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AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 3

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    AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 3

    Morning April friends,

    Sooty, I'm so glad you are OK! I smiled picturing you calling Mr S on the phone to request a cuppa tea or a sandwich, ha ha!! Believe it or not, a thousand years ago doctors did recommend a little AL to 'take the edge off' your discomforts. That advice is no longer given, for so many reasons. Personally I prefer Ibuprofin for injuries of your sort. It takes care of the pain & the swelling at the same time. Not sure what brands you have there but we can buy the generic or name brands such as Motrin. Take it easy today - after all, we are over 29 now.........

    Pan, so glad to see you here! I've missed 'talking' to you. Stick with us, we'll see you get past your 3 month mark again

    Cyn, hope you are not working too hard today!

    Rustop, good for you friend! Mr Lav drinks beer & that doesn't bother me but if he opened a bottle of wine at home I would have to get in the car & leave. I still don't want that temptation right in my face!

    Chill, I hope you get to see at least a little sunshine today

    Red, you sound fabulous! What a difference, huh? Bless you & bless all of us - we deserve to be free & happy!

    Heading outside to do a bit of gardening then back in to do some cooking. My grandson & his parents will be here for dinner today. The little guys loves meatballs!!

    Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 3

      our 13 year old daughter has friends round for a sleepover, its been crazy. I am so glad they have gone to bed at last.
      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


        AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 3

        Sweet dreams to you, Raven!

        Late check in for me. Sooty, I am glad to hear you are mending. Take it slow! Try not to wear out Mr. Sweep!

        Pan, a big welcome to you!:welcome: We will love to have you with us.

        Chill, I was listening to an AA speaker tape on my ipod. You can download them free at the Itunes store. The lady I was listening to reminded me of you in a small way. She was 47 years old when she found herself divorced and finally getting sober. She had never worked outside the home up until that point and said she had always been taken care of. It was very daunting to her. She landed on her feet, and you will too!

        Rustop, you are awesome! I could not be AF if Mr. Dill had wine in front of me. I absolutely could not. I am lucky that he doesn't drink anything but the occasional beer. I don't much care for beer.

        Lav, did you have fun with your g-son? Did you make him the meat balls? One day soon you'll be able to teach him how to make them! Won't that be fun?!

        Cyn, I've never had a pedicure. It would be a treat, for sure. I'm gald you are happy with the results of yours.

        Alcohol is a thief, taking away our real selves. Then we start to think that is who we really are and it is a lie. It is alcohol: liar, thief, heartbreaker.
        Red, that is so true. Today I reflected on some of the really low places that alcohol has taken me. I don't mean actual places like under bridges....I mean places in the spirit. Alcohol made me do some things I am not proud of and I have to work to forgive myself.

        It was a beautiful day outside today, but I was being followed around by a big dark cloud all day. It is only now beginning to lift.

        Have a peaceful evening.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

