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AF April ~ 2010

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    AF April ~ 2010

    Well done Chill. Don't worry, they might just need some educating as to where you're at, then i'm sure they'll be right behind you. Well, a true friend(s) will be.

    Best wishes. Bravo!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF April ~ 2010

      Oh, and Chilli,
      Your social life, once you get used to the new you, will be wild! Well, as wild and fun as you want it to be. Magical times ahead friend, too huge to explain.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        AF April ~ 2010

        Good morning (or whatever time of day it is where you are!) Happy Saturday. (or whatever day it is.......)

        Sooty I hope your little doggy is doing better today. Continued healing vibes to you.

        LBH, I really admire your positive attitude making the most of your situation. YAY that you can do some driving! That must feel very freeing. Reading your post today made me reflect on how much I take for granted each day. I keep a gratitude list going so whenever I start feeling sorry for myself over something silly I can whip it out and re-balance my thinking. Today I will add some of the simple things in life that I take for granted to that list! I hope you have a great day and that you drive someplace even if it's just down the block!

        Chill, I think Spud is right that often times peope who pressure about drinking like to justify their own behavior. I know I did plenty of that over the years. I could have really cared less whether other people drank, but I felt I had to have company - any company - to justify my own drinking. Guitarista is right - there is a WHOLE lot more to social life than sitting around shooting the *%$& with a drink in our hands. This is part of the Big Change I am still undergoing - finding other things to do. There are plenty of people out there who enjoy time together DOING things instead of sitting around. You will get this figured out if you are adventurous!

        Just a random comment on telling v. not telling about not drinking. I of course consider carefully what I say about my drinking problem and who I say it too. With my closest friends, it is often my PRIDE that gets in my way of a little honesty. And then that PRIDE can get me into a pickle ie. the pressure to drink. With some groups of friends (once again - carefully considered) I have gone ahead and been honest. I have never had to get into gory details. Most of these people KNOW I over drank anyway. A simple "I quit drinking..." Or "I needed to stop drinking.." is typically all it takes. Anyone who cares about me in the least won't pressure me to drink if they know it's a problem for me. And anyone who KNOWS it's a problem for me (because I said so) and then tries to convince me it's NOT a problem....well....that's a BIG problem. That is a friendship that is not a friendship and I don't need those.

        I also had to question my motives. There was a time when the REAL reason I didn't want to tell my drinking friends I didn't drink is because I really WANTED to drink and wanted to leave the door open to drink without getting any crap about it. I mean, if I told REAL friends that I wasn't drinking because I can't safely drink and needed to stop, and then I started drinking again, a REAL friend would discourage that. I didn't want that. AL is very sneaky and twists things up in my head all the time. I'm not saying that's what is going on with anyone else - just saying that I discovered these things about myself on my own journey.

        Whew - what a ramble. I am learning that the more honest I can be, the simpler life becomes.

        Chill, congrats on 3 months!

        Star, good for you on the Rasberry Tea! (mmmmm...that sounds good. Need to get some!) Have you read any of Suzanne Somers books? I had a horrible issue with my weight when I first quit drinking and no amount of diet and exercise did much good. (easy to gain, very difficult to lose) It turned out I am hypothyroid - just enough to cause that problem. I had to find the right doc to work with me. To the average doc, my tests appear "normal" even though I'm hypothyroid. Anyway....if you haven't already, you might find one of her books interesting. The Sexy Years is one that comes to mind - I've read a couple of them. It stinks to work hard at diet and exercise and get unfair results!

        Amelia, congratulations on a month sober! :yougo:

        Lav & Guitarista, hello again!

        Well, not much else to say except there will be no drinking for moi today. It is supposed to rain so I'm planning to work in my closet and put away the rest of the fall / winter stuff and get out the rest of the spring / summer stuff. I'm all pedicured up now so need to find the sandals!

        Have a fabulous day one and all! I am where I am, and that's OK! (love that)

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF April ~ 2010

          Hi everyone

          Just a quick check in. Back from New York and completely shattered. I am not a shopper and found the whole experience amazing. My teenagers shopped till they dropped!! Anyway it was nice if exhausting to spend the few days with them. Stayed AF so that was another bonus. In real life alcohol is all around so I guess we have to get used to it. As I said a few days ago had a few 'wouldnt it be nice' thoughts but no major cravings.

          Going to make myself a large mug of coffee and catch up on the posts. Have a great Easter week-end everyone.



            AF April ~ 2010

            Thanks Guys for all your encouragement.

            I actually sat at the table last night almost ready to blurt out the truth to my friends about the extend of my drinking but Im very glad i didnt. It would have won support but not the understanding I get from you my dear friends and therefore i had to question why i would be doing it. Yes it is nice to have open honesty but I would then have to deal with the much bigger picture of everyone knowing, not just my friends and I dont want to have to cope with that.

            As for my social life, you are all again spot on. I have to accept that the things I did before are not what I want to do any more. I just spend 2 hours sitting in an outdoor cafe with some girlfriends drinking coffee and we have much more fun that I had last night listening to mindless alcohol induced chat. I think I have to accept that going out in a drinking environment is no longer of any interest to me and that its ok to say no.

            The clarity I have experienced in the last 3 months has been mindblowing. I separated 6 yrs ago from my husband but have very much been ruled by him ever since. Yesterday I had the courage to ask him for a divorce. This was huge for me and I could never have had the strength if I was still drinking.

            I want to leave Portugal, go back to the Uk and start a whole new life. I have a long challenge on my hands to financially extract myself from his grip and stand on my own too feet but I ready for whatever its going to take to do this.

            "Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets. So love the ones who treat you right, forget the ones who don?t. Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              AF April ~ 2010

              April showers .....I'm ready for Spring ! Ha! IAD Hi! All......
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                AF April ~ 2010

                Hello everyone and thanks for good wishes - I am delighted to say that the dog has vertigo and hasn't had a stroke at all - not that I want him to have vertigo you understand, but this explains why he's been falling over, holding his head funny, not able to walk in a straight line, being sick etc. The vet reckons he'll be fine in 4 or 5 days - what a relief. I hardly slept at all last night, kept creeping downstairs to check on the dog!
                Just a quick post to let you all know - I'm off to buy him some more chicken - hopefully I'll be able to smuggle his tablets into it - cos he sure doesn't like me trying to put them down his throat.
                Have a wonderful Easter Saturday folks, I'll be back later
                loads of love and gratitude


                  AF April ~ 2010

                  Good morning April friends,

                  Sooty, that's very good news about your doggy! I sneak pills in peanutbutter crackers for my dogs

                  LBH, you have me picturing the Clclops from Greek mythology - too funny
                  I'm happy to hear that you will be able to resume your freedom soon! Hope that eye discomfort leaves quickly.

                  Amelia, congrats on your 1+ month AF time - terrific! Please stick around, we tend to rub off on people!!

                  Chill - 4 bottles of champagne??? Dear God, how can your friends tolerate all that??? Even though I was a wine drinker I had a one glass limit with the bubbly stuff - made me sick, yuck!
                  I have a strong feeling that moving back 'home' will be a very good thing for you! Will you be living in London or somewhere a bit quieter? I'm very excited for you!

                  Red, I didn't lose a single pound when I quit drinking! That confused me, I thought skipping all those AL calories would be a good thing. Then I quit smoking 2 months later & ended up gaining 12 pounds!!!!!
                  I've had my thyroid checked & rechecked, it's OK. I'm trying to not dwell on my weight too much. It has a tendency to make me miserable - don't want to go there........

                  Rustop, shopping in NYC is nerve wracking to me.....the crowds freak me out I'm sure the kids really enjoyed it - nice of you to take them!

                  Greetings DG, Guitarista & IAD! I hope you are all having a great Saturday!
                  Time for me to get my day started as well!
                  Take care everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF April ~ 2010

                    Sooty - Im SO happy to hear your dog is going to be ok what a relief it wasnt a stroke.

                    Lav - I thought the weight would fall off when i stopped with the booze but it didnt I have finally lost 12 pounds but with a strict regime. What i do notice though is that the bloatedness has gone which is wonderful!

                    I wont be going to London, Im too used to living in the country now so somewhere more rural... Thank you, I too have a strong feeling that a move is going to be the making of me...

                    IAD - With going back to the UK I sure am going to have to get used to dancing in the rain :H
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      AF April ~ 2010

                      Hi again! Sooty - I'm SO glad for you that doggy did not have a stroke. You must be so relieved! Pills in cream cheese is what we do at my house! :H

                      On the thyroid thing. I know I can be very obnoxious about this. However, finding a doctor who would recognize my problem rather than just say YOU ARE NORMAL....well, that CHANGED MY LIFE in a large way. Or a small way. However you want to look at it. Here are a couple of things for anyone wondering if your thyroid is REALLY OK or not.

                      1. What tests were done? If the only test that was done was TSH, then your THYROID has not really been tested! At minimum, Free T3, Free T3 and TPO Antibodies should be tested in addition to TSH.

                      2. The accepted "normal range" of TSH is really questionable. The high end of the "normal" range is usually listed on lab reports as either 4.5 (the old high end of the range) or 3.5 (the newer high end of the range, but many labs are still using the old range). My TSH was 3. something when I was diagnosed hypothyroid. NORMAL! For me to FEEL GOOD and have proper energy levels, have a fair playing field with diet/exercise/weight etc. is BELOW 1.

                      3. Free T3 should be 2/3 UP in the range of normal listed on the lab report.

                      4. Free T4 should be at least 1/2 way UP in the range of normal listed on the lab report.

                      If Free T3 and Free T4 are lower than what I just indicated, and your doctor insists you are normal, then I would be finding a new doctor knowing what I know now. It's hard to find doctors who will really treat this correctly. (Correctly of course, is my own opinion but being treated, despite being "Normal" has made a monumental difference for me!)

                      Anyway.... I'll get off the :soapbox: now. I just hate to see people suffering needlessly. Thyroid Mistreatment, Hypothyroidism Scandals, and Thyroid Treatment Problems | Stop The Thyroid Madness™ (Lav, I know you've heard my rants before so for that I apologize!)

                      Chill, it sounds like your life is taking on some very new and exciting possibilities. That is great news!

                      Hello to all others!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF April ~ 2010

                        It is amazing the changes we make when we take care of the alcohol issues in our lives. Chill, you have big plans and you must be feeling strong now that you are AF and clearheaded. It is a wonderful feeling. The confidence I feel and the way I like myself when I don't drink are so worth the struggle to maintain sobriety.

                        Today, I made a list of things to do and have accomplished so much. Hungover, I would be sick and feeling sorry for myself. I am going to color Easter eggs this afternoon and bought a little easter grass and chocolate candy that I put in an Easter basket for my husband and myself. I also bought a beautiful prime rib roast and fresh asparagas for tomorrow's Easter meal. Plus, fresh flowers in a vase on the table, voila, Easter celebration.

                        Doggygirl, I appreciate your concerns about thyroid issues, but feel that I just have to be patient with myself. If I lost 20-25 lbs, I will be my ideal weight. It took me time to put the weight on and it will take time to get it off. Plus, I have not been exercising, so it is a miracle that I lost 7 lbs. I wonder the reason for not losing weight when you don't drink? I must be consuming thousands less calories. It is not fair.

                        Sooty, good to hear your dog did not have a stroke. What a relief. How funny that you give him chicken to pamper him. I also treat my pets (cats) better than some people treat their children. Special food once a week, treats daily, new toys. I can barely wait till I have grandchildren.

                        It started raining here so I am going to have a cozy afternoon, reading, Easter eggs, and talking on the phone. Today, I commit to being AF.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          AF April ~ 2010

                          Hi all its a beautiful Easter Saturday evening here and it hasn't rained today!
                          I'm posting now to say that I won't be around tonight as planning an early night, daughter also was up checking on the dog in the night (we kept meeting each other on the stairs) so neither of us had much sleep so we're planning a dvd and some salted popcorn and I've got a large bottle of Schloer elderflower and white grape juice ..... somehow I think I'll be asleep before the end of the film.
                          Have a good rest of the day gang, thanks for the hints about disguising tablets - the chicken is working so far but I'll bear the other tips in mind if he starts to realise the deception:H
                          See you all tomorrow
                          love Sooty


                            AF April ~ 2010

                            Hello! Just a short post from me this time but I don?t want to miss a day. Red you are a girl after my own heart with your colored eggs and your basket:heart:. Here?s to everyone working toward and reaching ?fighting? weight if not already there; this whole process starts with alcohol but extends throughout our beings. Looking forward to a date tomorrow with our Shelley for a walk in a beautiful community garden where I shall also unveil the famous Lord Bird Heart for her amusement. Such a fun recovery sometimes. Love, Ladybird.
                            may we be well


                              AF April ~ 2010

                              Good evening all!

                              Major decision made a few hours ago - tomorrow I leave the grump home & go to church with my daughter & daughter-in-law

                              LBH, 25 lbs ago I was at my fighting weight............hmmm!

                              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday night!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                AF April ~ 2010

                                Happy Easter Eve, all. I can hear the sounds of Spring in all of your posts, thank you. Chilli - WOW! Good for you - 10 years ago this spring, I was able to make huge life changes as well, and I think it had a lot to do with a cleansing diet I was on at the time; cleared my mind and gave me courage. You will never regret the steps that you are taking. You are truly being you now, and your life will continue to be better and better; congrats!

                                Dgirl - thanks for the Thyroid post, I appreciate it. Are these the same ideas as in '7 Weeks to Sobriety'? I recall that she was adamant about specific tests, and reading the results.

                                Sooty - how well I know the up-all-night-watching-the beloved-pet routine. I'm so glad to hear that he's doing OK; in our house, the pill wrap is hot dogs (kosher only!).

                                Amelia - welcome and well done!

                                LBH - AArgh about your vision, but you sound like you're coping so well. I am incredibly jealous that you and LordBH and Sped will be having a chat tomorrow....If I jumped in the car right now, I could drive all night and meet you! Crazy thought, but I am alone for the first time on this holiday...guess I will color some eggs instead, and tuck Peeps in the dog bowls in the morning.

                                Lav, Dill, Red (have a wonderful celebration tomorrow), Spud, Rus, Raven, Mario, IAD, and anyone that I have missed - sweet spring dreams.
                                to the light

