Today i went to one of my follow up meetings, anyway this guy give me books that he had from AA. one was the 12steps, NA and A book of daily meditations (for men.
I though it was really nice of him, when i got home and open the books i felt really sad because it had best wishes on there from his friends from rehab going back 2002. He said that he was in rehab in Bournemouth uk and there was lots of famous people there and when they share they had to speak on the mircrophone because there was 200hundred people there, now that would give me the shits.
Been reading the big book and Bill W story love the bit about the boomerang. ( out of this alloy of drink and speculation I commenced to forge the weapon that one day would turn in its flight like a boomerrang and all but cut me to ribbons.)
Went to my AA meeting on saturday i always have a little laugh there, without fail. one of the woman said well done to me for sharing on monday night, because she said she always feels scared to share there. If i can relate to something little i do share we are all different but with a drinking problem.
Anyway going to another meeting tonight, and share with you more another day have to go sorry, but if anyone reading please feel free to join in if you can relate in anyway or form we dont bit at all, we only share.
L:hve 2u ALL .x