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AF Daily - Thursday 29 April

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    AF Daily - Thursday 29 April

    Hello Ab Fabulators far and wide!

    It's been absolute ages since I started the thread, but today I feel compelled, first of all, to tell you that it's nice, warm and sunny in south London. Then, the surveyor turned up to look at our property half an hour early this morning, which meant I had a man in the house while I was still in my jammies (how often does that ever happen!) :H As luck would have it, I then discovered are selling spa days for a tenner starting at 10am this morning - take note all UK residents!! I've got my credit card on the ready, planning to pounce at 9.59. To top it all off, politics in this country has gone topsy turvy in my absence, which means I can't wait to get my hands on today's paper!! Life is very exciting, and I've only been up for a few hours.

    Wishing everyone a fantabulous day.

    AF Daily - Thursday 29 April

    Spa days? Tenner? I'll be back...
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Thursday 29 April

      Any luck Pamina? I was going for the hot stones treatment at the Hilton in Park Lane but the website kept crashing on me and I couldn't get through on the phone. Hey ho, there are other ways to infiltrate the Hilton (mainly being very, um, accommodating to businessmen staying there, I think).

      Better do a bit of work now :H

      Have a good day all!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily - Thursday 29 April

        Morning abberoos!!

        Pamina I came in 2nd! The tree man came over last night to get his check and chatted on the porch with me in the robe!

        Hey ho marshy and all to come!

        I've got another zoom day. So I'm off!

        Oh, TV was on Cougar Town last night while I was going through the mail. They were experimenting with red wine drinking at 8 AM. Their laughing about morning drinking wasn't that funny to me. uch:

        Have a thrilling thursday!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Thursday 29 April

          Marshy;845181 wrote: Any luck Pamina?
          It was an epic struggle, but yes, in the end I got my chakra balancing massage!! It took an hour, with me not remembering any of the passwords you have to put in on your way to the check-out, and the browser moving ever so slowly. Just as I'd accepted payment, the server crashed and I thought all was lost until I received my confirmation email. YAY!! Good luck with those businessmen... Or you could surf around for their other fairly cheap deals in London.

          Greenie, I'd much rather have a tree man in the evening as I'm not much of a morning person to appreciate the company - or red wine for that matter (yuck)!

          Have a good day all to come!


            AF Daily - Thursday 29 April

            Pamina - let us know how it goes! (I'll be the woman hanging around outside in me fishnets. And Greenie will be the one in the robe).
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Thursday 29 April

              Hi guys!

              Sorry it's been so long since I've checked in - crazy busy and leaving on vacation next week! woo hoo!

              Day 22 here and feeling great! The campral is really seeming to kick in now (which I had heard - someon had mentioned that after the first couple of weeks it really seemed to take the cravings away). I still think about AL but it's fleeting and honestly sooooooo not worth it!

              Looking forward to a stress free week next week!

              See ya guys!
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                AF Daily - Thursday 29 April

                Hi all! I'm zoom zooming as well now. (If you want to see the sandwich worthy post you have to visit the AA Weekly thread! :H)

                Pamina, were you a spa winner? Sounds like fun!

                Marshy are you starting a new business????

                TWO girls in robes with service men????? Are you trying to work for marshy's new business??

                Greenie when I read your post that they were making fun of AM drinkers with wine at 8AM my first random thought was "why wait so long???" Yikes. I'm glad I don't live like that any more!

                Cougar Town? I need to Tivo that from the sound of things.

                Uni - :yougo: Congrats on 22 days! That rocks. So good to hear that the Campral is helping you.

                The owner was at Curves today when I was working out and when I finished, it was just me and her in the building. We got talking about promoting our respective businesses and she is going to let me have a "Mary Kay Day" once a month at Curves!! YAY!!! Now I have to figure out some promotional activities that will be fun and rewarding for the ladies and not over the top expensive for me to do. Any creative ideas????? I'm so excited!

                I have to go to Business After Hours for the Chamber tonight. As much as I dislike those things I'm glad I will see some familiar AA faces and that will just reinforce my good decision not to drink. It's fun to have comrades in the room!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Thursday 29 April

                  Hello All,

                  Just stopping by to say hey. I have had a very intense and demanding work week (but ultimately very rewarding). When leaving with my colleague today, she said "let's go have a drink and celebrate." There was that fleeting moment when it sounded good like a good idea, but then I realized that it was an old worn out and very damaging tape in my brain that was talking.

                  I had a venti iced latte instead!

                  PS Great job on the 22 days Universal. Pretty soon you will have 30 days behind you, then 60....then 1 year.
                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!

