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Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

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    Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

    Hi Everyone: This is a quick check-in. I'll be right back. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

    Hi Again: I'm going to keep this short. At the end of last week's thread, a couple of people mentioned that feeling of vulnerability that comes w/an anniversary. If anyone wants to talk about that, please go right ahead. I was so looking forward to my 1st anni that I didn't feel any temptations, but I know that it can happen, & I plan to be on guard as upcoming annis come along.

    The whole relapse topic has been on my mind, & I think that I need to go to even more meetings than I currently am. It's not that I think I'm going to relapse. It's just kind of disconcerting when others do. Especially when it's people that I've seen from the beginning of my membership in AA. Also, when I hear about veterans of AA relapsing (after 10 + years), I can't help but cringe a little.

    WF: I'm glad you leveled w/your husband about the beer issue. We did have folks for dinner Fri. night & served wine. I'm fine while everyone is here, but I would not want to have open bottles in my fridge. It seems a waste to pour good wine down the drain...sometimes we ask people to take it home w/them, but so be it. I have to do what's right for me. When serving wine in my home to non-alcoholic friends becomes a problem, I'll stop doing it. So far it's been OK.

    Again we have to put our sobriety first & foremost. I cannot drink today...that's an absolute!

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

      Hi Mary and thanks for your strong message about "putting sobriety first" to kick off this weeks thread.

      I'm fine going to lots of meetings. I always hear something good that helps me with my sobriety and also with life in general. So Mary, enjoy going to more of yours!

      I've had the subject of "more meetings" on my mind as well. I'm coming at it from the standpoint of wanting to get out more - going to meetings outside of my "comfort zone" at the same club all the time. There is an "infamous" meeting on Monday nights that some of my friends go to. It's in a large gymnasium and I guess it's not unusual for a few hundred people to be there. :egad: I can't imagine! To date I have not gone as I'm more of a "morning person" but some of these things are worth doing on occassion, if not every week. Your post reminded me that I should call and make some plans for that.

      I also want to get to the Mustard Seed in Chicago one of these days!

      One of the readings today (Daily Reflections) touches on the subject of happiness. That reminded me of something that came up in the meeting yesterday about happiness v. pleasure. One guy talked about the fact that he always sought "happiness" from things and it just didn't work. Cars, money, houses, vacations, etc. might bring us PLEASURE. But he sees HAPPINESS as a spiritual state that can only come from an inner peace - not from outer "things." I think I agree with that.

      I have a lot of work still to do on my spiritual side and inner peace. I'm just a baby in that regard. At least AL is out of my life for today so I have a chance to learn and grow. I am completely stifled as a spiritual being once AL is running in my veins and brains.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

        Hi everyone,
        Just to let you know that i have printed out a few sheets from the last thread and today thread so that i will have time in my own space to read them, need to get of the p.c soon.
        so check in tomorrow. x

        This AA thread always keeps me on my feet.
        Formerly known as Teardrop:l
        sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
        my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


          Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

          I've thought about the difference between happiness & pleasure. I've read that once a person rises above the poverty level in terms of income, there really is no correlation between happiness & money/possessions. I know that I have everything I need to be a happy person. I allow my need to control (i.e. have everything go my way) to interfere w/my happiness. I'm working on trusting that everything is happening the way it's supposed to be happening. My loved ones have their own HP, & that's not me. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

            Hello everyone! I hope to write more later as I'm on the run. But wanted to sort of "mark" a topic and hopefully talk more about it amongst ourselves here on this thread. My friend who chairs an "open topic" meeting on Tuesdays brought up the topic of humility. This is a really good one for me because I am barely figuring out what it means much less having some. And the BB talks about how very important humility is to our spiritual wellness and ability to stay sober. So I better learn a bit more about it I think.

            I like how one guy talked about keeping himself "right sized" for the situation, depending on the situation.

            I liked what another person said about humility being the opposite of prideful.

            Another person talked about how humility is understanding the truth about ourselves, and portraying that truth to the world around us - for better and for worse. That one really hit home for me. I like to try to exaggerate my good qualities and hide my weaknesses. I'm realizing just how important the 4th step really is - making me take a close look at the REAL me for better and not. Not the version of "me" I try to bullshit people with sometimes.

            More rigorous honesty I guess.

            OK - off to work out now! I hope you are all having great days.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

              DG, this says it all, More rigorous honesty I guess.
              Anyway that is what I need to work on everyday.
              I'm finishing my 10th day iin Kansas waiting for my dear mother to move to the next plane. She has not eaten in 18 days and still hanging on to life at about 5 to 8 breaths per minute.

              Thanks to the availability og AA meetings I'm still sober.
              Love and Peace,

              Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                Phil - You're in my prayers. Take care. :l:h
                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                AUGUST 9, 2009


                  Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                  Phil, Im Thinking of you and your mum, are both in my prayers.:l When i hear people talk in AA how it got them through bad times. It so good to have AA there. Take care.x
                  Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                  sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                  my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                    Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                    Hi Everyone,
                    I did get to read past post, read the story of your friend DG it really makes me think that it the tiny things we have to be very careful of that could set us of on that wrong path, I know i have to be very careful if im feeling really felling great in myself and feeling on top of the world thats when i have to get my feet back down to earth very quick cause i know it could lead to a reward feeling great, sad but true! like you said 'The farther your away from my last drink, the closer i am from my next. NOW that is sooo true! It good that we learn about our selfs what can set us of again. That family picnic sounds really good love omlettes my favourite not to sure for breakfast, i do like a goood fry up me. But lately i have been eating hot cross buns for breakfast this year not sure what that all about maybe my HP is trying to say something to me.
                    Mary.... I would love to hear people talk about there 1st Annivesary and if temptation comes into there's. I got to say sometimes i think to myself i hope im not competing with myself i was going to open a thread about this if anyone else feeling or thinks the same thing, because i use to love sports, and competing. Its just the way my brain works and i dont like it because i get scared it like i get so far i may feel or think im ok. I have done it.

                    I have to go so have to finish of when i get back from meeting.
                    Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                    sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                    my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                      Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2


                      retteacher;843502 wrote: Hi Again: I'm going to keep this short. At the end of last week's thread, a couple of people mentioned that feeling of vulnerability that comes w/an anniversary. If anyone wants to talk about that, please go right ahead. I was so looking forward to my 1st anni that I didn't feel any temptations, but I know that it can happen, & I plan to be on guard as upcoming annis come along.

                      The whole relapse topic has been on my mind, & I think that I need to go to even more meetings than I currently am. It's not that I think I'm going to relapse. It's just kind of disconcerting when others do. Especially when it's people that I've seen from the beginning of my membership in AA. Also, when I hear about veterans of AA relapsing (after 10 + years), I can't help but cringe a little.

                      WF: I'm glad you leveled w/your husband about the beer issue. We did have folks for dinner Fri. night & served wine. I'm fine while everyone is here, but I would not want to have open bottles in my fridge. It seems a waste to pour good wine down the drain...sometimes we ask people to take it home w/them, but so be it. I have to do what's right for me. When serving wine in my home to non-alcoholic friends becomes a problem, I'll stop doing it. So far it's been OK.

                      Again we have to put our sobriety first & foremost. I cannot drink today...that's an absolute!

                      hi teach i had to come here b4 surgery,ive said it b4,this site inspires me,specially the people who have been drawn thro the AA xperience,is it AA,or has it always been there,and you didnt no it,if it works leave it alone,ive lerned over the years of being thro theAA program,its like going back to school,we werent tot rt,anniversary,i no what i use to do on them,heaven forbid,realising what we did,was Wrong,whether having a great sprirtual awakening or a ?? xperience of sort,we all no rt from wrong,
                      you and many others here,just totally amaze me with your drive,i hope it continoues,thats what you folks have tot me,gyco


                        Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                        :l Phil...I'm so glad that AA is there to help you stay sober through this difficult time. I'm sure that makes a huge difference for you and your family, and especially for your Mom. I hope she passes to the next phase gently and peacefully.

                        Catch, I totally hear you on the "competition with myself" topic. I am struggling mightily with this right now with my weight. I had a MUCH easier time with the weight loss phase because there was always a visible "reward" for doing the right things exercise and diet wise. Maintenance has been far more difficult for me and that is a mind thing. Working hard to ......"stay the same" is just not as exciting and I am stumbling.

                        I hadn't really thought about it but I'm sure you're right that this is the same sort of thing that contributes to relapse around anniversaries. A feeling of "now what?" after crossing a percieved finish line.

                        I grew up competing in a sport so that thinking is ingrained in me. VERY interesting. I can't wait to hear more of your thoughts on that.

                        I slept in today so am missing my usual 7AM meeting. Therefore you guys are my meeting today so I'm looking forward to your posts!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                          :hallo: again it me.

                          DG ..... All i know is that i mention this at my group counselling session, going back a few weeks ago, because im worried about it, it like its in the back of my mind. He did suggest that i have a one to one sessions, and that he was glad that i mention this, so i took his advise. But what you are saying it is about crossing that finish line, and how you feel afterwards exhausted or a Now what ..But also that is why i try and not count my numbers if that makes sense it like competing with myself with the numbers. I know my counsellor does not want me to go backwards maybe it something deep inside. We was also talking that day about OCD as well i did say i think my dad was like that alittle bit everything had to be right also if he took a photo of us when we were little we all had to be in a straight line he would get mad if one of us would be out of line.

                          someone mention about the nice weather i think winefree, well i wont be going on hoilday this year and i am so please for the first time. Dont think i can handle a sober hoilday yet it to risky for me.

                          It funny this guy at my group session give me a questionaire on step one and said to me the other day have i answer the questions yet,i said no im still reading the big book, so his given me questions to answer for step 2...Well the thing is by him helping me he said it helping him re-do his steps again on his own so it funny how the HP works with us knowning it, and also mention about step4 and 5 how poeple are afraid to do those steps.

                          Gyco... AA It is like going back to school, thats why im scared my heart is always beating so fast but it is geting better i have notice, But the good thing is im doing it in my own time no one is rushing me.

                          I to believe that Happiness come from within from an inner peace no money can buy happiness we all create how own.
                          Love this thread and love sharing with you floks you all mean a lot to me.

                          Looks like i made up for lost time here! have a great day ALL.x:l
                          Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                          sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                          my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                            Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                            Hi All:

                            I'm planning on coming back later but wanted to check in. I didn't feel any temptation about my anniversary, but I've heard about that. I have been feeling a bit stale lately, & I'm going to some different meetings that I don't usually attend. I think I saw that as a suggestion here at this thread. Last night I went to a speaker meeting that I haven't attended for many, many weeks. It felt good to do something different instead of just waiting to go to my usual meetings. Whenever I feel resistance to doing something (i.e. going to a different meeting), I need to break through that resistance. I think that's in some way related to humility as well. Going to my usual meetings & seeing people that know & respect me is easy. Going to a meeting where I don't know as many folks is not so easy...& I have to do the not-so-easy stuff. Yes, humility is seeing that I'm human just like the rest of humanity, & I don't have to put on any kind of front (i.e. competent, perfect, together, etc.). Humility involves living in the moment (instead of planning everything I say & do) & doing the difficult things that will challenge my program. I can stumble. I can look silly at times.

                            Anyhow, I have to go. I'll try to check back later.

                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                              Hi again! Gyco I am so sorry I somehow missed your post earlier! It's great to *see* you as always. Are you having surgery??? I probably missed something so my apologies! I want to be thinking of you for speedy healing!

                              Catch, my mentors in AA have really taught me that by helping someone else I also help myself on every level of my sobriety. I am sponsoring a young woman and as she works a step, I rework it with her. That is really helping me to learn more about the steps! It's so nice to be a part of something at AA and here where we help ourselves by helping others. That's nice. Hopefully weight watchers will be that way too and my support circle will be complete I think!

                              Mary - good to see you too. Yours is a good message about pushing ourselves sometimes rather than just hanging out in the comfort zone. I think it's natural that we gravitate to the familiar. But AL is also familiar so I need to keep stretching myself or the "familiar" may bring on an old unwanted enemy.

                              Maybe we are all wired a little different and maybe that's why "counting" works for some and not others. Whatever works, I say!

                              Sister found out that her masectomy (sp) will be on May 7. I know that she will appreciate any and all prayers and vibes.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

