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AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

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    AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

    Good Morning Gang from cloudy Portugal - I live in a tourist area and its completely crazy here with the poor Easter holiday makers all stranded. Arrangements are now being made to bus people from here through Spain then put them on trains to Paris where they can pick up the Eurostar back to London. A very long journey of 3500 miles!

    I know its a huge inconvenience to everybody but I cant help but think Mother Nature is having a good laugh to herself :H

    Dill - Thank you so much for sharing your AA story with me and for your encouragement, I think I must have been a cat in a previous life as I do have a habit of landing on my feet.
    I have to say the dark cloud you spoke of was hovering above my head when I woke up today but i've had my spin class which has helped.

    Hope everyone is feeling strong as we enter week 4! Wishing you all a wonderful AF monday....
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

    Good morning Chill & everyone,

    I'm up early - well, I never actually went to bed. I've been sitting here all night trying to get a grip on what happened last night! Five minutes after my son, DIL & grandson left here last evening, my husband announced he was leaving. He hurriedly packed some things & was gone - just like that!! Nearly 37 years of marriage flushed right down the toilet. He hasn't been a happy person the past 15 years, was actually diagnosed with chronic, severe depression. I am speechless at this point. Wonder if I will land onmy feet as well????

    I hope everyone has a much, much better day than this!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

      Good morning everyone

      Oh, Lav, I'm so, so sorry. I felt shell-shocked just reading your post. Whatever you do dont let Al near you. You are in a state of shock, I hope you have some good girlfriends who can come and be with you? If not stay close to the boards. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

      I came on feeling my week had been messed up as my SIL is stranded due to flight chaos and is on her way up to me again but that puts everything in perspective. I think you are right Chill, Mother nature is having a laugh at us.

      Will check back later, everyone else big hello.



        AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

        Greetings all,

        Lav, You are going to be in my thoughts and prayers today as well. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. That was so sudden. Find someone you can talk to. I know you will not let Al back in the house, you have come too far for that, and don't want to lose the relationship you have with your g-son. Maybe things will come to light in these next few days, now that such dramatic steps have been taken, maybe it will open the door for some needed communication. :l:l:l:l

        Chill, thanks for the on the ground reporting. I am fascinated by this volcanic ash cloud phenomenom. Rust, was your sister's flight chaos related to the ash cloud, too?

        A long day of meetings ahead for me yet again. I will stop and smell the lilacs in between.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

          Oh, Lavvy! My heart goes out to you! Is there anyway I can help over the miles? You were always there for me in the past.


            AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

            Shit Lav. My husband has walked out too, but I'm used to it. PM me if you want to talk.


              AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

              Oh, Lav. :hug: I know there are no words right now, but you WILL land on your feet. Will be thinking of you today.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

                Lav, my husband has walked out on me numerous times. He always comes back. Not saying this is a normal thing - indeed not - but there is always hope if you want it. You must question yourself now. Are you unhappy about this? What do YOU want? That is the most important thing you MUST ask YOURSELF. YOU are the person who needs to be happy in yourself.


                  AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

                  Morning everybody.
                  Lav, I too feel shell shocked by your post. You've got a lot of af time under your belt. Don't let this change that. You've got your daughter, SIL, and grandson there for you. Take care of yourself today. PM people if that will help.

                  Hard to follow that. Dill, I was with you under that cloud yesterday. It was beautiful outside and that only seemed to make things worse. Think it was partly post race blues. You work up to a big event and there's a let down afterwards. Like the day after Christmas. My race went well. The rain stopped and the sun came out. First 2 miles though were around and through farmed fields. Think dirt plus a night of rain and you get lots of mud, mud mud! Aside from that the course was just beautiful, winding through the Rio Grande River valley. Time was 2 hr. 25 min. Won my 55-59 age group (there were only 5 of us).

                  Back to work-kindergarden-this morning. Still feeling remanents of yesterday's cloud.

                  Thinking about all those stranded tourists. I'll bet alcohol is flowing in European airports.

                  On a final note, I want to say that this thread is important to me. I don't want it to be a place where you can't write about those blue times without apologizing for doing so. Being af is a great improvement in my life but it certainly hasn't solved all my problems. In fact some of them are now glaring me in the face, like my marriage.

                  Anyway,anyhow, hope everyone has a decent Monday. Thinking about you Lav.


                    AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

                    This is a thread I have followed for some time, prior to joining. It is a truly loving thread and I feel proud to have been welcomed so warmly. I think everyone writes and is accepted here, Sped.


                      AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

                      Oh Lav...I am speechless...
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

                        Lav--stranger here--but thoughts are with you. I miss my family so much and understand somewhat--I'll include you in my prayers and tears today!!



                          AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

                          Lavvy, darling girl, you know how much we all love you. Take pride in the fact that you are a beautiful person.


                            AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

                            Hey Maslow...
                            How are you doing friend??? You have been in my thoughts.....
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              AF APRIL 2010 - WEEK 4

                              What a shock, Lav! Hang in you have any friends in the vicinity you can lean on?

