Has been suggested I come here as I am going for the 30 days Abstinence. Had trouble getting past day 5 and I am now nearing the end of day 9.
I have an outline of a bottle drawn on a piece of paper, inside the bottle is a ladder with 30rungs. I laminated this and made some smiley faces. Mine will be on rung 9 tonight when I go to bed. Hubby is going for moderation so his smiley face sits at the bottom of the bottle. He is fine with cutting down so that is OK for him.
I also did a sad face and if I 'fall' off my ladder the sad face sits at the rung I made it too until I catch up again. Know what I am not starting day one again so I have no choice but to commit, and I am loving waking up not hung over.
Now I have suitably bored you all I am going to have some ice cream and later a hot chocolate.