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Sunday, 25th April

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    Sunday, 25th April

    Ok, this day has pushed my tolerance levels to the brim!

    I have survived, but I am peaking right now, just had a chance to bath, and I'm not relaxed yet!!

    Entertaining guests and children.:.. Yep, tomorrow I turn 40 (29) and I'm feeling it right now!

    Tomorrow, I'm not going to have a day like today!

    Tomorrow; I'm just going to be happy, enjoy the day and everyone else can do the same !!!!

    Happy day to everyone....

    Sunday, 25th April

    Leelou... what has pushed you to the brim?
    Are you okay?


      Sunday, 25th April

      Hi Leelou. Do you still have a house full of people? I don't know how you do it! I do hope you RELAX tomorrow and enjoy your special day! (29 )

      Hello to 1967. Hope you are strong in your AFness today!

      I had a chance yesterday (my MK party day) to really reflect on friendships old and new in my life. I am so blessed with the women friends I have made through AA. They turned out with bells on to help me celebrate the starting of my business - yesterday was a "ribbon cutting" of sorts. My friends outside of AA, not so much. But pre-AA I wasn't much of a friend. I like the saying "you have to be a friend to have a friend." It wasn't until I started going to AA that I truly started giving to others whether I felt like it or not in my friendships. Prior to that, it was all about me and what *I* felt like doing or didn't feel like doing. I have never been THERE for people in the way that this AA group of friends is always THERE for each other.

      I'm grateful they came yesterday. I'm grateful I had the chance to reflect on the kind of friend I used to be (not much of one!) and the kind of friend I have a chance to be today. My sobriety is essential because drinking for me was totally living inside a selfish and isolated bubble. But even without booze in the equation, I have to learn to put proper effort into friendships so it's a two-way street and not just my own little one-way street. I realize I never really learned how to do that.

      I'm grateful for my AFness and UnHungness today - that's for sure!!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Sunday, 25th April

        Morning fabbie abbies!

        Leelou I hope tomorrow way exceeds your expectations!

        Hallo 1967! Sending you strength!

        DG, I'm so glad your party was a success - I expected no differently. I hear you on the friends issue. I'm also able to see that same thing in some people. Some friendships were re-structured and some could not be. It's all OK.

        I'm thinking of taking my AF self to brunch and the art museum. I want to see "Chemistry of Color" of contrmporary afro-american artists and this is sort of my last chance before it ends and also the new Dale Chihuly glass chandelier aquisition. Columbia Museum of Art I wonder if I'll ever stop marveling at the fact that I can think of anything any time and WANT to do it and BE ABLE to do it. That just STILL rocks!

        Have a great AF day!

        PS: Colin Tipping has another interview with a different telecast group, In the Company of Consciousness. It's tomorrow at 3:00 EST. This is the intro.

        Colin Tipping is the creator of what has come to be recognized as one of the
        most powerful technologies for personal and spiritual growth today -- Radical
        Forgiveness. He is the author of seven books, plus many online and multimedia
        products. His workshops are renowned as life-changing experiences.

        The main characteristic of Colin's work is a practical spirituality that is simple,
        honest, straight-forward and unpretentious. The bedrock theme running through
        all his work is that there is divine purpose in everything and that everything that
        occurs, happens not TO us but FOR us. Therefore, at the spiritual level, there is
        nothing to forgive. This is the essence of his Radical Forgiveness work and is the
        thread that runs through everything. It is an optimistic form of spirituality which is
        essentially free from judgment, blame, resentment, guilt and fear.

        Colin says, "Radical Forgiveness is much more than the mere letting go of the
        past. It is the key to creating the life that we want, and the world that we want. It
        is the key to our own happiness and the key to world peace. It is no longer an
        option. It is our destiny."

        Here's the link. Event: April 26 3 PM Eastern You can do phone or internet.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Sunday, 25th April

          Thanks Greeneyes & Doggy Girl!
          I went into town and am home safe and sound. I did buy two treats: a freshly baked French baguette & some ice cream! I've don't my errands and feeling positive. So positive I may just take a nap!

          Thanks for sending your positive thoughts! I can do this, I just know it.


            Sunday, 25th April

            1967, enjoy your treats and a nice lazy day. No reason to drink!

            Greenie, I am so interested in the Radical Forgiveness book. I bought it and it's sitting in the ever growing pile! I have so much reading I want to do and am not being very successful in my time management to get reading time in! I find it interesting that in AA, we learn to see how things like fear, resentment, judging/blaming others, etc. are truly at the root of our problems. Seems like there are some common links that I want to explore!

            I agree with you it's just amazing to be able to go do anything I want to any time I want to now that I'm not in AL Prison any more. Amazing! I'm taking advantage of it too!

            Is everyone else still sleeping?? I think I'm going to take a nap!

            For those in the US, On CBS tonight there is a movie about Bill Wilson's wife (Bill is the co-founder of AA and his wife is credited with helping found Alanon. And she put up with Bill) Should be interesting in case anyone wants to Tivo that.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Sunday, 25th April

              Hello af friends,

              A quick, late check in for me. I've been away at the 4-H deal and my desktop crashed right before I left.

              I'm glad your MK event went well DG. I guess upon reflecting on the friendship thing, I was a pretty good friend, I showed up at most of my friend's stuff because there was always alcohol involved. But I know what you mean.

              Ok gotta run. Sorting cows, this should be fun.
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                Sunday, 25th April

                Hi guys,

                Late check in tonight. Had a girls weekend and stayed sober. that was my first big sobriety test - yeah me!

                I'm off to bed, jsut wanted to say hi to you guys.

                see you tomorrow!
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  Sunday, 25th April

                  happy late checkin peeps!

                  Uni great work on your first AF test

                  I shot top score today on rifle. wooo hoooo! steady hands are another blessing of an AF life

                  be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Sunday, 25th April

                    Doggy, I admire you so much. I see so much of myself in you. Your posts have always generated so much admiration from many others, including myself. You are inspiring.

                    The concentration on AA now in your posts disturbs me. Sorry to all and any who may find this offensive. But I'm seeing a change from the DG we know to an AA clone. Can you think about this please, because I love you.

                    And please don't barrage me with complaints about AA people. I am simply making an observation about Doggy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

