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Daily AF Thread - March 31 Spring is HERE in IL today

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    Daily AF Thread - March 31 Spring is HERE in IL today

    Hee hee. Taking a liberty with the thread title today. It is supposed to be sunny and in the 70's here today. No more excuses for putting off the fall garden clean up.

    I had a really strange drinking thought while at the hairdresser the other day. She is getting ready to go with the family on vacation to Canun to an all inclusive resort. They have been there before so of course she was describing how wonderful it was. She talked about LOTS of things - the excursions to the ruins, shopping, water sports, snorkeling, etc. She talked about all the great restaurants they will get to choose from. But what my mind grabbed onto was "all inclusive" drinks by the beach/pool. These thoughts were not like strong urges that made me nuts in the earlier days. They were just passing thoughts like thinking of a scene from a movie. (a horror flick no doubt!) I used to get to go on a lot of weekender trips to resorts like this when I worked for the Florida company. Needless to say these were nothing but huge drinking excursions. I never cared about sight seeing or shopping or activities. Just park me in a chair and keep the drinks coming.

    Based on how these thought process went, I'm just reminded that part of this recovery process for me is getting "practice" at doing things sober. As a much less glamorous example, I remember canning tomatoes the first time sober. Even though I had been cooking sober in general for a long time, and cooking in general no longer made me think of drinking, canning tomatoes sure did! My only (very few) experiences canning tomatoes at that point involved drinking. But after doing some canning sober (which took effort at first) I no longer think about it.

    So I'm guessing that if I ever go to a beach resort for vacation, I will have some strong thoughts until I re-route the stuff in my brain with new memories that do NOT involve drinking.

    Anyway, that's what's on my mind this morning. The on-going process of re-training my addicted brain! Bring on the new sober experiences!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    Daily AF Thread - March 31 Spring is HERE in IL today

    A Thank You to RubyWillow and All My MWO Friends


    I am here to thank you, KatieB, Spam, DoggyGirl, Nora, MamaBear, ODAT, Anotherday, IAD, Hippie, Gold, Mario, Overit2007, Eight Days a Week, Happy Chick, Mollyka, Spuddleduck, Bellinator and Stirly for the support you all continue to give me...through your intelligent and inspirational insights, your experiences, your tools, I am thankful and extremely grateful. For those of you at MWO, please forgive me if I've left you off this wasn't intentional ;-(

    Doggy....loved your post this morning! Mama Bear, you goofball, Doggy is not a drug dealer, she must be an award winning saleswoman for Mary Kay ;-)...they used to give those ladies pink Cadillacs but now they've moved up to Escalades...hahahaha!!! Good Job, Doggy Girl! MamaBear, I love your Avatar! You always make me laugh. I have a question for you....are those strawberries on your hat?! TEE HEE! I love it!!!

    I am in SUCH a good mood this morning! The reason is, I was feeling so down about myself and all the hurt and pain I caused my family and friends by the stupid and DANGEROUS things I have done whilst, I wrote a letter to everyone I could think of whom I might have hurt and apologized, asked their forgiveness and gave them my sobriety plan. I cried while doing it but it was so cathartic. This was about 4 months ago. Well, you wouldn't believe what happened? It is the Easter holiday coming up, and I got home last night from traveling for work all last week and this week to find my mailbox stuffed with letters back, from people saying that they could tell a positive change in me and have noticed it for many months, and how proud they were. They all told me they loved me and forgave me, and man, I just bawled and bawled and bawled!!!!

    Doggy, you have said in the early stages of sobriety, a person is in Deprivation Mode because they HAVE to give up alcohol like they were being punished, well I am here to tell you that I am fully in GRATITUDE Mode! Now when I cry, it's because I'm overjoyed and not depressed because of all the alcohol.

    Everyone here at MWO, you must know that the positive change in me is because of this website and the people I've "met" and I can't thank you enough.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!

    With heartfelt thanks, and now bawling again,



      Daily AF Thread - March 31 Spring is HERE in IL today

      Morning abbie fabbies!!

      Thanks for the start, DG! We are all itching for spring! In my area, there is still a 50% chance of a freeze up until an average of April 4. So the plants I'm gathering are in the garage window (that I am proud to say I can GET to!).

      Rusty what a marvelous post! You sound like you have that kind of happiness that just bubbles out - what a wonderful feeling. Keep the vibe going!

      DG, great topic! Dealing with suitcases (both packing and unpacking) is an example of that for me. But now I've done it enough sober that the drinking thought no longer comes to me. The first time was very strange. Now I do it in a fraction of the time. And speaking of... I think for me there is an unconscious association that happens and I am just now learning that I have to hone my perspectives of new tasks in terms of time needed. Some things don't take nearly as long as I think they will. I believe this is because I still estimate time in terms of "alcohol time". A project I think will take an afternoon suprises me when it takes only a couple hours. Remember the attic? I had made lunch and we were done in just 2 hours. While I'm not consciously thinking of drinking, it influences my time estimations because most everything I did was in "alcohol time" and took longer.

      Off for a busy day (which is scheduled, so I KNOW what time I'll be home )

      Lawnmower racing :H. It's a boring black push mower. BUT it is a craftsman limited edition with a honda motor! VAROOOM!!!

      Have a wunnerful wednesday and don't forget to say "JACKRABBIT" in the morning! It has to be the first word you say after midnight for good luck for the month.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Daily AF Thread - March 31 Spring is HERE in IL today

        Good morning friends.

        DG--we had the most perfect spring day here yesterday. It topped out at 80 degrees with little to no wind! That is what I hate about spring is the wind. Anyway, it was just a taste of spring, because the forecast doesn't look to springy for the weekend starting tomorrow.

        I have to say, I so relate to everything in your post. I've never been on a tropical vacation, but would love to. I wonder if the "Virgin" foo foo drinks are all inclusive as well.
        A good example was my trip to Las Vegas. 0 alcohol, 0 ciggies, 0 gambling
        A twinge now and then, but nothing worth the hangover. If anything ever trips me up it would probably be something that stresses me big time.

        As I was doing some spring cleaning yesterday, and working outside the day before, I observed that I quit a lot earlier than I used to. In the past, I would start drinking around 4 pm to get my second wind. That's ok, because it was all negated the next day when I didn't feel like doing anything. It was a vicious cycle.

        Great to see everyone here, and all the new ones too.

        Have a great day all!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          Daily AF Thread - March 31 Spring is HERE in IL today

          Good morning Ab Fabbers & Happy Humpday!

          Thanks for the nice start up today DG! Funny, I was just thinking the other day about an all inclusive resort we visited 3 or 4 times in the Bahamas! Boy, I parked myself in a chair, Bahama Mama in hand.......same deal! Those days are long over, for so many reasons!

          Rusty, you are one happy & grateful lady, good for you It's wonderful to hear that you received such overwhelming support from your family & friends. We don't all get that, for sure!

          Greenie, I will be happy as soon as the mud dries up outside. I am anxious to get my garden beds ready for a new growing season. I have broccoli plants waiting to be planted!!!

          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Hump Day!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Daily AF Thread - March 31 Spring is HERE in IL today

            Zoom, zoom.

            Gone back to winter here for the day. NOT the weather for an outdoor swim.

            Talking of holidays, I'm going on a group walking holiday in, erm, forget now.. July, I think. Don't know if it will be particularly boozy. I've been on ones before that were VERY boozy. One time a woman was so hungover the next day that in the morning when we were getting a bus part way up a mountain to the start of the trail, she had to make the driver stop so she could get off and "empty both ends" in the bushes. (And it wasn't me! :H).

            Have a splendid day all!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              Daily AF Thread - March 31 Spring is HERE in IL today

              poor woman. So glad we are no longer behaving like that.
              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.

