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Considering going off Bac?

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    Considering going off Bac?

    Hi All,
    Not sure where the best place to post this is but I will start here! I too am an abstainer - no more alcohol for me. I have been taking Bac for close to 3 months and been AF for 95% of that time. My question is - Has anyone that has taken Bac and been succesful ever gone off bac - or tried and what was the outcome? I have not had any cravings for AL and have decided in my mind that I will never drink again but I have heard that that is the bac keeping everything in check, and is not all my brain's own doing. Can anyone tell me their experience of coming off bac - good and bad?

    Considering going off Bac?

    I have not ever taken Bac or the other meds so cannot comment on that. I do hope someone with experience comes along who can help! Mean time, I DO know that we CAN be AF without meds, even after a long and ugly daily drinking history (mine was long and ugly and daily!) It hasn't been easy but it's been rewarding for sure.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

