I had a really strange drinking thought while at the hairdresser the other day. She is getting ready to go with the family on vacation to Canun to an all inclusive resort. They have been there before so of course she was describing how wonderful it was. She talked about LOTS of things - the excursions to the ruins, shopping, water sports, snorkeling, etc. She talked about all the great restaurants they will get to choose from. But what my mind grabbed onto was "all inclusive" drinks by the beach/pool. These thoughts were not like strong urges that made me nuts in the earlier days. They were just passing thoughts like thinking of a scene from a movie. (a horror flick no doubt!) I used to get to go on a lot of weekender trips to resorts like this when I worked for the Florida company. Needless to say these were nothing but huge drinking excursions. I never cared about sight seeing or shopping or activities. Just park me in a chair and keep the drinks coming.
Based on how these thought process went, I'm just reminded that part of this recovery process for me is getting "practice" at doing things sober. As a much less glamorous example, I remember canning tomatoes the first time sober. Even though I had been cooking sober in general for a long time, and cooking in general no longer made me think of drinking, canning tomatoes sure did! My only (very few) experiences canning tomatoes at that point involved drinking. But after doing some canning sober (which took effort at first) I no longer think about it.
So I'm guessing that if I ever go to a beach resort for vacation, I will have some strong thoughts until I re-route the stuff in my brain with new memories that do NOT involve drinking.
Anyway, that's what's on my mind this morning. The on-going process of re-training my addicted brain! Bring on the new sober experiences!