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AF Daily - Monday March 29, 2010

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    AF Daily - Monday March 29, 2010

    Hello Abbers! Spring is coming! Spring is coming! It's cold this morning and only supposed to get to 50 today, but 60 tomorrow and then 3 days of 70's and sun later this week! I hope it really happens the way the forecast says now! That means I will get out there and finish fall cleanup in the garden. Finally. :H

    Marshy, you used a word yesterday describing the drinking or drunks in your old college town that I have never heard. I was going to ask you what it meant but now I forgot the word. Will have to go back and look! I went to 2 colleges and 1 junior college on the long and winding road to a degree. One of them was "known" as the party school but I couldn't tell a difference in the monumental partying between any of the ones I attended, or the several others I visited on that journey. All the parents who thought they were keeping their kids "safe" by NOT sending them to the "party school..." well, you know.

    Rived, good to see you becoming a "regular" in our merry band! My first dog (RIP Caesar) grew up in Florida where we had AMAZING thunderstorms nearly every afternoon in the summer. He became afraid of them at some point. My guess is that lightening must have struck really close to the house where he could "feel" it or something. Because all of a sudden he started going "up" every time it stormed, which was often every day. I would come home from work and find stuff from the top of the refrigerator all over the floor. Took me a while to figure it out. One day I was home when it stormed and up he went on top of the kitchen counter in a single bound. Then one more bound and up on top of the refregerator he went. Didn't want to come down until the storm was over. :H I worked with a doggy shrink (:H yes I was crazy and was the one needing a shrink) but he never did totally get over it.

    T2C - don't pet the whales!

    I blew off my leads group meeting this morning. We are allowed a certain number of absences per year. I have been really good about attendance after getting sober and getting back to living a good life (imagin that!). So today is just a morning off. I'm thinking about going back to Curves for working out. It's been fun to go to the big boy gym, but I'm discovering that this old body does have some limitations. I've been hit and miss with workouts lately but I never was that way with Curves. So I stopped by there on Friday and picked up a 1 week free pass and will see how that feels this week. I'm also getting my hair done and picking up the invitations for my open house Mary Kay "business debut" coming up later in April. I need to get the invites out this week!

    My brother left a message last night that he is in town, just for today. Nothing like a little notice! :H I used to let that stuff get me upset, but now I know it's just the way he is and I accept it. So I'll be making a family visit this afternoon. Tomorrow Sister is having surgery so will be at the hospital some in addition to some work responsibilities. I am SO GRATEFUL to be living a regular life instead of waking up every day in misery, physically and mentally, and then figuring out how to cancel "life" so I could drink in peace.

    Hello to all abbers yet to come today!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Monday March 29, 2010

    Good morning DG & all Ab Fabbers,

    Dark, raining & fog outside today - lovely! Oh, flood watches up as well.

    Guess I'll pull out the things to do indoors list for today & tomorrow! Kind of boring but what can you do?

    Has anyone noticed how many new members signed up over the weekend? I always try to greet the newbies & invite them to the newbies nest, etc. It was surprising to see so many new arrivals!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
    Are we expecting Chillgirl back today with details????

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Monday March 29, 2010

      yes,i noticed all the new arrivals over the weekend. i remember when i first posted (yes i can actually remember things now im sober). i felt so welcome, it was great to know i was not alone in this. yet again i must thank all the wonderful people here for helping me on my journey. i couldnt have got this far without you.
      its wet and miserable here at the start of british summertime (typical) but im sunny inside, this is an unbelievable thing for me to say. i used to dread the days.. and the nights and was only happy when i passed out. how wrong is that.
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        AF Daily - Monday March 29, 2010

        Hello friends!

        I do believe springlike weather is in our forecast as well this week. And, it looks like the wind is picking up, and that is typical spring in Nebraska.

        I also had a dog (RIP Bear) that was terrified, of thunder, fireworks and guns. You could tell a storm was coming just by his nervousness. Sometimes I let him in the house and sometimes I gave him a little valium--especially around the 4th of July. When we were at the Veterinary conference this month, a company was selling a "vest" for lack of the correct term, that fit snuggly on the dog like giving him a big hug. They claimed it would help to keep them calm in like 80% of the cases. I think they got the idea from Temple Grandin, if you happened to catch that movie. Anyway, if anyone is interested in more info on that, I can see what I can find out. My friend bought one for her Bernese Mtn Dog, so whenever the thunderstorms start, I should have a good idea if they work or not.

        I continue to struggle a little with hubby and his drinking habits. I fear that with everything that is going on with our government right now, he will use alcohol more and more to help him deal with the stress and concern he has. I told him all of his worry was only going to shorten his life, but he was worked up enough that I doubt he even heard me. I get irritated with him when he is all gloom and doom, and he gets irritated with me for having my head in the sand. I pretty much get irritated any time he is drinking, which at times seems like every day.
        I was going to give up my counseling for the summer, because of my busier schedule, but maybe I better not, huh?

        Today I'm headed out to check the "girls" and tag a new calf born last night. Then to town to do statements for a client, and then home to start some spring cleaning--ugh! When the boys get home from school they get to help wash windows!

        Have a great week, all!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - Monday March 29, 2010

          Ab fabbers!

          Wet here too Spuddle but quite warm. I used to work with a guy who was approaching retirement and he and his wife bought a holiday cottage in Cumbria with the intention of retiring there. But after a few years they decided against it because it rained so much there!

          Lav - you're an absolute trooper greeting the newbies. I occasionally have a go at that but they never seem to come back again (maybe it's just me :H).

          DG- very funny about the mountaineering dog. I was out in my bit of urban countryside the other day and there was a woman walking about eight dogs (I suppose she was a dog walker) and one was freaking out and almost pulling her over. I asked her if she was OK coz she was having a real struggle with it, and she said he was afraid of trains and there was a faint rumbling train noise in the distance that I hadn't even noticed but the dog certainly had!
          "Yoof" maybe? Just means youth. There was this whole big thing in the 1980s/1990s of TV programmes aimed at teenagers that were full of middle-aged presenters trying to adopt a kind of street speak by not pronouncing "th" at the end of words to try to appear all "down with the kids". It became known as Yoof TV... Bet you wish you hadn't mentioned it now.

          I've really missed my gym routine over the past couple of weeks. There's a gym at work and I went to have a look at it the other day but my security pass wouldn't let me into that particular area of the building. (Are they trying to tell me something? :H). So I phoned them this morning and have told a guy who works there what time I'll be nipping down for a look and he's going to wait for me and let me in. It sounds good though and is only ?10 a month (should be free I think!), and I could also use the showers in there when I cycle in to work rather than the showers in the loo which are rather :yuk:
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF Daily - Monday March 29, 2010


            Wet here too. That's OK as I've lots of inside stuff to do. (Like work :H)

            I signed up with a health food store to get the weekly flyers, coupon offers, e-mailed and they had a free pantry makeover one-time offer for signing up. You bring in things on a list and they give you thier healthy version as a replacement. I don't get anything as I'm proud to say that none of the things listed were in my pantry ! No HFCS or hydrogenated oils. You pick a "badge" that reflects your interests and interestingly I wound up picking vegetarian.

            Remember the nice man at the doggie park? I think he brings his doggies at lunch time as he works from home. And I don't think many people are there at lunch. Hummmm...... Nothing from the artist. Where IS that chillgirl?? :H

            Speaking of cycling, LVT what did you decide about the race?

            Swimmers take your mark!!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Monday March 29, 2010

              Greenie--I decided no. I also decided no on sponsoring a week long mission trip. Sometimes it is good to do things outside of the comfort zone, sometimes it just doesn't feel right. I'm trying not to get over-scheduled, you know?

              But, if you would like to take my place, I can give my friend your number!
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - Monday March 29, 2010

                whew! it's a Monday alright. huge storm blowing in now so internet comes and goes. I say it's time for a tad of fun irony:

                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - Monday March 29, 2010

                  Hi Eveyone,

                  I was cooking this evening and hardly had a chance to check in! Dang, I feel like I missed out on all the excitement! Tomorrow I am going to a Seder dinner with a bunch of friends, so I will miss out again! Oh, well, I will catch up with all of you soon!
                  :crazymonkey: RivEd

