointment tomorrow or no smiling for me for a while :no:
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

                          Chill - that happened to my mum just before Christmas and because of the time of year and her dentist going away, she had to look like Steptoe for three weeks! Hope you get it sorted soon.

                          Well, my big date didn't live up to my expectations. It was OK, we had a couple of laughs but we were just very different and it all felt a bit awkward. Hey ho. I'm glad I made the effort anyway. Onwards and upwards!
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

                            Hi guys,

                            Late check in here.

                            Marshy, I am so sorry that your date wasn't what you expected but hey! At least you called and went for it right? Phew, first sober date out of the way for you!

                            I had a busy day at work, things are a little hectic right now but I'm doing well. Had a great nigtht last night with my daughter - it felt so peaceful, being able to play and not worry about drinking. It was an amazing feeling! this morning we cuddled in bed and slept in a little bit before we headed out. Absolute bliss.

                            Sober is the way. Wish I had figured that out before - I have so much that I have missed - I'm just so glad that it's not too late and that I figured it out at a young enough age!

                            Love you guys!

                            Have a great night!
                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              AF daily - Tuesday, March 16th

                              Marshy - Sorry the date wasnt special but as Uni says at least the 1st sober one is out the way and you will be better prepared next time. I cant afford to wait for long for tooth to be fixed I have my 1st sober date a week on thursday in London!! Can you imagine toothless and sober :yukko:

                              Uni - I so agree sober is the way, I intend to make up for every single drunken moment by enjoying life so much. As they say the way to pay for a precious moment is by appreciating it......
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996

