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    Let's celebrate your 100 AF days with my Chocolate Almond Biscotti & your coffee (forget the name of it ......)

    I am proud of you & very happy for you friend!!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



      Hi, Marchers!

      I have returned! I had the most wonderful trip to New Orleans to see my daughter and son-in-law! New Orleans is a huge trigger for me. I have many memories of trips to visit her over the years as she moved there shortly after she graduated college. I was heavily dependent on alcohol during those years so my visits, though for the most part pleasant, seem to have been tied up with: wanting a drink, drinking, drinking too much, being hung over and trying to site-see and visit. You all know the cycle. This trip was a hundred times better. I wasn't drinking, I had very few cravings, and I enjoyed "being there" ~ being present. It was interesting to walk around in the French Quarter and watch all the tourists walking around with their beers and daiquiri's and hurricanes, etc. I was relieved I wasn't one of them.

      Now, I am not going to say I was perfect though. One evening I drank some wine with dinner and moderated (3 glasses) with GREAT EFFORT. Moderating is a tricky business and really not easily done. Oh, well. I will not beat myself up over it. Back on the bus I go~

      I feel like I have been out of the loop, but I really did not have the time or opportunity to post while I was there.

      I see Red, that you had to change your name. I will have to call you Red, anyway! You are doing so awesome! I thought of you several times in New Orleans because I saw so many red hibiscus bushes!

      Cyn, I was hoping you would check in. I have thought about you many times. You must be gentle with yourself and stay positive.

      Sped, I have confidence that you will do well while your husband is out-of-town. Check in as needed though!

      LBH, I have never heard of the Three 'Mo Tenors. I googled it. They are awesome!

      Hey, Lav, thanks for holding down the fort while I was away!

      Hey, Soots, Mario, Raven, Chill, (I'm glad your rendezvous went so well!) Rust and everyone, Have a great AF evening.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.



        Beware the Ides of March.....I know that was the 14th....missed it. ha ! Last week in March keep Marching ! IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss



          Back again,

          Welcome home Dill - missed you
          Glad you had a good visit with your daughter, so important! You know I'm firmly planted in this thread (and a few others), I'm always around!
          What do you think about 'April Achievers' for our new month?

          I'm still sitting around watching the Owl Cam The Owl Box, Ustream.TV: For Molly's Mug, Mouse Pad, eBook and a T-shirt go to: Date Laid 32 day gest...
          Yes, I know I'm a big dork!

          Wishing everyone a terrific AF night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



            I am so glad you are back, Cyn. I have really missed you, I am less reflective in the absence of your thoughtful words and I look for you. I feel for what you are going through, having physical discomfort and anxious uncertainty quickly triggers cravings for me as the one thing I have always appreciated about being AF is that I have felt better physically. When this is gone it is hard to get through. The other day I thought that at least if I had a hangover it would be familiar territory and I would know what to do to get over it. Welcome home Dill! I missed you, of course, as you know I am attached. I thought of you yesterday when instead of flying down the highway in my truck and a string of pearls I was being driven by Lord Bird Heart in his unexpectedly zippy Smart Car (80? Who knew?). I love New Orleans and am glad you were able to enjoy your visit; I have yet to be there without the company of far too much alcohol. Welcome back Chill (it has been lonely around here!); I too am vicariously participating in your discovery, there is nothing in the world quite like romantic love. Hey Lav, Sooty, Lil, Rusty, Red (you help me every day) et. al. Come back Lode:l. Shelley, the Botanic Garden awaits the arrival of two attractive birds of a certain age when the wind dies down a bit, and in the meantime I send friendship and encouragement across this town if you feel out of sorts. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well



              Wow, good to have a houseful on this thread again. I was thinking that maybe our membershipit was just shrinking. So happy we are all getting ready for April!!!!

              Dill, I missed you. Your trip sounded fabulous (I love that word). Thanks for sharing your experience on a trip without gallons of alcohol. I have a trip in July and I am concerned cause I want to be AF during my vacation. I bet it felt great to wake up every day and site see unhung. Plus, your relationship with your daughter has to be different. Can you share?

              Sped, you can call me Red. I miss my old name but love my new avatar. I have really worked on not feeling lonely when I am alone. Having a more stable mood overall, due to no alcohol, has helped. I have always needed alone time though, to refresh and renew myself. I'm sure you have noticed that thinking is clearer when not on the the alcohol rollercoaster.

              Chill, how great that your weekend was fun and meaningful. It is exciting in a new friendship, as you get to discover all the new things about a person and share yourself. Keep us posted.

              LBH, I was so happy to read your beautiful post this morning. :hInteresting about the hangover being something you are used to. I used to think the same thing about it being familiar. I would sometimes not drink for a while and remember the hangovers and think they were not that bad. Whatever, is what I think now. They dragged me down physically and emotionally. But it gave me an excuse to feel sorry for myself and baby myself. I would lay on the couch all day if it wason the weekend. I do not want to ever go back to that . Life is to LIVE.

              Lav, we all really appreciate your faithfulness to this thread. You are a mainstay.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus



                Last day of March! I can't believe how fast this month has flown!

                Lav, 'April Achievers' works for me. I thought about 'AF April ~ 2010' in commemoration of April 2009 when a number of us made our first 30 days together. That Thread was called simpy 'AF April', remember? Good memories for me. In fact, I think I will go back in the archives and re-read it.

                Red, Being AF definitely was an asset. My daughter has had issues with alc and I think it has done her good to see me moving away from it in my life. She drank much less on this visit than I have ever seen. She drank wine at meal time "like a normal person". I have talked with her in the past, and cautioned her about becoming dependent. I could see that she was well on her way. But, now I think she has made a conscious turn around. Her hb drinks, but moderately. As you said, it was indeed wonderful to wake up unhung and enjoy the days. I thought of you on Saturday when we went to Mass at the St. Louis Catherdral. That was the 5:00 Mass, and the first time ever (other than her wedding weekend when I was determined to be AF for her in 2008) I think that I was ever AF at that time and able to attend! Usually by 5:00 I was already drinking, or was starting. It was such a priority in my life. Sad. But, NO MORE!

                LBH, I hope Mr. LBH has a back seat so I can ride along with you next time! OMG! 80?!! What color is the smart car? I want to form an image of it flying across the desert like a tumleweed on steroids. Is your vision expected to clear more with time? I will start printing in a larger font if that will help you.

                IAD, March is going out like a lamb. Got any lion/lamb graphics in your stack?

                I went out to the barn to let out my dogs this morning and saw the most beautiful full moon setting in the west. It was great to be back home, but there was frost nipping at my toes! Grrrr. Well, not to worry. It's typical Spring weather and the sun is going to warm us up nicely today.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.



                  Red, :bday2: Happy be-lated Birthday!:bday2: I thought of you on the 28th but had no opportunity to post. What did you do to celebrate?

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    MAGICAL MARCH MARCH ~ WEEK FOUR

                    hi all last post here for the month,have we got a new name yet,hope all is well.

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      MAGICAL MARCH MARCH ~ WEEK FOUR

                      Hello All, April achievers sounds pretty good to me. In fact I like it a lot.
                      Welcome back Dill
                      Lav we've had loads and loads of rain, fields under water etc. and now there are gales forecast - its very wild out there!
                      Love to everyone, not got much time to post today
                      ooops just remembered its Humpday!!!!!
                      love Sooty


                        MAGICAL MARCH MARCH ~ WEEK FOUR

                        Good morning,
                        I am just lolling around this morning as if I have no where to go (work) in an hour.
                        Just wanted to check in.
                        Rust, so sorry your New York trip is getting rained on. I recall planning wonderful trips only to have everything dashed by inclement weather. At least you're shopping and not hiking.

                        Chill, glad to hear about your af weekend. But an illuminated minibar!! What a test! Could you possibly throw us a few more morsels (details!) about your encounter with your "friend"?

                        Lav, do you really make biscotti, chocolate almond biscotti? I'm comin over.

                        Dill, I like AF April. April Achievers is too reminiscent of standardized testing.
                        My son went to Tulane in New Orleans. I have spent much time in that beautiful city, pre and post Katrina. I've got the drunk memories and I've got the sober ones. I do know for a fact though, the next time I visit New Orleans, I will be making sober ones.

                        Red, sometimes I ponder how much of my life I have wasted hung over on some random couch. No more, no more.

                        Hey LBH, thoughts of you abound. Working at Bandelier tomorrow.

                        I'd better skeedattle! Knew that word wouldn't make it through my spell check but you get my drift.



                          MAGICAL MARCH MARCH ~ WEEK FOUR

                          Happy Humpday Marchers,

                          Late start for me, I overslept......I think all the rain we had the past few days put me into a coma
                          Woke up to some beautiful sunshine though!

                          LBH, that Smart car sounds like a real go-getter!!

                          Good morning Red, you sound good

                          Dill, I do remember AF April......seems like just yesterday Let's attack this month of April with the same 'Can Do' spirit!

                          Greetings Sooty - it's your special day! Hope your rains cease soon as well!

                          Shelley, I love to bake! I think my biscotti are getting better - they are not easy to handle. I'm more of a bread baker. Anyway, just bring the coffee so you dunk these puppies

                          OK, got to get moving. Have a great AF Hump Day everyone!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            MAGICAL MARCH MARCH ~ WEEK FOUR

                            Hello all - thank you for your greetings, and your pervasive optimism, it is really helping me. I am in yet another city today, having traveled late last night to pick hb at the airport here, and spend 36 hours with him while he switches jobs - tomorrow early a.m. I take him to fly back to Nashville, his other work site. (Last week I traveled to Dallas area to help a friend in crisis - she lost her job, and her entire household had to go into storage, so I packed her up.) Pretty soon I'll stay in one place for a few days.

                            Red - (since your beautiful new avatar still has some red) Happy Birthday!! Didn't know the exact date. You sound great, and are surely off to a brilliant start for this decade.

                            LBH - thank you for your understanding. I can handle most anything, but days and days of pain take me down a notch...I may just have to learn how to deal with that... How is your eye? Healing? I think we'd all like a ride with Lord BH in his snazzy coupe!

                            Lav - I always think of you on a full moon, hoping that it's not disturbing your sleep too much. It was gorgeous here in the desert -- I drove with it on my left shoulder on my trip last night.

                            Chill - so glad to hear that your weekend was good - London was the first place that Mr Tree and I had some private time to ourselves. What happy memories.

                            The doc yesterday has ordered yet another MRI and tons of blood work. It may (or may not!) be some autoimmune issue such as MS, Lyme's disease, etc, etc. No magic pills, darn! But thanks all for your concern.

                            Happy humpday, dear friends, and I will be with you AF throughout -- Cheers --
                            to the light


                              MAGICAL MARCH MARCH ~ WEEK FOUR

                              Hey cyn,

                              I'm happy to report I noticed the full moon but it didn't keep me awake this time
                              Honestly, sometimes I think I'm turning into a cow (cranky old woman)!!!!!!!!

                              Hope you feel better very soon!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                MAGICAL MARCH MARCH ~ WEEK FOUR

                                Yet with us being 82% water, it's a mystery being mortal we are all bound to feel the pull of the lunar tide affecting us sometime.
                                I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.

