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AF April ~ 2010

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    AF April ~ 2010

    Good Morning my AF April buddies
    Was woken up by a peacock honking outside my bedroom window, boy are they noisy!
    Im meeting a friend at the beach for a dog walk at 9am, such a lovely way to start this hangover free Easter Sunday.......

    Yesterdays wobbles have gone and Im back to my focused self today, Im amazed how each day brings more lessons in life. I allowed myself to listen to the negative voices of some friends and also to the ones in my head and started to believe that everything would be difficult. And of course if you think it will be will be!

    For at least today Im going to believe that all is well...... wishing you all an absolutely wonderful sober EASTER SUNDAY!:l
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF April ~ 2010

      Happy Easter everyone. Beautiful sunny morning here. Still getting over jet lag. Plan to spend a lazy day unpacking.

      Hope you all have a great day.



        AF April ~ 2010

        Happy Easter to all. It is too early here to know if it will be a nice day or not weatherwise, but it is already a great day in that I remained AF, slept peacefully, and I'm EATING CHOCOLATE. It is so delicious and one thing I love about Easter and reminds me when I was a kid. Chocolate early i nthe morning. I had no chocolate candy throughout Lent, so it is especially fun and delicious. I just have to be careful or I will have the traditional stomachache too.

        Easter symbolizes rebirth and we are all attempting to recreate our lives, so to celebrate this rebirth is so appropriate. Spring gives us hope, the world is awakening, and you can see it , feel it, smell it, hear it, in nature. So, enjoy today AF. Whether you are able to be with family or choose not to be, the world is a wonderful and amazing place, AF.

        I am so grateful, tomorrow I will be AF 30 days, which I have not been able to stick with for a while. I want to hold on to this time, and remember how good I feel in every way. How easy the laughter is, physical wellbeing, self-respect, integrity, positive emotions. It is so good to feel this way. I am sending al AF April posters peace, love, and joy on this Easter Sunday.:h
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          AF April ~ 2010

          Happy Easter, One and All!

          Red, I love your positivity! What a great post to start my Easter Sunday off on the right note. Attached files [img]/converted_files/1193365=5563-attachment.gif[/img]

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            AF April ~ 2010

            Morning all,
            Have had such a restless night. One of my kitties did not come home last night and I (thinking of you Sooty) was up and down all night doing my kitty, kitty, kitty routine. Of course 10 minutes ago he just scratched open the deck door and is now contentedly snoozing on my bed. Pets!!!

            I am having a reflective weekend. My husband has been out of town for 6 days. The last time he was out of town was last August, my last binge. Thought a lot about drinking yesterday. Marveling over how sure I feel that imbibing alcohol is a thing of the past. Makes me sad to think about how long it took me to get to this place. Oh well. Not a thing to be done about that.

            Anyway, what a lot of interesting posts I've just read through.

            Red, going back a couple of posts. What is white chili? And I ditto LBH, your Easter celebration sounds sweet. Enjoy your morning chocolate.

            Cyn, would love for you to hop in the car and drive over here and meet the Lady and me for tea and a chat. Am looking forward to meeting the Lord and Lady this afternoon. What a crazy way for friendships to evolve...a la laptop.

            DG, so nice to see you on this thread. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 5 years ago. It is curious to me why so many post menopausal women are being diagnosed with this. A hypothyroidism epidemic! Any thoughts?

            Chill, thought much about your champagne dinner and your drink encouraging friends. Do they not have a clue about your struggle with alcohol? Am glad you survived and are out walking your dog at the beach. Are you sure you want to leave Portugal?

            Rust, how far did you have to travel to shop in NY?

            Oh the kitties are a'calling me for their breakfast.



              AF April ~ 2010

              Morning Dill
              cross post. That rabbit's pretty crazy!!


                AF April ~ 2010

                Stargazerlily;832865 wrote:
                Easter symbolizes rebirth and we are all attempting to recreate our lives, so to celebrate this rebirth is so appropriate. Spring gives us hope, the world is awakening, and you can see it , feel it, smell it, hear it, in nature. So, enjoy today AF. Whether you are able to be with family or choose not to be, the world is a wonderful and amazing place, AF.

                I feel just like i am emerging out of this giant egg (or bottle :H) and testing my wings.... :angel: once I get the hang of it i will be surfing the winds
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  AF April ~ 2010

                  Sped - crossed posts!

                  No they have no idea about my struggle and I have decided to keep it that way.

                  Yes ready to leave here, move on from the past and start anew! I came here 8 years ago with my husband full of hopes and dreams. His heavy drinking ended our marriage then ironically I fell into the same trap. Luckily I found a way out (he is still struggling) and I now need to learn to stand on my own two feet.....
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    AF April ~ 2010

                    Happy Easter morning one & all!

                    Dill, I think your bunny has had too much chocolate

                    I'm getting ready to go to church now with my two girls, leaving the grump home - it's better that way!
                    I will be making dinner this afternoon. It's good to know that I can finally operate comfortably in my kitchen without a wineglass in sight!
                    I bought a bubble making machine (battery operated) for my grandson since he's too young for chocolate. I think he's going to like it - pretty cool

                    Wishing everyone a wonderful, peaceful day!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF April ~ 2010

                      Happy Easter one and all! So many wonderful positive posts - what a joy to read them. I had intended to apologize profusely for yesterdays :soapbox: rant about thyroid. I tend to really go off the deep end on this subject, and that is not always appropriate! Cyn, I'm glad you found it interesting. I am trying to remember what 7 Weeks says about thyroid - it's been so long since I read that. I DO recall that the nutritional deficiency information is similar to the Mood / Diet Cure (Julia Ross) books and she also talks about thyroid. I'm guessing the testing information is very similar. (for anyone who hasn't seen these books, IIRC the nutritional info is very similar to the foundation for MWO program as well)

                      Sped, I have seen a variety of speculation about the cause of hypothyroidism and environmental toxins seem to come up a LOT. I've also read that years on birth control don't help. I think there is still some mystery around the "why." I think part of the increasing # of diagnosis today is in part due to less people going undiagnosed if that makes sense. Still - would be nice to know more about prevention. And there is no cure either - it's medication for life.

                      Anyway...back to our main topic of sobriety and living it!!! (thank for indulging me)

                      Lav, :yougo: for leaving the grump at home, if he's determined to be a grump.

                      Chill, your walk on the beach sounds heavenly!

                      Sped it's great to see you too! You sound fabulous!

                      Dill - :H Cwazy Wabbit!

                      Red - congrats on almost 30 days! :yougo: Will be looking for the party tomorrow!

                      I'm sure I missed somebody so hello to EVERYONE!!

                      I'm not sure yet what the rest of the day will bring. Went to early AA which for me is a great way to start another sober day. One of the ladies there is trying to talk me into doing some service work at the local jail - lots of alkies and addicts there who need help. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I figure the info meeting won't hurt me. And I'm learning how to say "no" and not feel guilty about it. I used to always be a "yes" to everything person, then resent whoever asked me for even asking, then be angry about doing whatever it was, or make excuses and lie to get out of it. That was a really viscious circle of dishonesty - of my own creation. It's so much easy to say "yes" or "no" as appropriate, then just follow through without resentment.

                      Mr. D is still sleeping and I am enjoying some "me" time. We shall see what the rest of the day brings!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF April ~ 2010

                        Happy Easter everyone, hope we're all having a relaxing enjoyable AF day.
                        Doggygirl, Very interesting this thing about thyroid - I've got an underactive one (is that hypo or hyper? I never know the difference) - and I fit some of the criteria - post menopausal, did take the birth control pill many years ago, and drank too much - what about alcohol is that an environmental toxin? It certainly was toxic to my environment :H
                        Dill I love the jumping rabbit
                        Lav hope you enjoyed church without the grump - its the only way to deal with a grump in my opinion - just leave them at home
                        Chill when are you leaving Portugal? Do you know where you will settle in the UK?
                        Red 30 days is fab and you are sounding so strong
                        Mario and IAD where are you both?
                        Have a fun day everyone, sorry for those I've missed out - it wasn't intentional.
                        love sooty


                          AF April ~ 2010

                          sooty;832931 wrote: what about alcohol is that an environmental toxin? It certainly was toxic to my environment :H
                          :H Mine too!!!
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF April ~ 2010

                            Sped, white chili is chili made with chicken instead of ground beef. It is really delicious. There are numerous recipes, and it is easy in the crockpot. Thre is a packet you can buy in the gravy section of the store that will give you a basic recipe. I am making some more on Wednesday, my husband loves it.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              AF April ~ 2010

                              Having a lovely Easter Sunday. Talked to some family members on the phone. Took a walk in the sunny spring weather!!! Currently cooking a roast in the oven and it smells heavenly. Hope everyone is doing well and having a great AF day.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                AF April ~ 2010

                                Today is my second Easter AF! Not that I've managed sobriety for all that time in between, but the two Easters, 2009 and 2010 have been AF. I'm happy about that!

                                I hope everyone is enjoying an AF Easter!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

