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AF Daily - Easter Sunday

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    AF Daily - Easter Sunday

    Morning fab abs!!

    Happy Easter! I was outside at daybreak this AM. It was very bright from the moon and the birds were really singing away. Cool, a little moist; very nice. It was one of those grateful moments.

    I would like to see an easter egg hunt. Truthfully I would like to BE in one but don't tell. Yesterday I stopped in a store on the way back from the doggie park and I had a nice little chat with the little girl from the car parked beside us. She petted little doggie and I asked her about hunting eggs which she had done that day. We talked about the layout (think bunny slope for the little ones) the siblings, the loot, the 8 month old in the infant seat.... I admit to keeping her engaged because her red hair, big grin and missing front teeth were such a delight. And she was liking little doggie's soft head. I like moments like that. You can enjoy things like that on a level that doesn't seem to exist with AL. Know what I mean? The wholeness of it? Complete engagement in the moment. That's something that I'm really enjoying about sober life is that I'm completely engaged in my life.

    Have a hoppy day! :H
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Easter Sunday

    Happy Easter Greenie and all to come! I loved reading your post about your talk with the young girl. And also your early adventure in the great outdoors. "In the moment." Funny - I just had a conversation with someone this morning about that very thing. A different angle on it maybe, but "in the moment" just the same.

    When I was drinking, I used to spend so much time either worrying about the past (what did I do / say? Did I drunk dial anyone? How am I going to cover up _________ that I did? etc.) OR I would be projecting into the future (predicting the outcome of everything) and then drinking over it. I was be SURE the Mr. D would let me down about ____________ (anything from being home on time to bringing home enough "bacon" to pay the bills...) I would be all upset about a visit from the in laws days or even weeks before the event. I would DREAD things I didn't want to do for days on end. Etc. ad nauseum. With all of that going on in my head, there was so little time left to just relax and appreciate NOW.

    I really don't know how or when it happened - I know it's been gradual. But I realized this morning how nice it is just to be in the moment. Any moment. Some are cooler than others, but most are good these days. I love it and I'm grateful!!

    Have an abbie fabbie day one and all!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Easter Sunday

      Hi guys,

      I've been struggling as of late but had an AF day yesterday and spent some wonderful time with my daugther. Intend to have an Af Easter sunday as well. We are not visiting with family or anything so there shouldn't be any temptation. (except for maybe some chocolate! MMM)

      Thanks for being there you guys! Feeling much better and focused today.
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily - Easter Sunday

        Happy Easter ABeroooos!

        so wonderful to make time for family traditions like Easter, how fun. when I was but a wee little clove we were quite poor but Easter was a fond time of family gathering, some bible study (I was young and had a heck of a time staying awake LOL) and then the fun of decorating and hiding eggs in the park. and then we had a somewhat twisted family tradition of the 'Easter egg fight' after all the eggs were found. passers-by looking on in fascination/horror as this previously quiet family began chasing each other around the park throwing hard boiled eggs at each other. good times indeed.

        Uni, sorry you've been having a rough go of it, but you sound great today! I'll join you in the chocolate if you don't mind.

        my dear Dx is down with the flu so I'm playing doctor and staying around the house today taking it easy.

        back on the road tomorrow.... groan.

        be well
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily - Easter Sunday

          Hi Everyone,
          Greenie, loved your story....DG, I know exactly what you are talking about.....nice to wake up and really "smell the coffee" wondering and worrying! Uni, sorry to hear about your struggles, but great that you and your daughter are going to have a lovely AF day!

          Det, when you were just "a little clove"! Ha, Ha...that is priceless! LOL

          I am busy preparing tonights dinner, my family is all coming over! Garlicky Pork Loin roast with balsamic, ligonberry reduction! Wild Rice and dried cherry stuffing, roasted potatoes and carrots and my youngest sons wonderful lemon vinegrette salad! OH...and Giradelli Brownies with wipped cream for desert! Can we say Yummy!

          Have a wonderful Easter, Ab Fabbers!!

          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            AF Daily - Easter Sunday

            Dinner sounds lush!
            Well day 1 alcohol free for me here - last day as a smoker today - I turn 37 tomorrow - it's got to stop.
            Slightly hungover today but nothing too bad - the last for a long time - Easter chocolate is helping - good day all to come.
            one day at a time


              AF Daily - Easter Sunday

              Happy Easter one & all!

              Hope everyone had a wonderful day - I sure did

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Easter Sunday

                Kate, that sounds fabu!

                Bear, big day for you. congrats on the dual quit

                heya Lavande, yep a super day here as well.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

