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AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

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    AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

    Hi Abbers,

    I'm tucked in to bed as your all probably getting started in the day.

    I'm still thinking of my choices re. Bio father, I made a promise to myself that I'd try my best to meet my bio side by 40, and I guess the pull is that I only have a few more weeks to try anything to fulfill that dream I made decades ago.

    Yeah, I'd love to meet him, but if I only get to know about him, that's better than nothing!

    And "nothing"... Seems like such a wasted opportunity.

    I guess I feel the final tug to give it my last try, and I've gone against going to the schools library to research old records.

    I'm still undesided if I write or talk to my bio mum about this sensitive issue.

    I do know however that I'll respect my goal I made, and if I don't get to meet him by this birthday, I'll accept that it wasn't meant to be!

    By then I would have done everything I could have done and I'll have no regrets.

    Hope you all get some sunshine in your side of the world.... At least 5 minutes worth!

    AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

    Morning fab abbers!

    Chilly and grey here. Funny Girl, I'm STILL on the soup and crusty bread thing. Now I'm working on a new pot of vegetarian lentil. Mmmmm.

    Leelou, I can understand your desire to meet your bio family and think that you should persue that. I'm not understanding the self-imposed time limit. That aside, I would go ahead and ask your bio mother. Perhaps you inquiry is the nudge she needs to come to some resolution herself. Universe has lovely schemes for that sort of thing, even if the results are not instantaneous. A seed may be planted.

    Ugh! My mornings are tough with the daylight thing!! Habitat for Humanity picks up the freezer today. One step closer to the little car being in the garage. Maybe I can work on the shed a bit today. That's the last holding spot for FH's stuff. I have some time sensitive paperwork to do. And those damn census things.

    Marshy I had a great dream about fishing outing and I lured a cutie over to supper after the outing. So, pamina, maybe my energy is shifting too! I absolutely believe in that!

    I'll leave you with this.
    *Sleeping man shocked after cold man jumps into bed*

    - AP foreign, Thursday March 18 2010

    PITTSBURGH (AP) ? Police said a man broke into a Pittsburgh home and
    climbed into bed with its owner, apparently because he was drunk and cold
    following a rap concert. Homeowner Frank Fontana says he was in bed when the
    man climbed in about 5:30 Wednesday morning. Fontana says he asked whether
    it was a woman who has keys to his home ? and he grabbed a baseball bat when
    a deep male voice answered, "No, it's not."

    Have a thtupendouth thurthday she thaid!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

      Good morning Ab Fabbers,

      Lots & lots of sunshine here this week, I am totally grateful

      Leelou, I have to tell you this - my 24 year old DIL met her birth mother for the first time last month. I met her as well, feeling very old about doing so after having known her parents for so long. The circumstances around my DIL's birth are very touchy as her birth mother was only 14 at the time, only 38 now. But, they were very happy to meet each other & plan to continue some sort of relationship.
      I have to agree with you - quite possibly your meeting wasn't meant to be therefore you should not worry yourself. It's one of those things you just can't control.

      Looking forward to getting outside & playing in the garden beds a bit
      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

        Ab fabbers!

        Oh dear, just had a quick medical at work and the nurse was shocked by my cholesterol. Never had my cholesterol checked before so it means nothing to me. 7.5. Means nothing to me. Told her I'd been eating more sugary crap since giving up alcohol than I ever have. She said "good" about the not drinking though

        She said I could go back in two months and have it rechecked if I like, so I think that will be a good shove to cut out some junk and maybe shift some stubborn pounds.

        Leelou - I agree with the others about not understanding the self-imposed time limit. When you hit 40 you're not going to be able to just switch off and forget about it are you? I'd go for it. You're obviously being very respectful and sensitive to the people involved so I don't see why you shouldn't get the answers you're looking for.

        Greenie - I read somewhere that it takes at least a week for our body clocks to adjust when the time changes. Bit like jet lag, apparently. We've got it coming in a couple of weeks. Lighter evenings, yay!
        When's your next fishing trip?

        Have a thoughtful Thursday!
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

          Hi Lav!
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

            Greenie - I'm with you on daylight savings - they did it too early this year - I am sooo screwed up. Been stayiing up till around 2am - not tired at all & then it's a living hell getting up since it's so dark so long. . . .they do this to stimulate retail sales. That's all any of this is about here. . . .they make me mad. Especially since it's still so cold here .. .not fun at all. Today will be 63 and then temps drop & we're supposed to get snow on Sat. ugh . . . so, crusty bread it will be. Love lentil soup!

            Leelou - today I should have maybe 60 minutes or more of sun!!!!! Fab! I agree about the time frame - don't push - I believe in having goals & by having it, it's a good reminder to think about things & possibly revisit what you'd like to do, but take your time & do things when ready.

            Love the thing about the cold guy jumping in bed - Frank Fontana was a cop on Law & Order. Can you tell I have no life?? . . . . ;-)

            Marshy - I wonder if my newfound relationship with Ben & Jerry's ice cream is going to effect my cholesterol . . . hmmmm . . . . I can tell you though that alcohol is worse. I sell health insurance & one thing I do advise clients before they get a blood test for an application is to not drink for 48 hours prior. They can sometimes lower their score significantly - many from high down to normal just by doing that. (funny - me telling them not to drink, huh!?) Anyway, off I go to rural Kansas to talk about Medicare. I'll bring my camera so I can stop & get pics of llamas, cows & other magnificent animals I see out there on my way out & back.

            Have a great day all!


              AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

              Have a nice trip funny girl and take care of your blood pressure.
              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

      ;824279 wrote: take care of your blood pressure.
                Oh yeah, did I mention my blood pressure is through the roof too? I must have really been a wreck when I drank and smoked :H

                Funny G - I think I might have to have a trial separation from ice cream :no:
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

                  Hey kids!

                  Loving this sunny day

                  Greenie, Funny Girl, Raven & Marshy - hope you've had a great day as well!

                  Marshy, your cholesterol numbers are different from ours on this side of the pond - had to look them up:
                  High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolaemia)

                  We all need to be eating like this: Fat Free Vegan Recipes

                  Blessings on all of us
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

                    here you go Marshy: the Dr Det diet

                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

                      Thanks guys,

                      Det... Great picture, is it a painting? Or photo?


                        AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

                        The garlic looks good - I've been working some into my dinner almost everday
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

                          Leelou;824509 wrote: Thanks guys,

                          Det... Great picture, is it a painting? Or photo?
                          it's a snapshot into my mind

                          a photo I found on google image search.

                          ps..Lavande, those recipes looked pretty darn good! and I'm pleasantly surprised to not see any white-flour based ingredients. is that a feature of the vegan diet?
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

                            Good evening!

                            I cannot believe it is almost the end of the 18th of March! Holy smokes.

                            Still doing good here. Got off of work at 6pm and just had some supper. Plan on going to bed relatively soon.

                            Have a great evening all! xo


                              AF-Daily-Thursday 18th March

                              Lav - thanks for the info and recipes. I'm going to have a good look through when I've got time on Sunday.

                              Det - I love garlic but don't like the lingering smell. Any cure for that?
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

