Good morning all.
I am confused Pan, why would Lav changing her locks put her in trouble with the law? He left. I would not want someone being able to go in and out of my house at will. That is why I would get a lawyer right away. I am angry for Lav, and want her not hurt and safe. If you are going to leave and threaten to divorce, it is serious. The in and out stuff would not work with me. That is why lawyering up and taking control would change his power trip. I know, easy to say, hard to do.
I had a serious craving last night but made it through. It started about 4:30 at work, and continued after work. I actually drove around for a time, talked on the phone and asked someone for support. I was told, "don't get the wine." I am so happy to say I DID NOT GET THE WINE. Once home, I ate something, then immediately felt better. The rest of the evening was relaxing.
I asked for support.
I ate something.
I thought it through, how I would feel after consuming the wine. It is to the point that it is never fun anymore. As soon as the booze is gone, I am sick. Really sick. What triggered me? Worrying about a family member. Not having a solution. It is driving me crazy. Then, when the witching hour hits, BAM. I am really going to focus on the serenity prayer today.
God, grant me the serenity to change the things I can, courage to accept the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference. Serenity, courage, wisdom. I need these things. Have a great day. IT's FRIDAY!!!