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AF Daily Sunday March 28

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    AF Daily Sunday March 28

    Good morning fabbie abbies!!

    Still in my robe here.... lazing through the morning. I think I'll finish the newspaper outside. I like to do all I can outside right now before it gets hot later on in the season. It does come on quick. The other day I took a sandwich over to our little town park and sat on a bench swing at the top of the park. The grass sloped down to a gazebo and just past that was a small pond with a whale blow hole type fountain in the middle. The park was sprinkled with blooming weeping cherry, forsythia, dogwoods and beds of blooming flowers and playing children- one of whom had on a pink fluffy tu-tu. Their moms watched from a blanket spread out on the grass with picnic things still there for nibbling. Gentle breeze, children's laughter, the waterfall sound of the fountain....... I think I'll eat lunch there the rest of spring. Starting today. I hope I always have this "make the most of every moment" feeling that came back to me with being sober. There should be a different word than sober - it just doesn't fit.

    Have a savory sunday!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily Sunday March 28

    Mornin' Greenie! Instead of sober, how about happy, joyous and free? Even though it's more than one word? It's hard to describe the good feeling sometimes with just one.

    Wow you are full into spring in your neck of the woods! Sounds gorgeous. We're still waiting. I saw the first daffodil in bloom yesterday so there is hope it will be soon!

    I'm going to another AA meeting soon because one of my friends is the speaker today. Should be good. After that, I'm going to do some catch up on administrivia in my office. The price I was willing to pay for watching figure skating every spare moment all week!

    Hope all the other abbie fabbies out there are having a fab weekend.

    There will be no drinking for me today, that's for sure!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Sunday March 28

      Hi Greenie & DG,

      I'm not quite so full of the joys of spring as you two. I got home from work at 1am this morning and one of my neighbours was having a party and playing insanely loud music. Ear plugs and switching on a noisy fan in my bedroom just about drowned out the noise but I was so knackered I could have really done without it.

      Then my mum called me at 9am this morning (except the clocks have gone forward today so *technically* it was 10am and so she thought I'd be up by then ).

      Gnash, gnash.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily Sunday March 28

        Wow seems like there is very little activity here this morning. I guess everyone is sleeping in except Marshy. I have had a few really busy weeks and now am having a very boring and lonely weekend. Doing some cleaning, reading and just lazing around. Its been awhile since I have had a weekend with not relatives or plans so I guess the cleaing needed to get done. The weather here is not good either so that doesn't help. It is Spring Break so my son and I are heading to Orlando tomorrow for a few days. Will get to see my older son who is in College there and may visit Sea World. i hope all killer whales are on their best behavior.
        Hope everyone has a great Sunday.


          AF Daily Sunday March 28

          Happy Sunday ABerooos!

          Greeneyes, what a loverly way to start our day, thanks much. sounds dreamy.

          had a great day at the shooting range yesterday, so much fun that I'm heading back today! gotta enjoy this nice sunny weather before a storm blows in tomorrow.

          Time2, pet a killer whale for me. they are so cool.

          be well
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily Sunday March 28

            Hello there, greenie, DG, Marshy, time2, and Determinator! Happy Sunday to all of you and to all those who jump in later.

            It is quite warm here (72ish), but thunder storms are in the distance and I have been told we may get 4" of rain today! Youch!

            My Jack Russell does not like thunder, and she gets the Rat Terrier going as well, so we have a rather noisy household at the moment. I am trying to get them to just snuggle with me on the couch where all will be well.....

            I'm having a lazy, relaxing Sunday myself. I have a lot of reading to catch up on (over 20 years' worth! :H) and I am hoping to be able to listen to my self-hypnosis CD's for a while today, that is if I can hear them over the periodic barking outbursts!

            Love to all & have a wonderful AF day!
            :crazymonkey: RivEd


              AF Daily Sunday March 28

              Hey Ab Fabbers,

              Had a busy morning prepping food for the grill. Yes, I'm the weirdo having the Palm Sunday cookout. Mostly cloudy here, few peeps of sun - up to 4" of rain to move in tonight/tomorrow! Yikes, more mud.......
              rived, I have a Southern Coon hound mix that hides in my stall shower when it thunders

              Have a super AF Sunday everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily Sunday March 28

                I thought it was supposed to be april showers.
                I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                  AF Daily Sunday March 28

                  time2change;829462 wrote: I guess everyone is sleeping in except Marshy
                  :H:H I plan on making up for it tonight. Have fun in Orlando!

        , (from yesterday) I went to university in Cardiff many moons ago and it was a fairly quiet place at night except when there was a rugby match on. But I hear now it's got a bit of a reputation as one of those towns with lots of drunken yoof out on the streets at night. Did you see any of that going on?
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    AF Daily Sunday March 28

                    Ding dong,
                    The boat is gone!
                    The boat is gone?
                    The boat is gone!

                    I now know what a pipe wrench is.

                    It was a little aluminum soup can of a boat that he was "fixing up" years ago and is now full of leaves and junk. But not in MY back yard!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily Sunday March 28

                      Good for you Greenie.
                      Some day I will sing the "gas powered Golf Cart" is gone song!!! I hope sometime soon.

