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AF Daily - Thursday March 25

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    AF Daily - Thursday March 25

    Hey Ab Fabbers,

    Looks like I'm the thread starter this week :H

    I've been tending to some work stuff this morning now I need to run over to my son's house to tend to his goofy Golden Retrievers. My son & DIL are out of town just for the day & I didn't want the Insanity Twins here trashing my house, so I'll go over there!

    Clouds but no rain today, 65 degrees so not too bad

    Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Thursday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily - Thursday March 25

    Hi Lav and another other Abbie Fabbies yet to come! A visit to the Twins rather than a visit from the Twins sounds like the way to go! :H It is threatening rain today so just when the mud finally dried up, we are probably going to have more. I wish I could send my 20 doggy paws to visit someone for the mud season!

    I am so happy to be sober today. Lav, I'm getting really excited for your one year anni tomorrow. There is something just so special about 1 year!! We had a 1 year anni at AA today and I totally remember this guy when he first came in, court ordered, resentful, and shaking so badly he couldn't hold a coffee cup, literally. He doesn't usually attend this 7AM meeting but it's his sponsor's home group so he came there today for his chip with an entire lineage of the sponsor and sponsor's sponsor, etc. He looked fabulous (yes, in a Johnny Depp sort of way ) and it's hard to believe it's the same guy. Hearing his short version of "how it was" and "how it is" was very heart warming and a terrific reminder of why I don't want AL in my life ever again.

    Sober Life is GOOD!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Thursday March 25

      Hi Lav, and all to follow.

      On Monday morning whilst at my beach getaway, I had a coughing fit and tore a rib muscle.

      I've been home all week, in so much pain! I have to brace myself before any cough, a sneeze will have me in tears as I don't have time to hold my side and curl over to help the pain!

      Been to Dr., blood tests etc for stupid cough, but my muscles are hurting bad!

      Had the most unproductive week, I feel worn out from the pain, still having coughing fits which I'm so sad about!

      It's 4am, I just heated my wheatbag up, and I'm lying in bed feeling very sore and sorry!

      Even my cat won't come near me cause I cough, cringe etc

      I will never take my muscles for granted again!

      I have read posts here whilst in bed, enjoying them, sorry this one of mine is nothing short of complaining!!!

      Has anyone here ever torn a rib muscle? Any hints on helping them heal? Clearly if I could stop coughing, that would be a good start!

      Sorry for my whining!


        AF Daily - Thursday March 25

        Hi Leelou - cross posted. OH MY that sounds painful. I don't have any experience or advice for healing. But you have my sympathies!!! Sounds like this was a bummer for your vacation at the beach too! :l I hope you are feeling better soon.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Thursday March 25

          And a good one you are, Lav!!

          Goofy goldens - isn't that just the truth?

          I had a great time last night. The wife of the couple couldn't go so I got to spend time with the husband which I have missed. She tends to want to hook up with me when he is traveling so I don't get his company as often as I'd like. We sat outside at the new place for dinner and it was very good. I love tapas offerings and ended up too full for comfort. The Banff Film Festival World Tour was really good shown to a crowd that looked like they (or their parents) spent a good amount of time in earth shoes or rope sandals. The Nature Conservancy was a big part of the whole scene. It was short independent films with adventure topics. One was a film of a guy that cycled a tandem bicycle (with various people he met along the way) from northern Alaska to the tip of Argentina. One had a snow sking theme in 700 inches of powder snow (in Japan), one was kayaking amazing unboated rivers in South Africa and Madascar while introducing solar cooking methods to tribes, and one was about a guy who who tested a scaled down replical of a waterslide he wanted to build on the Matterhorn. :H Fun night. Way funner than those nights sneakin drinkin. Oh which I think the guy behind me was doing. The "MC" asked if anyone was excited about the film showing and the guy says "Excited enough to take my pants off". Greenie thought that was a rather unusual response and felt it was deffinately in order to investigate the owner of the mouth that uttered it and whipped her head around for a look-see. And there it was - that red faced, glassy eyed, grinning mouth and even a silly little wave hello to go with.

          Tonight I'm going to a "couponing" program at the library. I hope to learn how to shop for free.

          OK, back to work.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Thursday March 25

            Hi DG - you HAVE TO HAVE that pink ride!!

            Leelou, owie! I think it's called the intercostal muscle. When muscles heal, they produce collagen to mend and it's criss-cross like a darning stitch. So (you're not going to like this) after this part is over, you need to get some body work done on it to break up the adhesions in the fascia and realign the muscle so the muscle isn't restricted. It is quite painful to have that sort of work. :upset:
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Thursday March 25


              Ouch! I know that's painful - happens to my daughter frequently! It's called Costochondritis (inflammation of a rib or cartiledge).
              We found that Ibuprofen (OTC strength Motrin) works best to relieve the discomfort.
              You Doc should order a cough syrup with codeine just to use at bed time to control the coughing. Don't use that cough syrup during the day - it makes you sleepy.

              DG, I'm getting excited about tomorrow too! I finally feel proud of myself for the first time in a very long time. It sounds like the guy you mentioned in AA has done quite well too - good for him!

              Greenie, it's always nice to be part of an enthusiastic audience but I prefer to keep my pants on - GEEZ!!! You'll have to share your coupon knowledge with us - I'm not real great in that department.

              OK, back to window washing, screen installing, etc.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Thursday March 25

                Greenie... just :H:H:H about the guy and his pants! Isn't it wonderful not to be the ones making assenine remarks while intoxicated??? (well, speaking for myself anyway!)

                I'm watching the Men's Figure Skating Free Skate right now. World Championships is always somewhat bittersweet in that it's the last time we will likely see programs we like. Adrian Schultheiss from Sweden is always good for something VERY unusual. This year, his free skate is to this medley:

                Teardrop by Massive Attack
                Insane in the Brain by Cypress Hill
                Smack my bitch up by Prodigy

                :H It's actually an interesting program (as usual for him!) and DIFFERENT. I'm sure there are some stodgy conservative figure skating judges that are highly grateful the season is over right now! It's a refreshing change from Sheherizade(sp) and Requiem for a Dream - both over used this season. Smack my bitch up indeed!


                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Thursday March 25

                  Greenie, one year during Mardi Gras in New Orleans I was in the streets watching about 3 cheerleader types up on the shoulders of the boyfriends. They were being "cheered on" by people up on the balconies who were promising many beads in exchange for a booby show. The girls were acting all demure.."NO! I couldn't POSSIBLY!" with everyone knowing full well there WAS going to be a booby show. Anyway, while all this drama was unfolding on the shoulder of the boyfriends and up in the balconies, I glance over to see a guy, standing with LOTS of space around him, and his pants around his ankles. He was pointing at his pee pee and yelling "what about me! what about me!" OMG pull your pants up! I said.

                  Another story in my drunkalog.....

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Thursday March 25

                    Goodness, the stories around here! My knickers are in a twist but at least they're still on.:H

                    Sorry to hear about your injury, Leelou, hang in there!

                    Well, DG, since you asked (yesterday) about changes in lives, I'm afraid I have to return to the dating theme... Unfortunately we're still looking for a flatmate. It's been going on for two months now. Our landlord requires that a credit check be done on prospective candidates, and two people have failed it so far. Anyway, last night this middle-aged Italian bloke walked in the door to have a look at the place. Now, I suppose I'm pretty midlife myself (though eternally 29) but I felt 20 years younger than this guy. I thought I caught him eyeing me up and down at one point but I wasn't sure. An hour after he left he texted to say he doesn't want the room but he wants to take me out to dinner next week. Meeting me had apparently been a 'major pleasure' :H I still burst out laughing whenever I reread the text. I'm not interested in him in the least, but I am half considering going out with him once just to practice dating. I haven't done it in so long I think I need a dress rehearsal. What do you think? Would that be terribly unethical?? The point of this story is that it's not a dilemna I had to worry about a few years ago. :H

                    Chillgirl, hope you're out there having a great time!


                      AF Daily - Thursday March 25

                      Pamina, hey I'm totally with you on that! That's why I called that guy back after a couple months. I'm not interested, but maybe it would be good "date practice" (if he calls back, that is )

                      I can't wait to hear about chillgirl's London escapades!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Thursday March 25

                        Pamina, I say go for the "date practice" if you think you can tolerate the guy all the way through a dinner.

                        With all the dating talk (and action!) around here, I was thinking we need some dating smilies in order to properly communicate about it. Upon further review, we actually have quite a few that could be relevant in various situation. We have a :l and a :H and :no: and :egad: and :blinkylove: and :yukko:. We are missing some sort of "groping" smilie and as always, our communications are limited by the Six Smilie Rationing Rule.

                        If you DO go to dinner, we demand details. With 6 smilies.

                        And YES we need a Chillgirl update. With 6 smilies.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily - Thursday March 25

                          Pamina.....Some things just sound SO Italian....

                          Thanks for the advice for my pain. I had a bad night, I'm going to nothing but rest today.

                          Luckily it didn't ruin my beach getaway, it happened just before we drove home.

                          I am abit scared today, as when I got out of bed, I felt new acute pain on my other side, it feels just like my leftside pain that I've had since Monday!

                          So now both sides, and I don't remember a cough hurting or tearing anything again. It's identical to the other side!

                          I called the Dr, will see him in afternoon. I will take pain relief, rest, and avoid coughing if possible. See what dr. Says later.


                            AF Daily - Thursday March 25

                            That sounds scary Leelou! Please let us know what the doc says!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Thursday March 25

                              Doggygirl;828002 wrote: Pamina, I say go for the "date practice" if you think you can tolerate the guy all the way through a dinner.

                              With all the dating talk (and action!) around here, I was thinking we need some dating smilies in order to properly communicate about it.
                              We can always have a nonversation about MY dating. :upset:
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

