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AF Daily - Tues April 6

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    AF Daily - Tues April 6

    Morning fab abbers!!

    Yesterday was a happy day with a win in court. I had the oddest feeling afterwards though. I didn't know what to do with the victorious feeling. A drink was in order but that wasn't a option so I was stumped and I felt like I was moving towards letdown. I had a fancy glass of sparkling cherry and that was sort of OK but moving on to another consuming activity was really better. Little doggie and I went to the doggie park and I forgot about it. Until later. I thought about it some more, trying to figure it out. It was about the adrenaline rush. It was fading and somewhere deep inside something remembered that alcohol could extend it and made me want it. It told me I could have one, it was OK, it would be fine this time. You always have to be careful. Always. Sneaky fecker is ingrained in my biological memory.

    Onward and upward!!

    The pollen is like a misty day but it's dry yellow stuff. Honestly, it is incredible. You have to live in the southeast pines to believe it.

    Raven? What's the scoop?

    Have a terrific tuesday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Tues April 6

    Congratulations Greenie. On your win in court and your insight into the feelings it triggered. I know what you mean though. I guess maybe the more it happens, the more the brain realizes that the AL is no more.

    Today I am really splurging and getting my hair "done". I was admiring a friend's silky, shiny hair and she gave me the name of her "hairologist". This is difficult for me because I just don't spend money on myself unnecessarily. But I feel like the older I get, the more it is going to cost me to take care of my looks, etc.:H Wish me luck!

    Oh, and we are in a winter weather advisory this evening. More snow. :upset:
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily - Tues April 6

      Congratulations on your win in court Greenie! And more so, your triumph over the tyrant AL! Some of my worst drunks were over not being able to handle the really good things...arghhh!

      LVT...have fun getting your hair done! Enjoy!

      I am off to the airport, flying to Kansas City and back today. I am so happy that I am not traveling every week like I did for so many years. I have my Kindle and another book for the plane......I hope the weather is OK. Geeze...this is the same airport that I spent 20 hours in just 2 weeks ago due to weather. Oh well.....I am lucky to we working, right!

      Have a great day all!!

      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        AF Daily - Tues April 6

        Sounds like things are going well for all....

        Where is Raven??? Still sleeping the weekend off?

        Today was back to work.. and organising flights for funeral. Then back home to finish getting ready for my house guests that start to roll in on Monday! Nearly there despite setbacks... enjoying music whilst ironing sheets (first time ever I might add!) - Gettting ready for guests, but I must admit... i ironed afew boxers too... I was on a roll....

        Happy Day to everyone...busy week ahead.:l:l


          AF Daily - Tues April 6

          Hello all,

          Interesting idea about wanting to continue the adrenaline rush, Greenie.

          I've had a tough past week, a bit of a come down from a recent high and yesterday I had very strong drinking thoughts. Maybe it was about wanting the good things to continue and forget about all the annoying stuff (stressful time at work, trying to sort out some personal issues blah blah blah).

          I was aware that pressure was building up and I had to be aware of drinking thoughts but I was surprised by how hard they hit yesterday. I had to sit with it for quite a while, letting myself think about it. I thought about different types of drinks and which ones I "wanted". Previously when that's happened I've rejected them all mentally but yesterday, although the idea of drinking wine made me feel sick, the idea of beer and sherry was... almost acceptable. I was 99.99% certain that I wasn't going to drink but even that 0.01% of doubt was a strong feeling.

          Anyhow, it went away eventually and I didn't drink, and of course today is a new day and my mood has lifted a bit but addiction is, indeed, a sneaky fecker.

          Leelou - sorry to hear about your grandma. I adored both of mine and wish I'd had more time with them (they both died when I was in my teens).

          LVT - have fun at the hairologist! I need to take the plunge and get mine coloured in some way. The grey is getting a bit too noticeable.

          Kate - hope you don't get stuck travelling!

          Have a good day all.
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF Daily - Tues April 6

            Happy Tuesday abbie fabbies!

            I'm procrastinating oops I mean preparing to leave for my workout at Curves at the moment! Couldn't leave without the daily abbie fabbie checkin! Greenie, thanks for kicking things off today and CONGRATS on your courtroom victory! I think Greenie Mason would be a great name for a TV series.

            AL = Sneaky Fecker. No doubt about that! Greenie I think I can relate to your desire to prolong the "high" of your win. My own drinking was tightly part of my professional environment. And in sales, the highs are WAY up there and always were celebrated with lots and lots of booze (and lots of repetition of the victory story of the day - prolonging the high I think!). And of course the lows made more painful in the way that only a good hangover can add to a low.

            Marshy, wow that sounds like a more serious type of thought! I find even the seemingly mild ones (where it's just "geez where did THAT come from?) unsettling. I hope for all of us that someday these stop altogether.

            I can sure see how vigilence on a sobriety program - some sort of maintenance plan - is key. The saying I've heard is that while we are sober and not paying much attention, AL is out in the parking lot doing pushups and getting stronger. Humbling.

            LVT - "Hairologist!" WOW I want one of those! I hope you have a great time and love your new do!!!

            Kate, travel safely and yes - don't get stuck in that airport again!

            Leelou I still can't believe you iron sheets. Something about that is just so wrong. :H Although now I'm wondering if the wrinkles on my face were caused by the wrinkles on my sheets. So maybe dear Leelou, you are onto something here.

            Greenie, I think shopping is a great new way to extend a "high." Famous Footwear is having a sale this week where if you buy 1 pair of shoes, you get the 2nd pair for 1/2 price. Now I suppose you are wondering how I know this.... But I'm sure you can guess.
            If I ever turned into a centipede, I am totally prepared. I have enough shoes.

            I am having a Mary Kay "grand opening" open house in a couple of weeks. I was debating whether to mix and mingle my AA friends with my other acquaintances, as people WILL be asked, and probably more than once, "and how do you know DG?" You know what? I treasure my friends in AA. I will make sure they are prepared to be asked with a "we have a mutual friend!" answer. And then I will let the chips fall where they may. I'm sure it will all be fine. But if anything accidentally happens where I am "discovered" I will be OK with that. For me, that "risk" beats that alternative of leading a "separate" life when socializing with my new friends. I'm sick of living lies. I will do my part to preserve anonymity (my own as well as other peoples). But I'm not going to live in fear of someone discovering that I am a recovering alcoholic to the point where I keep my friends in a "closet" so to speak.

            Call me crazy. (why not? you would be right? :H:H)

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Tues April 6

              The magnolias are out, and the earth is gorgeous. All those sticky sweet creative juices in buds.
              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                AF Daily - Tues April 6

                Hi guys!

                Just checking in.

                Greeny - I hear ya. I had a good memory brought up today by an old friend that I haven't heard from in years and it made me smile - and at the same time want a drink. WTF? I came home and poured some L-Glut under my tongue. I am not making that "i can have just one" mistake again after the last time. I don't want to go back to that dark place again and have to start over. Day 4 here. Would have been day 60. Pisses me off. Al is a FECKER!!!!

                Going to make some tea and watch the hockey game now with my family - happily sober. These are the moments I love - because I know I will remember them tomorrow.

                Raven - spill the beans about the weekend! LOL

                Love to all!
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  AF Daily - Tues April 6

                  Hi Uni! You sound like you are doing great. Love the determination. And I share your interest in hearing more about Raven's weekend. Hi Raven. Ok buddy. SPILL!!! Are you our official Abbie Fabbie Sober Swinger?

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Tues April 6

                    Ahem... well.... erm.... those with a watchful eye may have stalked I mean seen Raven's post referencing said weekend on the Monday thread. After an unsuccessful Lenten season with the non-celibate status while all raven gave up was feckin' COFFEE, I'm just sort of pondering on this. Same room? The whole time same room?
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Tues April 6

                      Hey Ab Fabbers,

                      No time to check in today.......busy!
                      Worked a bit, watched my grandson for 8 hours then worked a bit more.
                      Now I'm just beat!!

                      Congrats on your court victory today Greenie & for fending off the demon.

                      I've had no desire to drink or any 'reason' to want to drink but I have been having dreams about it again. Those drinking dreams stopped a long time ago......don't know why they're coming back, yikes!

                      Wishing everyone a comfy, AF evening!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Tues April 6

                        Yes of course always same room. Its a way we explore sexually but its emotionally safe because its an extension of our sexuality as a couple with other couples who feel the same so it's no threat to our marriage. I feel a little bashful with all the speculation but we all have lived lives that led to drink problems. I had attached the drinking to the swinging lifestyle and it has been a hurdle I had to get over like going on holiday sober and birthday sober, having all those fun aspects of life without alcohol.

                        Hey Lav I dream of drinking sometimes. I hope it is nothing to worry about. Seems our dreams show us our hopes and fears. I dream of many things I do not do and take consolation.
                        I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.

