Warm and sunny here. I'm not working today and I'm sowing some seeds in pots - radish, mixed salad leaves, basil and wildflowers (to attract some butterflies hopefully!). Then I'm off to the lido later.
It's our parliamentary elections on Thursday next week. I'm posting my vote today and realised that it will be my first sober election! Haha. I'm very interested in politics (sad but true:H) and always want to stay up and watch the results come in on election day (it usually takes until about 3am to know who has won). But, of course, in previous years I've always been drinking and have invariably staggered off to bed before the results are declared. This time will be particularly interesting because we might end up with a hung parliament, and I'm really looking forward to sitting up all night with a cup of tea or two to see what happens. I'm ridiculously pleased that I'll be able to do that.

Anyone else excited about being able to do something AF today?