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AF Daily - Wed 3/17

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    AF Daily - Wed 3/17

    Happy St. Abbie Day! :H

    I don't know what happened but my computer screen is in reverse. Where it is normally black, it is white. Like the print for example. Grrrrr...

    My patience is being tried on many levels, but I'm feeling fine about it. Feathers only slightly ruffled. I'm happy to just do what I can when I can and hope for timely responses. That's a nice safe feeling.

    Pamina, :H The non-celibacy isn't going well. The only interest shown in that arena was when little doggie gnawed a hole in my underwear. :H I think it's great to have male friends if that is what the non-flatmate turns out to be.

    So marshy, what happened when she had beers and you didn't? Any tips on that?

    Daylight savings time is messing me up. I function with the sunrise and sunset so I'm off balance. I don't get going in the AM and I eat dinner really late. Humbug.

    Happy AF hump day! Make some magic today!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Wed 3/17

    hi. i still dont know what a hump day is but hope its a good one anyway. ive just started taking campril, hope it helps. im taking so many pills im gonna rattle... blood pressure, cholesterol. AD's, L-glut, herbal calm stuff,sleep aids, not to mention jabbing myself with insulin (im a pin cushion). so hey i may me rattling, BUT AT LEAST IM NOT SLOSHING WITH BOOZE
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


      AF Daily - Wed 3/17

      Wednesday is hump day. When Wednesday is over, you're past mid-work week, "over the hump". Anything is better than sloshing with booze!!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Wed 3/17


        I like the St.abbers day start. We've finished purging here, it feels so great! Goodluck with the last weeks plans, enjoy the nice time with your friend and the races sound like loads of fun on the weekend! Not to mention it's a girl outing!

        Spuddle, eat well to soak up the rattle!

        I've been away a few days, still sick grrr.... Not hard working at all now, resting and sleeping combined with insane coughing and regular snoring! Hence tonight, I am in bed alone, even the cats have disowned me, for I'm not nice to be around with this cough!

        Ok, marshy, at least you made the effort to go out, it was a good night out or it was not. Best thing is you gave it a shot! It beats having a nothing day! Might i add... I don't know how book clubs work! If you don't finish, does everyone else kill the ending for you!

        Funnygirl, your counting minutes of sunshine???!!! OMG! You have to visit here..
        For your sanity!!!!
        Careful of them doggies too.

        Chillgirl, I'm not talking to you cause you mentioned "Dentist"!

        Uni, nice thing to hear that through hectic times, you stop to enjoy the special moments with your daughter....enjoy more....

        going with the breeze is a good way, keep enjoying!


          AF Daily - Wed 3/17

          Top of the Morning & Happy Humpday Ab Fabbers!

          Greenie, I have just worn out (yet another) power supply cord for my lap top. Even though it's plugged in it thinks it's running on battery & keeps turning itself off.......pain in the butt

          Spud, hope the Campral works for you. I have gotten by without using any of the meds but I would have if I needed them. Your blood sugar must be much happier these days being AF! You are doing such a wonderful thing for yourself in controlling your Diabetes.

          Well, I'm meeting my son, DIL & grandson for a St Patrick's day lunch - no green beer for us
          We have another day of sunshine & 60 degree temps today - I am SO grateful for that!

          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Wednesday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Wed 3/17

            Hi guys!

            wow, I actually got on fairly early today!

            I have a busy morning at work but am going to sneak away in the afternoon to do some things that need to get done. (I love that I have the ability to do that).

            Bf's birthday is the weekend so I need to try to figure out what we can do that is fun but also family oriented. Should be nice.

            Today is day 39 - haven't gone this long since I was pregnant 10 years ago! wow, feels good!

            Spud - I also suffer from hypoglycemia (not diabetic but the low blood sugar can be a real bitch). I find that going AF in the first weeks really screwed it up but now it has settled down. Just my body getting used to the change I guess.

            Greeny - thanks for starting us off! Happy St. Paddy's day! No green beer for me! Maybe green kool aid?

            Lav - Have a great lunch!

            LeeLou - I hope you feel better soon - soup and tea, and blankets and rest!

            Have a good one guys.
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily - Wed 3/17

              Ok, The other reason I havnt posted for a few days is that since being AF I have realized I have an "issue" that I didn't even realize was on my mind so much!

              I'm sure AF time helps us wake up, but this one floored me!!! I really didn't think I'd been wearing it on my sleeve so close!

              So, the first thing is that ....

              I'm adopted. Along with 3 other siblings out of 4. No dramas there. I had a personal plan to meet my natural mother and father by the time I turn 40!!!(29)
              well, I met my mother and my brothers/sis plus all actually on that side. But my natural father doesn't know i exist!

              I am aware that my focus is and should be on my own real family. And i'll honour that!
              It's the deadline that I gave myself over 25 years ago that is coming to the crunch... It's killing me right now!

              My mother holds the key, gave me a first name, but hasn't talked to me in years now because she knows deep down, I'd like to have the opportunity to at least know who!

              Now, I have 3 options,

              search through school records to find my natural father with the info I have...
              Hold up the flag and admit defeat of the dream...
              Write to my natural mother, a last beg if you will... In hope she may push ego,shame,hurt,pain or anyother feelings she suffered aside, in hope that maybe she'd be willing to give me the biggest pressie or dream I could wish for!

              I'm feeling torn about this, but glad to be AF and not shove my feelings under a rug.

              Because I made the date of when I turn 40 since i was a kid, I feel the ultimate finally is approaching and either way it goes, I'll respect that.

              So, I'm feeling pressure.... Do I ? Do I not?

              At the end of the day, I guess I have to accept such a loss of opportunity to know one another. Be it past or possible future.


                AF Daily - Wed 3/17

                Thanks Uni,

                It's too warm here for blankets and soup, but it's a nice image...


                  AF Daily - Wed 3/17

                  Hi all!

                  Greenie - the setting helped. We were in a cafe/bar rather than a pub (HUGE difference in atmosphere). And we met REALLY early (5.30pm) because that was when she finished work and she didn't want to go home first and come back because she lives outside London and it would have taken her forever. She didn't ask why I wasn't drinking. It didn't come up at all. So that part was totally fine. And it was generally fine, I just had very high hopes and that's probably never a good idea with a first date. Still, I'm on a mission now I've got the first one over with and am on the prowl :H

                  Pamina - there's always the internet route. Waddya reckon?

                  Leelou & Lav - the bookclub meets once a month so you get plenty of time to read the book (assuming you get hold of a copy early enough, which I didn't last time). The one we just read had a murder in it, and the two women who'd finished it were really good about talking about it without giving away the ending. I STILL have 200 pages to go :H Luckily, I've read next month's already so I just need to do a quick skim through that to refresh my memory.

                  Uni - great going on day 39! The time is stacking up :goodjob:
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    AF Daily - Wed 3/17

                    Leelou - I somehow missed your other post. Sorry. Would you actually want to meet your natural father or do you just want to know details of his name and circumstances?
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      AF Daily - Wed 3/17

                      Hello Fabbie Abbies! I've been trying to "speed read" the last couple of days but I'm sure I've missed a lot, and little time to post!

                      Greenie - Daylight Savings has me messed up as well. I've always been sensitive to time changes i.e. back in the corporate traveling days. Oh well. I figure another week and I'll be over it! Hope you figure out your computer thing soon!

                      Leelou, I can't even imagine what the mental tug of war must be like WRT finding your bio dad. I hope you can have faith that however it works out, that is the way it's supposed to be. Try to set aside your own idea of that deadline. (29! )

                      Spud I hope the Campral helps. Yes - here's to NOT sloshing with AL!

                      Lav, enjoy that sunshine with the energizer bunny! No green beer here either, thank goodness.

                      Uni, good to see you and HUGE :yougo::yougo: on 39 days! Never look back.

                      Marshy, I'm sorry that the date didn't work out as you had hoped, but at least you got that first sober date out of the way! I was :H reading about your shirt and then scramble for something to wear. That sounds like something I would do!

                      Welcome back AFM and hello to all the other Ab Fabbies - I have enjoyed reading your posts!

                      I'm zoom zoomin' and now have to get my butt to the gym. I'm still frustrated with my thyroid meds which I feel are still too low. But had a good hormone doc appointment on Monday - I'm lucky to have a doc who is willing to work with me based on symptoms and who has educated me so I can think for myself and use her as a guide. I'm upping my thyroid hormone by 1/4 grain for two weeks, and then probably another 1/4 grain after that to see where I am then. At least I'm not alone - it seems many women are having to up their dose after all the drama with Armour thyroid reformulating and then the shortage mess and now Naturethroid going forward. Enough of that blah blah blah.

                      Internet dating is how I met Mr. Doggy.

                      Have a good day all! NO GREEN BEER! :soapbox: Not for us anyway.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Wed 3/17

                        Wow - so much info & I have so little time to respond right now - wanted to check in though since in the past at this time on St. Pats, I'd be totally blitzed. We used to take the day off when I was in the DC area & get in line at this one Irish pub we liked at around 7a for breakfast & beer & be totally drunk by about 10:30 for the parade & just keep going till about midnight or beyond if we could still stand up. I can't even imagine any of that now. Today I am wearing my favorite screaming flourescent green sweatshirt though! DG, were you drinking still when you met Mr. doggy or sober? Marshy - even though the big date wasn't as wonderful as expected, hey - you dipped your toe in & are ready to rock now!!! and yes Leelou - minutes of sunshine - it's gloomy & cold again here . . . .they even say it may actually 'snow' again over the weekend (although it should only spit some flurries from the sky) - I want to know where my spring weather is . . . . .oh well - off I go. Happy St. Pats to all of you!


                          AF Daily - Wed 3/17

                          Sounds like a mixed bag of news from everyone.
                          Happy prowling Marshy.
                          Pea soup for supper is as close as I want to get to green beer.
                          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                            AF Daily - Wed 3/17

                            Doggygirl;823825 wrote: Internet dating is how I met Mr. Doggy.
                            I'm impressed by that! Shows determination, courage, honesty...
                            Can ya tell I'm considering it :H
                            AF since December 22nd 2008
                            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                              AF Daily - Wed 3/17

                              Marshy;823758 wrote:

                              Pamina - there's always the internet route. Waddya reckon?
                              Yeah.... I've never done it and prefer 'normal' encounters. But it may be a more effective way of finding people who want to be found.

                              Leelou, I agree with DG. Why the deadline for something so important? It also sounds like you're not ready to let go of the quest, at least not yet.

                              I met some interesting new people at work today. I seem to be meeting loads of new people these days. I mean, as in, they come up to me and start talking. I'm starting to believe we do give off an energy, and that mine's changing. About time, too!

