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Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

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    Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

    DG: I'll absolutely pray for Sister. Yesterday, my 36 year old daughter found out that she has a suspicious lump. I'm going w/her for her mammography on Fri. It's probably a swollen milk duct or a cyst, but I'll be glad when it's all over. So, pray for Patty...she's my one & only!

    I've been wondering about Sister. It amazes me that she found the time & privacy to drink while in a religious community. To me, that's testiment to how powerful, cunning, & baffling alcoholism can be.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

      Thanks to all for the great reading. I liked the part of the anniv and the thought that now what or what's next, etc. That sounds like my problem. I should be excited about the upcoming Sunday and want to celebrate, but I'm just blah. I was happy today for the young girl in the mtgs that came in this time about the same time as me. She had a year today and got her chip. Even so young, it's her second time in the rooms. I'm glad she is doing well.

      I hope I can get out of this funk. Tomorrow is an anniversary celebration at one of my women's meetings. I can remember last year this time and how I wasn't sure if I should attend since I had only gone once or twice to the meeting. I wasn't in any condition to make anything for pot luck. I did end up going a bit late, but was able to share in the fellowship. This year I am bringing a dish and will be making the coffee. I am greatful for the fellowship and also greatful for all the discussion on this thread.
      Thanks for being here everyday.

      Phil, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time for you. Stay close.



        Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

        Greetings group, free at last! My sweet mother passed to the other plane today just after noon. I had a beautiful moment with her this morning and left her alone, evidently the way she wanted it.
        The staff at the facility was amazed at her hanging out without food for over 18 days.

        I have been to a meeting everyday, thanks to the HP for the availability of AA, and thanks to you all here.
        Love and Peace,

        Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


          Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

          Phil...:l Im as glad you had that last moment with your mum she in a beautiful place now. , she must of been a strong woman to hang on like that, you know she will always be there where every you are. Thinking of you.:h

          Take good care and be safe.x
          Formerly known as Teardrop:l
          sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
          my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


            Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

            Gyco,:l sorry i missed the bit your going into surgery, hope all is well and be Thinking of you sending you lots of strength your way. I be looking out for your post to see how you are.

            DG , i will be praying for sister and sending vibes her way.:l

            Keep safe everyone.x:l
            Formerly known as Teardrop:l
            sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
            my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


              Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

              new to group

              Good morning to all. I am new to this thread and plan on becoming a regular. My history is that I have been very long term drinker which was creating problems in my life. I found MWO last fall and joined L.T. Mods. I went 18 days AF and felt so good I decided I could drink moderately again. Within a few weeks I was back to level of consumption that was too much for me.
              I woke up on March 18th this year and decided I did not want to live this way. I called local AA number and they encouraged me to go to a meeting. I did so a couple days later and have been involved with AA since. I am now on day 43 AF. Overall the 43 days have been positive but at times I feel like I am on an emotional roller coaster. Somedays I feel great and am proud of what I have accomplished and other days I feel down and doubt my new life style.
              I am joining your thread to learn from you and also to share. I feel like I have now gone long enough to be an abstainer and not a mod. One thing I have noticed is how the long term recovered members of AA have a peace about them that we newcomers have not yet acheived. I will write later about why I think that is. For now I want to let you know that I plan on being a regular particpant in this thread.
              Phil, my mother passed away two weeks ago who also lived in Kansas. As with yours she quit eating at 93 years old after a bad fall. I had some very peaceful times with her in her last few weeks. She was a great lady and is missed my family.
              Have a great day to all and I look forward to communicating with you.


                Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                Phil: I'm sorry about your mother, though she's probably floating around in bliss right now. I'm also quite sure she's looking down on you w/very proud angel eyes. I'm so glad you got through the whole thing sober. You were there for her in a way that you couldn't have been had you been drinking.

                MG72: I joined MWO in Apr. 07 & joined AA in Mar. 09. What a difference in my life today! I haven't had a drink in over a year. I've gotten through situations which used to baffle it's stated in the program. Yes, it can be an emotional roller coaster, as I used to cope w/day-to-day problems w/drinking...a poor choice of coping mechanisms indeed. Hang in, keep going to meetings, log in here. We usually discuss meetings, coping w/challenges, daily strategies for living, etc. here at this thread. It's a tool I use on a daily basis.

                WF: I wish I could be there when you celebrate your anni. I found my 1st anniversary very, very emotional. My husb came w/me & was pretty amazed by the outpouring of love I received. Good luck.


                PS: I have a few challenges in my life today, but I know I can get through them w/the help of my program & MWO.
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                  Good Morning All,

                  Phil, so sorry about your mother. You have really made a huge impact on a newcomer such as myself how you handled this and how valuable MWO and AA have been to you during this.


                  I am also new to AA. I have 90 days today and like you somedays I feel so hopeful and encouraged and then other days I also feel down and doubtful. Checking in here and going to meetings have helped to make this journey so much easier than when I tried going it alone. Mostly, for me, putting honesty back into my life has been the most valuable gift I have gotten.

                  Hope you all have a super day!!!!

                  AF 01/30/10

                  Look Back & Thank God
                  Look Forward & Trust God
                  Look Around & Serve God
                  Look Within & Find God


                    Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                    Hello everyone!

                    Phil, I had a very peaceful feeling when I read that you shared a beautiful moment with your Mom before her passing. I hope you are able to find peace inside if you haven't already. I'm so grateful you have shared this particular part of your journey with us so honestly. I will remember so many of the things you have gone through and how you dealt with it sans AL when my own time comes to walk on that part of the path of life & beyond.

                    Does anyone know what kind of surgery gyco is having and when?

                    Mary and all, Sister sends her thanks for your prayers for her. Also Mary, she has added your daughter to the prayer list in hopes that all is benign.

                    WF, you have come so far in the last year!! Sometimes I think we expect that if we just stop drinking life will cooperate and be perfect for us. It's not. Normal people have been dealing with life's ups and downs for centuries without the "help" (hahahaha) of AL. We can too. I also think that many of the changes that take place in our lives happen gradually over time and sometimes we can't see our own changes. I think AA is wonderful because others will tell us about the positive changes they see in us. And also, we get to see how people are when they first come in the doors, and we can be reminded of how that felt when we were in that place. I think THAT speaks to me about how far I have come more than anything. I wish I could be there for your anniversary! I'm so happy you are going to that meetintg and this year, bringing a dish and making the coffee!

                    Hi Catch!!

                    Welcome Mg72! Looking forward to getting to know you better! Congratulations on your terrific AF progress.

                    Great to see you HG, and good for you on your progress too! Each day won't be perfect. Or even near perfect. There will be some sucky ones in there. When I look into the eyes of someone who is feeling hungover and hopeless, I am reminded of what a truly sucky day is really like.

                    Today's meeting was based on the 24-Hour reading (daily readings can be found here for anyone who hasn't already bookmarked the links Daily Recovery Readings). Faith, Hope and Charity. We talked a lot about hope. I remember how hopeless I used to feel when I would wake up every morning with a hangover and remorse over the previous days drinking. I would swear I would not drink today. But before you know it, I would be drinking. I must have done that thousands of time. I am truly grateful to be living so much better today.

                    Night before last Mr. Doggy went to his monthly metal detector club meeting which is at a local American Legion Hall. They have to go through the bar to get to the meeting room. Mr. D told about how full the bar was of quietly sad looking people. From his description, it sounded like maybe some might feel the way I used to feel - I know longer drank because I wanted to. I was drinking because I HAD to. Me and my fix. A life without options. A very small life.

                    One girl talked about her husband who is in jail now for a loooong time after several DUI's. He is confined with few options. She described her own realization that when drinking, her life was exactly like that despite not being behind bars. The ball and chain of AL.

                    We also talked about the positive side of hope, and also how good it feels to get out of ourselves and start thinking of others and "giving back" what is so freely given to us.

                    Some meetings feel light and airy. Some meetings feel heavier. This one was somehow a combination of both for me.

                    I got pulled over by a police officer on the way to the meeting. I had gotten caught waiting to make a left turn where I was forward of the line where you have to stop, but not all the way in the intersection when the light turned red. I decided to wait instead of go through the red light. (I had no idea the cop was there!) I got pulled over because I was ahead of the line and he said I should have gone. :H I'm guessing a different officer might have pulled me over if I had gone on the red! At any rate, I realized that since getting sober I have been pulled over for various silly things (and one speeding ticket!) a LOT. I am very lucky these pull overs somehow didn't happen when I was drinking. It's a miracle I haven't 1) hurt others 2) hurt myself 3) gotten 1 or 50 DUI's. Grateful grateful grateful. And also grateful he didn't give me a ticket.

                    I need reminders like these to help me stay humble and truly appreciate how great sobriety really is - even on days when life is not one big party.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                      HG: I loved that you said that your most valuable gift of sobriety was putting honesty back in your life. Me too. I didn't love the black-outs, the embarrassments or hangovers but, the dishonesty was slowly killing me. I love living purely out there...I even try to keep exaggerations & inaccuracies out of my life. If I say something dumb...well, that's why God invented: "I'm sorry."

                      DG: I love hearing about the meetings. Keep it up. I'm off to my step meeting now.

                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                        Good evening all.
                        Phil, more thoughts and prayers for you and your beloved Mom. I hope she rests in peace and you are proud of how you handled this difficult time.

                        MG welcome. Oh how I remember the roller coaster rides in the beginning months of sobriety. The ups and down were unbelievable at times. Your moods will stabilize and improve, it just takes time.

                        DG, it is ironic about getting pulled over now, when sober. I think it's our higher power when these things happen reminding us about our past and what could have been and how much better things are now.

                        HG, congrats on your 90 days. So happy for you.



                          Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                          Everyone: Last night's step meeting was on a tradition. I can only say that while the traditions don't offer quite as compelling a discussion sometimes, they are so, so necessary. If there weren't the traditions, AA would have folded long ago, in my opinion. I really believe that treatment centers, politics, hospitals, etc. would have somehow gotten involved. Thank God for autonomy.

                          I'm doing OK. I'm going w/my daughter for her to get her mammography. I know they won't offer an opinion about the lump, but she seems gratified to have the support. We'll see what happens. I feel fairly confident that it's probably a result of all the cases of mastitis she had when she was nursing her kids.

                          It goes wo/saying that this will not be any kind of a cause for me to drink. There's no way I could be helpful to her or the family doing that. I'll go to my regular BB meeting tonight.

                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                            Mary, hoping all turns out well for your daughter. Thoughts and prayers to you both.
                            Step 4 at mtg this evening. Haven't done this yet, so not sure exactly how to respond to it. Sounds like it will be a tough one that really makes you reflect on the past. Can't really identify with the sex run riot statements, or the financial woes. Guess I should be grateful for both of those. I'm sure I'll find other defects to deal with once I get to that step.



                              Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                              My daughter has been through a lot. The mammogram was suspicious, & they had to do a biopsy. Well find out the results tomorrow. By the time I got home on Fri., I was really frazzled. I remembered all the times I felt that way & medicated w/drink. I ended up going to my Fri. night meeting, & it helped to keep me sober that day. Yesterday, I stayed busy & went to church. I'm using my tools to get through this. My daughter has incredible courage which sustains me. I'll be back tomorrow. Mary
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012


                                Weekly AA Thread - Week of April 26 - May 2

                                Hi Everyone,
                                Mary...hope all goes well with your daughter. It amazing what AA meetings can make us feel it like my new medication.
                                winefree...well done on your 1st anniversary.
                                Mg72...welcome and well done on your AF days, looking forward to reading your next post on what you have to say about the long term recovered memebers of AA that have a peace about them.
                                HG...well done on your AF days..Im new to AA as well, but like they say easy does it...and it so true that we have to keep it simple. God my life is soo simple anyway !
                                DG.... Hope that what got me through, never give up on hope, faith gives us strength the more faith the more strength, well that what i think anyway. I have a little book on hope i carrry it around in my bag. Here goes:
                                Hope means hoping even when things seem hopeless.
                                NEW DAWN, NEW HOPE...Hope forever tells us that tomorrow will be better.
                                BE HOPEFUL IN HOPELESSNESS....As long as matters seems hopeful, hope remains merely superficial. Its only when everthing is hopless, that hope truly proves its strength.

                                It funny got to share this with you folks when i first was reading your post i wondered what HP meant i was thought it was HP sauce, but i did not want to ask did not want to look stupid, now i know it stands for High Power, and im a catholic believe it or not.
                                Got to say i had last week of work and never got to do the things i wanted to do,and they were just simple things, My hubby keep on saying when am i going to wash my car had to go round the garage for someone else to clean my car. Its was good to share this at AA because i dont feel like im on my own on this one, its like reading i find it hard to read to take it all in, now i know why the lady at AA said to me just read 5pages a day, because it hard to digest it, all at once. Now i know why i cant rush this, I am going to here for a long time, But iam so glad that people understand me.
                                Got to see my name is Bill. W story video, if you get a chance watch it it is really good. The bit when he said i feel like i am on the outside looking in, sh*t sometimes i still feel like that now, but it is getting better.
                                Thanks for everyone sharing love reading all your posts I am grateful that today i have AA and mwo.:l

                                Have a relaxing sunday everyone from ME.x
                                Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                                sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                                my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

