Hi, AAers,
I just realized I have been venturing too far outside the AF group and finding myself reading things that upset me greatly.
I use Baclofen and would love to have a doctor prescribe me the dosage that is spoken of in Dr. Amiesen's book but it has suddenly become a huge AA hate monger posting and that makes me very sad.
I do know that anger is one thing that does trigger me beyond belief. I agree that anger and resentment is a luxury I cannot afford. (Daily Reflection?)
I had a great meeting about that the other day. Even if hurt and anger is justified, we cannot dwell in it. It is deadly to us. I agree. Once that heart starts pounding and the thoughts start racing, thoughts of a drink to calm them down enter my mind.
I have to stay serene.
I will stay here and on the AF Daily.
Thank you all for being here.
ps That doesn't mean I won't still pursue the Baclofen path. I believe that drug holds great promise for many of us alcoholics. But I also believe in so much of what AA says and know that living my life by those Steps, whether I was a drunk or not, will be a wonderful way to live.
Okay. Vented to my friends.
