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AF Daily - Wed April 7

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    AF Daily - Wed April 7

    Morning, morning oh fabbie abbies!

    Yesterday I was true to myself. I think. Or I was foolish. I'm going with the former. I have some contacts that I still see and it is really only people I enjoy. Except this one. I made a change he didn't care for. Rather than compromise, I said I understood. I'm glad. He is an arrogant abrasive person and I dreaded contact with him. I have a refrigerator magnet that says "always do what your heart tells you" Princess Diana. That's not easy for me because my brain seems to get in the way. So today I am here with a big smile on my face becasue that arse won't get to rain on my mojo today!! Rock on greenie!!

    Uni, good bounce back!! Never is forever!

    LVT I want to hear about the hairologist extravaganza!

    Ironing sheets leelou? Sounds like royalty is coming to visit. I thought it was relatives :H How are you feeling about the birth father issue? You OK with it?

    Lav, 8 hours with the grandson! Phew!

    Marshy, the thought of drinking never makes me feel sick. Scared, but not sick.

    OK then, happy hump day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Wed April 7

    Morning Greenie (and others) and good for you for listening to your heart! Like you, my brain isn't always known for making the best decisions in the world!

    Have to give a little shout-out to DG, as I saw her post about her daily plan and it made me realize that I need to get back into mine. Been feeling a little melancholy after getting back from Spring Break, and in attempting to analyze it I've realized that I've been on cruise control for quite a while. Things have been rolling along just fine, but the funny thing is - I want more. Course, now that I have the tools and now what I need to do to accomplish that, the onus really is on my, isn't it!

    So here's to starting to get back on track and living the life I know I can. I'm an alkie so fortunately I know I'll never be perfect - maybe that is a benefit today?? :H

    Happy Wednesday to those yet to come.
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      AF Daily - Wed April 7

      Ab fabbers!

      Early morning swim in the lido and then cycled into work. Felt fabulous! Now if I can persuade my lazy-arsed self to do that every morning I'll be onto a winner.

      Greenie, I don't quite follow but good for you anyway! Love that avatar by the way. The feeling sick thing I think comes from the memory of drinking first thing in the morning on a very hungover, angry stomach, but forcing it down anyway. It's making my throat constrict just writing that. Blecch. Sooooooooooooo glad that's over with.

      Have a winning Wednesday everyone!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily - Wed April 7

        Monetary, marshy. I loose from that perspective, but the win from not having to be around him is worth it. He said he has his limits (meaning monetary) and I said "I understand and that's fine." - but I was thinking "So do I..... so do I".
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Wed April 7

          Moring Ab Fabbers,

          Sunny & hot today, heading up to 90 degrees - yikes! Where did Spring go???

          Greenie, being true to onself has always been difficult for me! I spent my life doing what I was told, trying to make everyone happy. Turns out there just is no pleasing some people, go figure!
          My new found mental clarity has helped me draw new & firm boundary lines for myself. I will remain vigilant & protective...........God help the person who dares crossing the line

          Greetings AAthlete & Marshy! Hope you have a great Wednesday!

          OK, time to get some work started.
          Wishing everyone a happy humpday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Wed April 7

            Hello everyone

            Good to see ya AA. Don't be such a stranger, ok?

            Well, the hairologist extravaganza was not really newsworthy, but fun. A friend recommended her to me when I asked her how she got her hair so silky and shiny. This gal is much more than your typical hairstylist. First thing she sat down and asked what I had been doing to my hair, and what my goals were. She discussed my hair type and gave me recommendations which didn't include chopping it all off--whew! Then she colored it...shhhh! Leaving some of the washed out blonde stuff as highlights and made the rest quite a little darker than I'm used to. She trimmed it a little, then put a bunch of stuff on it to make it curl without frizzing. (I have very natural curly hair) She put a curling iron to some of it and it looked pretty good when I left. EXCEPT for the dye that was left of my scalp and forehead that made it look like I just had my hair dyed!:H Now, the front looks a little too red, especially in the sun, so I'm going to give it a wash to see if that tones down a bit.
            See....pretty boring. But this lady loves her job. And was excited to work on my hair, and we will establish a "relationship" and play with color and leave the length alone. So, it was fun, and I splurged........then I went and ordered my new bifocals. I'm getting old.
            Dealing with life on the farm stuff. We almost lost a baby calf that hubby found in the pasture weak and guant. Nursed him back to health and then discovered why he was starving...his mom has mastitis I guess. No milk comes out at all! So, we have a bottle baby for now and a cow to treat and hope we can make better.
            So, life is really busy, but so much better sober. I can't believe all these things I used to do either drinking or hungover--ugh!
            Have a great day all!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - Wed April 7

              Following Lav and DG here, and inspired by DG's post on daily routine. Posting my AFness for today.
              to the light


                AF Daily - Wed April 7

                Happy Humpday AFness one and all, and special welcome to you Cyn!

                Greenie, thanks for getting things started today. Being true to yourself is good, whether we can understand what you are being true about or not!! :H Good for you!

                AA, good to see you as always. I too miss your posts and hope you can start doing more of it! Contented sobriety is where I like to be, and my daily plan helps keep me there.

                Marshy, I wish I could start EVERY day with abbercise! As it is, I have been having to mostly go in the afternoons. It's so easy to slog it off by then. But I'm kicking my own self in the butt to go. Tomorrow I will be a happy AM abberciser. How about you?

                Lav, 8 hours with a little one makes me exhausted just thinking about it. You have more perk than Tanith Belbin. (Ice Dancer - I don't think I have ever seen a camera on her where she wasn't smiling! That's how you *sound* here always!)

                LVT, your Hairologist sounds fabulous! Sounds like you will be able to work together on some fun things but within your parameters for length, etc. YAY! I hope the cow and calf both get well!

                I'm busy as a beaver with Mary Kay stuff this week. Sister got some bad news today - she has cancer. It's very sad. Life's ups and downs. I'm glad I don't even think about drinking over this stuff today. In the old days, this sort of news would have had me drinking unfettered to oblivian, regardless of my responsibilities. Even though it helps nothing.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Wed April 7

                  OK already, it was early! He was a client. I had a small increase. He pissed and moaned which is his manner of getting his way but I stood firm so he said he would go elsewhere. I'm minus a client, but the loss of having to listen to him bitching all the time is worth it. There is a little mediterranean grocery I like - I always bought my hummus there until I learned to make it myself - and the shopkeeper sells these moroccan sardines in hot chili oil that are great. A good deal at a dollar and a quarter a tin. He went up a nickle or a dime and this guy pissed and moaned so much that the shopkeeper kept them at the same price and the guy was SO feckin' proud of himself for getting them at the original price. He was all puffed up telling me this story. Piss and moan is not quite right - it's too soft of a term. The way he does it is in an abusive, abrasive, degrading manner in an attempt to shame or belittle you for what is the normal course of business. Fecker. I should have booted him a long time ago, but I like his wife and son who, BTW, remained clients. :H Guess that lays it out eh?

                  LVT, ohhhhhh...... red. I'm envious. It will tone down in the farm's spring sun (oh right, it's snowing :H).
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Wed April 7

                    Wow Greenie. He's lucky all you did was fire him. I would have been tempted to :b&d: him. :H

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Wed April 7

                      Dear all,

                      It's great to see you all doing so well! I'm especially interested in the hairologist as something needs doing to my soon-to-be-multicoloured hair.

                      I'm getting ready to pop out of London again on Friday so lots going on. We almost have a flatmate, FINALLY, things looking up on that front.

                      However, DOGGYGIRL, I need to tell you this right away. As it happens, I've been doing research on alternative/ complementary therapies for cancer during the past few weeks. Not because I'm any kind of expert on the topic, but because a friend of mine has been diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer, he's been given no hope, and he doesn't have the energy/ language skills to do the research for himself. There's loads of information, and it blows your mind. There is a lot Sister can do to help herself. First - stop eating sugar. Second - follow a cancer killing diet. Books to consult: David Serban-Schreiber: Anti-cancer; a new way of life, Jonathan Chamberlain: Cancer recovery guide, and R. Beliveau & D. Gingras: Foods that fight cancer. There's lots more. I'll try to PM you over the weekend.

                      Be well everybody.


                        AF Daily - Wed April 7

                        Pamina, thank you so much for the book titles. Please keep 'em coming. I'm heading to Amazon right now.

                        That's great news about the flat mate and London adventures!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily - Wed April 7

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