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AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

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    AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

    Greetings one and all.

    Have you had a good Tuesday so far? Mine is nearly over. It's been a good one, no complaints, nothing exciting, but it wasn't boring either.

    Had my hair cut/coloured in time for the big 40.... and in all honesty... I kinda hate that girly crap, but for the first time in over 20 years (yes -- half my life) I found a hairdresser that nails it everytime!

    So, hair - DONE... !

    Body... a work in progress...

    Mind.... Very much improving now I am actually caring for myself...

    Someone asked me if I had issues turning 40... and besides personal goals I have had...Im actually looking so forward to the future...! It's not stressing me out one bit!

    Good day to everyone....

    AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

    Good for you LeeLou! I remember when I turned 40 I was determined to quit smoking for good. It took me 8 more years. :H
    40 is a good age....I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I am almost 50. I don't mind, really, it just seems so surreal.

    We had a glorious thunderstorm here this morning. How refreshing!! So much better than those nasty late afternoon storms!

    I'm trying to learn how to impose my good mood onto others in a bad mood instead of the other way around. :H It is kinda fun! :H

    Have a great day all! :h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

      Morning abbers!

      Thanks for the start, lee-lou! Sounds like you're all set for your birthday!

      Today I have some things to do downtown and am meeting friends at a bar after work. At my suggestion. :H It's a rooftop bar that I see and wanted to experience up close. So we're going early to avoid the crowd. This is a friend I'm sort of re-connecting with (at their house Easter). It'll be nice to check out someplace new. (besides the doggie park)

      Big hello to eveyone!

      Hi LVT - could you do me a favor and impose it on my dad?

      Have a terrific tuesday!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

        Ab fabbers!

        Leelou - lowdown on the colouring please. What's your natural colour and what colour/highlights did you choose? At some point I'm going to want to colour over my grey but I don't know whether to go lighter, darker or what.

        LVT - I like the imposing a good mood idea!

        Greenie - have fun on the roof! I ended my evening yesterday having a drink in a pub with a lesbian vicar. My drinking buddies have certainly changed :H
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

          I have made a hedgerow salad from edible wild plants, its incredible the things we get into once we sober up.
          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


            AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

            Hello fabbie abbies! I got a PM that Lav is having a rough go and was hoping to find her here on this thread. I'm gonna have to zoom zoom soon but Lav, if you check in here I am thinking of you! I hope you are doing OK.

            Happy B-Day (or pre B-day??) Leelou! I thought you were turning 29???? What's this 40 business????? Your hair sounds fabulous. There is NOTHING like a great hair dresser who is good and "gets" YOU!

            LVT - Hmm....imposing good mood on people in bad mood. That DOES sound like fun! In a very amazingly wonderful annoying kind of way! I hope I find someone to try that on today. (might be my own Dad...)

            Greenie the rooftop place sounds like fun. I would not care to sit inside a dark, dingy, BAR bar, but having something foofy on a roof top bar - that sounds fun. (and something I could probably handle at this stage! :H)

            Marshy, I hope you decide to be adventurous with your hair!! I cannot advise on gray hair. I don't believe I have any. Well, I'm only 29. :H:nutso:

  , that salad sounds heavenly. "Wild Natural Plants." With my luck I would end up eating something poisonous out there. It's almost time I think for those who know what they are looking for to go out in search of wild morel (sp) mushrooms. Again, I don't do that. I'd probably end up eating something that made me trip or worse.

            I'm crazy busy and getting stressed. And I've been letting my mind wander into the pity party zone which is NOT good. Just because I'm a little busy right now does not mean my life is bad and that I should be feeling sorry for myself. My busy-ness is actually a result of GOOD things happening so I need to get over myself. I feel better already just coming clean with that! The "high horse" is not a good place for me AT. ALL. I think I will take a few moments to review my gratitude list and pull my head out of my butt.

            OK - zoom zoom. I hope everyone is having the best day possible. Our lives may not be perfect but we are sober and it could be SOOOO much worse.

            Hello to everyone yet to come.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

              Rain = mutually agreed cancellation on rooftop meet up. I kind of like to do things when it's perfect. It's somewhat covered, but it turned chilly! I'm home in jeans and sweatshirt now. Thinking soup and crusty bread, funny girl :H

              DG I had to do the gratitude thing myself this weekend over the yard maintenance and house repairs. Thankful to have both, really.

              Raven I watched Into The Wild last night and the guy was eating things he picked. He confused potato root with something else and poisoned himself and died. (based on true story) So be careful!! DG, just be careful not to pick mushrooms growing out of cow poop! Don't get any ideas there LVT :H

              Whassa matter with LAV???:upset:
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

                Our dear Lav posted that her husband of 37 years walked out on her. This in the April thread. I'm sure she can use all of our support right now.

                And I'm organizing a posse to go :b&d: on her husband, and not in a fun way either.

                Actually, our dear Lav is deserving of someone who would act a whole lot better than that. Lav, just remember that Johnny Depp is already spoken for, and I say that with all the girlfriend love in my heart. :l

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

                  Hey Abbers,

                  Lav is here, a bit bruised & pissed off at the moment but........
                  My passive aggressive spouse is at it again. After a lovely dinner here Sunday evening with the kids & grandson he picked up & left, again. This is the third time in three years. Becoming pretty cyclical, huh?
                  Last year when he left for his pity party - it lasted two months. How long will it be this time? I'm pretty damn tired of the revolving door routine. He needs to get some serious work done on his head.

                  BUT, I'm OK, determined to stay that way too! I've been reading a lot on the To Do Institute website to help me remember that I do have a lot to be grateful for & I am

                  Good to see everyone, have a great evening!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

                    I'm up for a posse. nfire:

                    Big girl pants lav! I posted on the April thread.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily, Tuesday, 2oth April '10

                      Nice to see everyone in their varied activities....OMG! I wish I was 40! The 40's is a fantastic decade!

                      Happy to see you Lav....I am thinking of you!

             matter what, you always push through!! Even when sober, we still experience some difficult times, it is just life. It is just fantastic that we no longer make difficult days worse by drinking!!

                      This has been a difficult couple of days for me. My grandson is due in less than 2 weeks and the MIL is making life hell for my daughter and my SIL. I soooooo want to call her and tell her to knock of her passive aggressive BS and have some compassion for the mother to be and her son!! Lucky I am no longer drinking.......If I were, I am quite certain there would be some drunk dialing involved here!!!:shocked: Instead, I will offer support to my daughter and her husband and take a nice bubble bath!!

                      XXX Kate
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007

