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AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

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    AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April


    I'm back from the funeral, frantic final house clean before guests arrived this week...
    Havnt had a chance to get on to PC as guests are either on it, or with me!
    Things not all going to plan so far with juggling work, guests, etc... But glad I'm not stressed out!!! Just really tired!

    Cooking HEAPS for an extra 10 houseguests, currently sitting in car, trying to keep 3 sleeping children asleep, wearily staring across river to Brisbane city!

    Hope everyone is going well,

    Will try and hide in office on PC soon, I seem to have missed talk about mowers and garlic..... Good to see we havnt changed!

    Happy Hump Day all!!

    AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

    Ab fabbers!

    Leelou, you always seem to have a house full. Hope you get some time to relax. There's a good minute meditation programme in Holistic Healing... if you ever get a minute to look at it!

    Went for a dip in the lido before work. Chilly this morning! But that meant there weren't many people in there and I had a lane to myself to splash about in. Then cycled to work, so that's my exercise done for the day.

    Anyone who remembers Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart in the Eighties, have a look at the spoof version a friend sent me that I put in What We're Listening To. Fantastic!

    Have a wacky Wednesday!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

      what's a lido?
      I have lent my car to house guests until 24th April, so I have to cycle to work choice, which will get me back into it after hurting my ribs! Gosh I'm so unfit now, so plan on ramping things up again and when the guest room is free.... Fill it with tortorous training devices.
      My kitty cat doesn't like the housefull of guests!

      I'm currently soaking in my bath, in the dark, and will relax for awhile before being social for the rest of the evening.


        AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

        Good morning all - day 6 AF here and day 9 nicotine free - almost in double figures.

        I've got no real plans today - a drifty day - need to get few groceries, run for half hour later and dinner with a friend this evening.May do some tidying up, putting clothes away, winter clothes in the loft - tho it is pretty cold here today!Actually that's quite a few plans - see I can't let myself be!

        Sticking to my calories religiously - I've been playing around with them too much of late - so not seeing results/yoyoing and giving up.

        I'm gonna be going to weight watchers and following cals not points as I need the motivation of the meeting but at the moment I prefer tracking cals to points.

        Anyway good wednesday to all of you
        one day at a time


          AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

          Leelou;837231 wrote: Marshy,
          what's a lido?
          An outdoor public pool. Quite a novelty here. Don't tell me that ALL pools are outdoors in Oz because of the fabulous weather. :H
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

            Morning abbers!!

            Note to self: Self, DO NOT buy the bags of fun size candy bars dad requested the day before you visit. GRRRRRRR!!!

            So leelou, when is your birthday? I hope everyone is Ooohhh and Ahhhhhing over your house after all your hard work. I'm sure they are - I think I can see a faint glow near the horizon from your beaming face. :H

            Marshy, refresh my memory, that lido is somewhat heated, right?

            Bear, I hear you! I can't let myself be either. On the brink of a week AF, you rock!

            Last night I wanted to hear a telecast on connecting to your angels so I lay down on the couch. Without fail, that is when the cat demands a massage and the dog presses various toys up and down my body making little growly noises. How can my angels get near when they hog my space???:H

            I was clearing out my e-mail and ran across one I'd sent to a friend a couple weeks before I quit drinking. I was caught in that space of extreme fear of life with AL and life without AL. I remember that fear clearly. That's that dark scary place, uni.

            Happy hump day! (no, DG, yesterday wasn't a warm -up :H)
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

              Good morning Ab Fabbers,

              Leelou, may I make a reservation for a one week stay at your newly refurbished hotel?
              I can't believe you've even loaned out your car!!! Geez!!!

              Marshy, the temps dropped to near freezing here last night. Outdoor swimming definitely not in my plans today!!

              bear, when you're focused you are really focused! Good for you!

              Greenie, I always thought when the kids grew up & moved out I would finally have some 'ME' time...........not necessarily! There's still the dogs, the phone, the annoying spouse, etc.
              I remember that dark scary place just before I quit drinking too. It seems surreal now!

              Well, I have a lot to do before my energizer bunny grandson arrives this afternoon. The Fisher Price Little People Fire Engine I ordered for him has arrived so we'll be outside having fun with that. His Dad, my son is a professional firefighter so he's getting an early education on big trucks

              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Hump Day!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

                The eighties huh marshy? have you been watching ashes to ashes?
                I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                  AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

                  my 18 year old starts his 4 year fire science program in college this fall!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

                    Hello all - I'm returning after my short absence. Hope all of you are well. All is well here. Finally getting some spring here, so I'm happy.


                      AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

                      welcome back FG. Still going strong after the 30 days AF?

                      MARSHY!!! :H:H:H OK... I hit play and turn away from the screen not realizing it shows the words. I pick up on "what looks like a bathrobe , then a dimly-lit shot of dangling balls" STOP IN MY TRACKS AND LOOK AT THE SCREEN :H:H
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

                        Had a small slip on day 38 and it was followed by another a couple of days after that. Total 4 drinks - 2 small glasses of wine & 2 beers on separate occassions & then I was back on track again. So, I disappointed myself, but have been good since. That was March 31 and April 2, so been AF since then. Hope I'm allowed back - AF is the goal here with me - can't moderate. I'm actually surprised I didn't do more damage, but I really didn't want those drinks I had in the first place - I think it was more of a test of some sort (I'm just that kind of gal . . . .always got me in trouble) . . . .ugh! Anyway, what's done is done. Can't punish myself too much since I've never really tried this in earnest, so I have to focus on the successes & move on.


                          AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

                          Funny Girl! Good to see you back. I think many of us test ourselves. I certainly did a few times.

                          Greenie - "Mostly I've been lit from behind." :H:H:H
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

                            FG, absolutely focus on the successes!!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF-Daily- Wednesday, 14th April

                              Thanks all - I do appreciate the support. I had dropped off of here & I do think it helped to keep me on the straight & narrow reporting in to my ab-fab friends each day. Something about it helped keep me focused, so I'm back. Guess I need the reminder and reinforcement of the group more than I thought I did. Have a great day all!

