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AF Daily - Friday 3/19

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    AF Daily - Friday 3/19

    Good morning fab abs!!!

    Arrrggg! My mornings!! 8:00 and I'm struggling to shake off the sleep residue. I never used to HAVE sleep residue! A week, huh marshy? I'm looking for a major adjustment tomorrow then.

    Yesterday I cleared everything out of the shed which has a leaky roof. That should give you an idea of the condition of the contents. Horribly disgusting. I put back things I want or intend to sell in upcoming garage sale after which, the shed goes. I have 2 hauling estimates.

    After all that I took the 45 minutes shower and sat outside to watch the bird for a bit. I was tired and thirsty and all I could think of was how good the seltzer with cranberry and lime was going to taste. That was going to be my reward. That's how a non-drinker thinks. Chuffed!! The evening chill was setting in as the sun was going down and my hair was wet so I was not really comfy. I have an old fireplace grate and I have a big pile of dead branches so I decided to make a little fire and it rocked!! Just the right size, just the right amount of time to keep me warm and satisfy my pyromanic tendancies! :H That shed had stuff in there from a hundred years ago. AF ROCKS!!! I can start and finish things!

    Tonight is a friend's art showing opening reception. I'm going with a couple friends soon after it starts to beat the crowd. Those receptions get real crowded in the small space as there is always free wine to stimulate purchases. Plus I want to get home early because tomorrow is a very early start for the horse trials.

    Marshy, the problem with garlic is that it isn't just in your mouth. It is in your bloodstream and comes out your pores too. If I ever do internet dating, garlic eating must be a requirement. :H


    Have a frivilous friday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Friday 3/19

    At least you will be vampire proof.
    I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


      AF Daily - Friday 3/19

      Greeneyes well done on clearing out the shed, I agree AF rocks! The inclination to do stuff is coming to me that id never have dreamt of before...

      Talking of pores, I have to say that in my 1st few weeks AF when I was detoxing the horrific toxins oozing out of me were rancid and no self respecting vamp would have come near me :yuk:

      Im having a friend over for dinner tonight, he knows Im not drinking but I didnt buy any beer or wine for him, I reckon if he wants it he can bring it!
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        AF Daily - Friday 3/19;824751 wrote: At least you will be vampire proof.
        Date proof so far, raven.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Friday 3/19

          Happy Friday Ab Fabbers!

          Warm & sunny here today, loving it

          I need to put garlic on my shopping list - I'm almost out!! I have been sneaking it into dinner almost every day. I hope it does keep the vampires away & anything else wanting to annoy me

          Greenie, your therapeutic cleaning sounds good, I need to do a bit of that myself!

          Greetings to Rave, Chill, Marshy, Leelou, DG & all who stop in today.

          Must get busy child proofing my home as I will be hosting my grandson this weekend all on my own. He's close to 16 months now & gets into absolutely everything!!

          Have a great AF Friday!!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Friday 3/19

            Hello friends.

            AF does rock in so many ways.

            I'm having a little trouble with the time change, especially getting out of bed when it is dark. But, I do prefer springing ahead to falling back. I seem to have more energy. Could be the bits and pieces of sunshine we've had lately. It was 68 degrees Wednesday and last night we had snow. The storm they predicted has missed us, but our temps will be cooler for a couple of days--more dreariness. I truly think the sun does energize me--I feel so much better when it is shining!

            I am so happy about your progress in cleaning out your crap Greenie! It is so liberating getting rid of clutter and stuff we don't want or need. I have sooooo many projects I need to get done, one day at a time I guess. Yesterday all I wanted to do was sleep. I'm pretty sure this is cyclical and has to do with the weather--so I don't fight it.

            There is a group coming to our school and community next month called the Todd Becker project. He was a teenager killed while driving drunk. His family and friends organized a group that speaks to other teenagers and families. I cried as I read the brochure and think how great they can turn something so bad into something that just may help someone else. I'm going to push for hubby to attend this with us.

            I had lunch with a friend yesterday it was nice. We used to be best drinking buddies, then she got divorced, moved away and remarried. Our relationship suffered for awhile, but we are slowly getting back on track. She told me another friend started smoking again after 11 months quit. I thought to myself how lucky I am that my smoking was tied to drinking alcohol and not an"any and everything triggers it "--habit. As long as I don't drink, I don't smoke. Keeps me off both.

            I'm going to spend most of the day doing bookwork. Next week I'm going to the chiropractor to see what he can do about my lower back-hip pain--I can only sit at my desk for a couple of hours at a time.

            Have a great weekend all, and if you have any extra sunshine, please send it this way!:h

            And one more thing...what is crusty bread? I am going to put a beef roast in the crock pot with veggies, and crusty bread sounds like something that would go quite nicely..........
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - Friday 3/19

              Crusty bread is any type of great fresh bread with a nice crust that hasn't been marred by pre-slicing - baguettes with a nice crust, ciabatta bread, nice sourdough rounds, etc. Your local bakery or if your grocery has a good bakeshop can surely direct you. It would definitely go swimmingly with that beef roast. I like to rip off a nice piece with some crust & butter & then dip it in something hot . . . .mmmmm . . .wish I could stop by LVT . . ..can you tell I only had a small salad today? yuk . . .I'm sooo hungry. I have half of a nice baguette here - maybe I'll plan some sort of stew or something for this evening. Temps are supposed to drop dramatically & we're supposed to actually get snow tomorrow . . . .

              Oh well, had a good couple of sales days. Now, I'll clean my floors since the dogs are at doggie daycare since I'm too bruised up to walk them due to my last olympic level fall on Monday . . .At least they'll come home 'dog tired' . .

              I just can't believe how much I can get done when I'm not drinking! I have been kind of wishing I could sit down & have a beer lately. This is a sudden new feeling, but I don't really 'want' one - I think it's more the idea of one - we had 60 degree weather yesterday & I think that kind of triggered that spring type thinking. wierd . . . .the good news is that's the first time in weeks I even had that type of thought so that was pretty thrilling if you're me!

              Good day all!!! I'm going to get cracking here & get set for a very full weekend of various activities.

              LVT - GET OUT THERE & BUY SOME CRUSTY BREAD!!!!! . . . . ;-)


                AF Daily - Friday 3/19

                Thanks, Funny! I bought a big loaf of french bread! Guess I done good!!
                Smells yummy in here!

                That first year of going through the seasons and the different triggers was an interesting one. Spring and summer were especially hard since I did most of my beer drinking outside--before, during and after working in the yard, garden, etc.
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Friday 3/19

                  Hi to everyone,

                  my Friday was great, early finish at work, new clothes to go out, new make-up...(I don't normally wear any, but only when I go out, most my stuff was old or runout!

                  Soak in tub and music with dappled sunlight shining throughthe windows, no rush getting ready, drive to pick up DH from farewell thing, off to see Irish band "the saw doctors"....
                  They were great, watched all the drunken young ones "go off" first concert AF I think and it felt good!

                  Now, waking up and getting ready to go away for weekend, kayak morning this morning then apartment on the beach... Overdue getaway her I come!

                  Greenie, I know how you must feel after purging so much's great isn't it!

                  I love garlic.

                  Gotta finish packing and clean the kitchen... I have a wierd tendency to have to clean the kitchen before I go away. Not sure why but it's becoming a thing I need to do before I go.

                  Cyclone on the way, better go kayak before it swells too much!


                    AF Daily - Friday 3/19

                    LVT - I'll bet your meal will be wonderful. Mmmmmm . . .sounds fab. The temp has dropped so much here, that crusty bread & something warm to go with it seems like the ticket. That's my plan.

                    I guess your comment on change of seasons is exactly what I'm experiencing. I do have some non-alcoholic beers in the fridge in the event I really feel I 'want a beer'. I hadn't felt like that the whole time & had them handy originally in case I wanted to feel festive on Oscar night. Now the feeling is past, but I can have one if it happens again and that should take care of the initial urge. so far, though, I've felt pretty good overall. Food has become my focus though, if you couldn't tell . . . . ;-) Getting ready to hit the store now. We're now supposed to get 4-6" tomorrow! I can't believe it! It was 50 degrees this morning . . .Now it's cloudy & cold. Leelou's apartment on the beach sounds wonderful.

                    Oh well, I have a ton of projects going here. goiing to be purging myself, so I have a lot to do.

                    Lav, enjoy your guests. Greenie, chillgirl, Raven, Marshy, DG and anyone else who comes by - have a great weekend! I'll be hunkered in staying warm wondering when spring will REALLY begin here in good old Missouri . . .(or misery as they call it . . .now I'm beginning to know why).


                      AF Daily - Friday 3/19

                      Snow FG?
                      That's terrible - sorry to hear that! I imagine a Spring snowfall will melt quickly - I hope so.

                      I picked up a few outdoor activities to help keep my grandson occupied tomorrow. At 16 months he doesn't have a real long attention span so we're going to blow some big bubbles & kick a huge blue ball around & eat cookies of course

                      Wishing everyone a good AF night!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Friday 3/19


                        happy day
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily - Friday 3/19

                          Det - you sound like such a happy person. I think it's the garlic. Being Italian - I've been on the garlic since I was a baby. It was in my bottle, the minute I was on formula . . . .I use tons of it in everything & personally, I'm never bothered by it, and others have never seemed to have a problem around me. I am sure that I don't emit a foul garlic smell (believe me - I have friends who would surely tell me). So, I believe that your theory about eating more & more of it is truly the antidote - on yesterday's thread you were asked & that was your answer - I believe it works the way a vaccine does. Just start with small amounts & your body will build up a tolerance as you increase the dosage . . . . ;-)

                          Plus it's so good for you! I just picked up a new load this evening to put in all sorts of dishes I'll be cooking to ward off the bad mood that may ensue from the bad weather we'll have tomorrow. good night all!

