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AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

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    AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

    Ceaseless activity is not God's plan for your life. Times of
    withdrawal for renewed strength are always necessary. Wait for
    the faintest tremor of fear and stop all work, everything, and
    rest before God until you are strong again. Deal in the same way
    with all tired feelings. Then you need rest of body and renewal
    of spirit force.
    ~ Daily Readings

    Greetings all!
    It's another long day ahead for me. I must remember the above reading and take momentary breaks. We all need that at times. Take care everlyone and have a good AF Monday!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

    Morning everyone and thanks for the reading Dill. It is good to remind ourselves to stop a while sometimes, rushing around is no good for anyone. I hope your busy day isn't too busy.
    The sun is trying to break thru the clouds here, Mr S outside cutting the hedges - I do enjoy seeing him working!
    Have a good day all
    love sooty


      AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

      Good morning Dill & Sooty.

      Reporting in on a very dark, overcast morning here. No hint of sunshine whatsoever!
      There's no change in my personal status, have nothing to tell you. I am currently reading 'The Emotionally Unavailable Man'. I am finding it reassuring that I have been accurate in my assessment of Mr Lav's problems. It is his Family of Origin, his parents & grandparents that have caused him so many difficulties in his relationships. He can fix all that but he needs to stop denying it all.
      I am also ready to start reading 'Radical Forgiveness' at the suggestion of Greenie. I sincerely hope to learn something.

      Greetings to all who stop in today, hope your day is wonderful!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

        Morning all,

        Sick to death with allergies. And yes Dill, I do need rest of the body. Made myself stay this morning instead of my morning run. Went out with my running group yesterday and had a very tough time. Seem to be taking every allergy medication known to mankind...flonase, claritan, sudaphen....anybody got any other suggestions.

        Morning Sooty, hope you get to take a walk on those cliffs soon.

        Lav, you're reading "The Emotionally Unavailable Man". I thought you wrote that book!! Have heard good things about "Radical Forgiveness". My therapist recommended it to me. Has your husband been in touch with you? Any lawyers in the picture?

        Hey everyone, I did hear from Lil. She is blissfully af but overwhelmed at the moment with a major house remodel. She sends greetings to all. We still plan to meet this summer in Indiana.

        Going to roust Miss LBH out of her nest this week. Hoping to spend Wednesday wandering around the botanical gardens, zoo, somewhere.


          AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

          Hi everyone

          Thanks for starting us off Dill. Hard to believe that April is in it's last 5 days!! Have been very busy the last few days. However, took some time out this morning and met two friends for coffee and a catch up. Was tempted not to but am glad I did. The stuff that needs doing will still be there tomorrow.

          There seems to be a few people MIA but maybe they are busy. It's nice to hear that people are just busy and still AF when they stay away. It's very tempting to stay away when you have slipped but I know from experience that is the worst thing you can do.

          Anyway have a great week everyone.



            AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

            Hi Everyone

            Thank you Dill for your reading, it made me realize that I actually do practice this. When I dont feel mentally strong i do retreat and dont make any decisions until Im in a better frame of mind. This is serving me well especially when the difference between the two states of mind are so much clearer now in AF life.

            I had a meeting with my ex this morning, I was my new always calm and civil self. Im not sure if we really made progress but it did make me realize how incredibly fortunate i am. We have been apart for 6 yrs and he has been in another relationship for 4 yrs and is bringing up his girlfriends two children. So im not really high up on his list of priorities but he told me today that he cares very much that I have a good lifestyle. It could take a couple of years for business to pick up here so we can sell our joint property so I wont be able to move back to the UK in the foreseeable future as Id hoped. For now i guess im just grateful for what i DO have.....
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

              Good morning Abbers!

              Just a check in from me... it has been a while!

              I am still doing really well. Started my nursing program. Loving life.

              Have a great day all! xoxo


                AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

                What a great ready this morning. I've been running around like crazy lately and this morning I just felt like I will.
                AF since April 19, 2010
                NF since Nov 10, 2000

                "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                -Lady Nancy Astor


                  AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

                  Im off to Germany tomorrow AFers!
                  I help with a local animal shelter here which is sadly closing next month due to lack of funds and resources. Stray and abandoned dogs are epidemic level here in Portugal and we have had the huge task of trying to rehome the dogs from the shelter as those left will be destroyed. We have found a wonderful orgaization in Germany which has taken and found homes for dozens. Apparently the typical Portugese mutt is quite a novelty in a country where the majority are expensive pedigrees!

                  So tomorrow I take 4 dogs by plane to their new owners! 3 dogs in the hold and a puppy as carry on in the cabin, i have 4 flights in 18 hours to get there and back and Im praying the puppy doesnt "mess" on board! :dog: awprint: :dog: awprint:
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

                    Doggie diapers Chill
                    Wish you safe travels friend!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

                      Hi there,
                      Just joining in with this group. Thanks for starting the thread, Dill.
                      Springtime allergies for me too!
                      Chill bon voyage.
                      Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                      AF since May 6, 2010


                        AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

                        Thank you Tulip :welcome:
                        My eyes are stinging like crazy here, we have this yellow pine dust which is everywhere!
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

                          Good morning all!

                          Chill best of luck to you on your doggie mission!

                          Welcome Tulipe and Daybyday!:welcome:

                          Good to see you AFM! I wish you the best with your nursing program. That's wonderful.

                          Lav, I hope things are getting better day by day for you. Is there any sign that hb might return and work on things? Do you you even know what you want?

                          Sped, I'm glad you will be seeing Lil. That's awesome! And let us know how LBH is when you see her. I miss her posts.


                          Rusty, Sooty, Cyn and all who stop in, have a great AF day!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

                            Good morning everyone

                            :welcome: Tulipe and Daybyday.

                            Chill - Good luck on your mission and well done for getting involved in such a good cause.

                            Sped - Hope your allergies are improving.

                            Sooty - Hope you are healing, what colour are your bruises now?

                            Lav, IAD, Red, Dill and everyone else big hello.



                              AF April ~ 2010 ~ last 5 days

                              Good morning April friends,

                              A great big welcome to Tulipe & Daybyday!

                              Greetings to the travelling Chillgirl today!

                              Dill & Rustop, good to see you!
                              I'm ok, not terrific. I emailed Mr Lav last Tuesday, he responded said he would be here last Wednesday but never showed. I emailed him again last night, no response so far. My daughter tells me that she did see him for about 20 min. on Sunday & that he says he is very lonely. No kidding! He is living in a cottage on the campus where he works so he is not terribly uncomfortable. She said he is just sulking, making no progress. So, where does this leave me? I have absolutely no friggin idea!! He is seriously depressed, needs proper medical treatment. Until he decides to pull his head out of his A$$, my hands are tied. Sorry to sound so nasty, I'm trying to tone it down. One thing I know for sure is - I will not fall back into that pit of despair with him again. I just cannot let that happen again. I am coating myself with heaps of Lavan-itude every day to make sure his chronic negativity doesn't stick to me again

                              Hello to Cyn, Shelley, Sooty, LBH, Red & everyone.
                              Have a great AF Tuesday

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

