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    Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.---Eleanor Roosevelt

    Welcome Sidney, and yes, this is a happy place. Sometimes it is a place of struggle, but happiness is definitely a by-product!

    Lav, good morning and good luck with the twins! I'm glad you had a great day with your daughter. Are you adjusting to living alone? Is there any sign of a reconciliation?

    Hi Chill! Tell Mario hello and give him a 3-D hug from the May threadsters!

    Hi Cyn, The tea turned out to be quite fun. There were lots of delicious treats. I had my first cucumber sandwich! The club that sponsored the tea entertained by pretending to be various famous cooks (Fannie Farmer, Julia Childs, Martha Stewart, etc) and talking about their lives. It was interesting and entertaining and all for a good cause. What are you doing lately for fun or self-care. Don't work too hard; keep a balance!!!

    Hi DG, Momof3, daybyday, and all who stop in today!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.



      Hello Sidney - come and join us we love having new people along.
      Chill I'm really jealous that you're having coffee with Mario - that has been an ambition of mine for some time now :H i hope you both have a lovely time
      I've been down to the jazz festival today and stayed out for a bite of lunch, very pleasant it was too.
      I hope everyone is having a good sunday, relaxing and being kind to ourselves.
      Loads of love



        Hi Lav, Dill & Sooty glad everyone sounds in good spirits.

        Sid - My friend :l so happy for you to join our merry band, I have missed talking with you on chat.

        Had a lovely afternoon with sort of sister in law at a little beach bar, we got on really well and shared very similar views on dealing with life.

        My parents (dog sitters) arrive tomorrow! This will be the 1st time i have seen them since I quit drinking, when they were here last October I was hiding bottles all over the place and drinking wine out a mug..... it will be interesting if they notice any differences in me.
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996



          Sooty, has all the bruising cleared away from around your eyes or did you wear cool sunglasses to the jazz fest?

          Chill, thanks for the reminder about hiding bottles. I am so ashamed of that, but realize that I was not alone in the behavior. That makes me feel just a little bit better about it.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

            WEHEY!!! just had my first sober social event. my friends birthday. she had the loan of a house on the shores of coniston water. i made sure i could leave early and i drank non al ginger ale (in a wine glass) funny, people wernt actually drinking much.. i would have been hammered very quickly at that kind of event. but im not, because I DONT DRINK and im really pleased about that. im so glad i found my way out and im slowly finding MY way out. thanks and double thanks to everyone here.
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

              Spuds - Well done! Its really funny you mention that people werent drinking much, I have really noticed this when out in a crowd, I thought they were all drinking as much as me but it was actually me who was always ordering up the next bottle.... As you said, not any more WE DONT DRINK!
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                i also noticed my alcoholic tendancies even without AL. clutching my glass and topping up before my glass was empty.... ill be getting a reputation as a secret lemonade drinker. i even had some of the lovely buffet food... unheard of if i was drinking.... who needs food when theres booze. chill its great that your meeting up with mario... at last
                Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                Keep passing the open windows


                  MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                  Spuddle, Well done! It is interesting to be at a drinking event AF. I have had the same experience you described, where you think "Wow! Was I the only one who drank so much?!". But, I've also been to events where I see people going at the al pretty hard and fast, which is more what I can relate to. But at those events, you see how quickly these folks deteriorate from their real selves to their sloppy, crazy selves. It feels good not to go there with them.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                    Good for you Spud - your strength is growing & showing

                    Don't tell anyone but I medicated one of the goldens an hour ago - just couldn't stand her!!
                    I have a bottle of doggie downers here - prescibed by the vet for one of my dogs who cannot tolerate thunder storms or a trip to the vet. Maggie is now resting comfortably, thank God. The other one Jack is quiet now too - bliss

                    Dill, in order for there to be some sign of reconciliation there has to be some communication, right? I'm sad to say that Mr Lav is still in seclusion.......apparently doesn't give a rat's ass, pardon my French. I know he is sitting somewhere sulking, playing out something in his head. He tends to be a bit delusional. I am not the enemy, I never have been. He fails to see that I have been a constant friend & companion............that's why his behavior is so unacceptable to me.

                    Wishing all of you a great evening!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                      feeling so happy after my party yesterday. a couple of people said ' its good to have you back'. aww... so sweet. i thought i was gonna be rubbish sober, but it seems my friends like it that way.... and so do i.
                      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                      Keep passing the open windows


                        MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                        Hey all,
                        I am happy to be back on, I have been busy with stuff around the house, a little shopping, and a lot of spring cleaning!!

                        Spuddleduck, so happy for you. I guess your real sober self is the self that people like. I was happy when I found that out about myself, too. I can see you are flying high emotionally, enjoy it.

                        Dill, I have been to tea parties, and they are fun!!! So glad you ejoyed yourself.

                        Chill, you are doing so well. Congrats on the four months.

                        Lavande, it is all playing out as it has before, but this time we are here for you. Whatever you decide to do or not do, we are here to support you.

                        Monday again. Chill, your affirmation is one I am going to use today to make it the best day I can. Joy and doing my best. I am in charge of my attitude. Have a great day all.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                          Lav.....I so feel for you. I am going through finding my husband for all our years together has been cheating with 3-4 women at the same time and I can only imagine more.
                          Bad things can happen to good people. We can give our all only to find it meant nothing to someone we love. To read the words to other women, lies and ruining every memory I thought was so special to us and our feels as if my heart is crushing in my chest. I have to work at getting my breath. And he still lies....worse than anything I can imagine. He has to think I am such a fool! No guilt at all on his part.
                          I feel dead. I am wearing his wedding ring he took off when I finally told him of all I found out. I feel he died, my life has been a lie!
                          I have no friends here or family, my being sober had no affect on him. He is a psychopath I believe. All these women hate me, never have met me. And he is everything to them. I'm fighting to keep my sanity now. He still denies what I read. Daily emails, phone calls and meetings with all these women. He denies it.


                            MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                            Grace - My heart goes out to you, this is an awful situation. If he keeps denying everything its impossible for you to have a proper discussion with him. Would he leave for a few days and give you some space? It sounds like you are being driven crazy with all this. I know its not the same as having friends right there but please know that we are all here for you and when you need to pour it out this is a great place to do it. Everything you have said speaks volumes about him and I know its hard not to take it all personally but his behaviour is a reflection of what is inside of him. The fact that you were trusting doesnt make you a fool, it shows you are a good caring person. Please stay strong, he is certainly not worth you damaging your sobriety.

                            Spud - I have only known you sober and I think you are such a great character, you have a fab sense of humour and I can imagine your friends loving your company sober... You are doing great!!

                            Im collecting my sweet Parents from the airport in 2 hours, havent seen them in 6 months so its going to be wonderful!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                              Good morning friends,

                              Raining here this Monday morning but that's OK.

                              Chill, enjoy your time with your parents! I wish I could spend a day with my Mom, she was always a great source of strength for me.

                              Grace, I so wish you could get yourself the hell out of there! You deserve better, you really do. I feel fortunate that I have both of my kids nearby to help prop me up. I truly hope you find a way out of there & move on to a sunnier future!

                              I am happy today to be meeting 3 former coworkers for lunch. We are all strong women - I always feel so much better after seeing them

                              Spud, your humor is much appreciated & needed here!!

                              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                                Happy Monday gang, holiday here and I went with my friend to our National gardens and there was a food fair on and I had lots of tastes of yummy food! There are no calories in food taken in the open air by the way
                                I hope everyone is having a good start to the week
                                love sooty

